25 Jul 2022


Managing Recruitment and Selection: The Ultimate Guide

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 1550

Pages: 7

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At an integrated urban hospital, the human resource director has been undergoing a series of challenges in hiring new employees. These challenges have forced the directors to create and implement a plan to select and hire healthcare employees. The healthcare directors should understand the challenges involved in the selection and recruitment to address these challenges and reduce the potential occurrence of errors. In any corporation or an organization, the Human Resource department plays a crucial role in ensuring sufficient staff members to fill the available positions and manage related moral, ethical, and operational aspects. 

Therefore, the human resource department is responsible for selecting and recruiting the employees fulfilling the job requirements. The recruitment process must follow the organization's ethics, which guides daily organization activities following developed organizational values (Azad et al., 2020). Ethically, selecting, and recruiting employees help choose the appropriate candidate to fit into any available position. The human resource personnel and managers analyze and determine recruitment process occurrence. Hence, HR managers decide on the appropriate method to select and recruit a competent candidate. 

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Challenges in Selecting and Recruitment 

Employees' selection and recruitment in any organization is the difficulty. During the process, various challenges might be presented. The human resource personnel must comply with the ethical and legal hiring process for a competent candidate. The HR department personnel must have a good comprehension of recruitment laws and comply with them while recruiting. During the hiring process, any form of discrimination should not occur, and the HR personnel should diversify proclamations on all posted positions. Making the posts understandable and accessible to all individuals meeting the qualifications is also a challenge in recruiting employees. 

Additionally, personal beliefs and morals can be a challenge to the recruiting process. At times, some HR personnel make selection and recruitment decisions based on their values and opinions. Instead, the HR personnel should make decisions regarding the values and the mission of the company. During the recruitment and selection, morals and beliefs can create conflict and, more so, affect the interests of the organization ( Brown et al., 2019 ). During the hiring process, operational challenges, including the failure of some training programs to meet the post available standard requirements, can be presented. To choose a competent candidate, the HR department personnel must create a list of qualified personnel to be easy for the selection process. 

External and Internal Challenges 

Organizational functions can be affected by external and internal challenges that can influence the efficiency and the overall productivity of an organization or corporation. To curb these shortcomings, the health facility must incorporate its organizational culture while selecting appropriate candidates. Outsourcing the company's hiring process ensures that competent candidates are recruited and eradicate discrimination, which is evident when internal recruiting and selection are conducted. Outsourcing companies to hire employees causes financial constraints on the facility and creates a challenge when the selected employee is incompetent and does not meet the health facility's requirements. 

Strategic Approaches 

It is crucial for an organization or a corporation to create ethical codes that enhance ethical relationships. If any unethical behavior is observed in the facility, it should be handled appropriately as per the organizations' codes. Unethical behaviors can also be reduced by encouraging the candidate to be honest and open. During the hiring process, both the organization and the candidates must be honest and upfront. At an integrated urban hospital, the HR department personnel and the applicant should uphold ethical standards. 

In the health facility, open recruitment strategy should be developed to reduce discrimination during the hiring process. An open recruitment strategy will also prevent violation of the facility's operational values and ethics. In the organization, a free and open strategy will give all individuals for all diverse communities an equal chance to apply for the post (Brown et al., 2019). If the organization wants to outsource the hiring process, it should provide the agency with policies, vision, objectives, and goals for the agency to conduct the hiring process successfully. Despite costing the healthcare facility to outsource the hiring process, it reduces some of the consequences the company might face. 

If the organization or the corporation wants to avoid incurring financial constraints, the human resource department must conduct the hiring process. The healthcare facility's human resource department must ensure that the posters are updated and stick to the facility's laws, procedures, and policies. The advertisement can be conducted through social media to ensure that the organization selects and recruit individuals from diverse communities. The available employment opportunities should not be misleading and should provide individuals with job security to avoid the emergence of trust issues. In the facility, all the employees' psychological well-being should be considered. 

All individuals in the organization should be treated fairly and equally. Any discrimination in the hiring process should be eradicated, and hiring decisions should be made concerning the candidates' information. As argued by Garrett (2018) , discrimination normally discriminates against the moral rights of an individual. In selecting the most competent candidate, the process should be determined by the organization's mission and values. 

Effectiveness and Efficiency 

Effectiveness is the measure of quality, and on the other hand, efficiency is how fast an organization or a corporation can perform some task (Centobelli et al., 2019). Effectiveness ensures that the individual selected is indeed the absolute best candidate. The information obtained from other industries can inform the selection and the recruitment process of the healthcare facility on some of the methods and processes that can work best. The policies and the guidelines utilized by different industries can assist other organizations in creating hiring process strategies. 

In evaluating their efficiency and effectiveness, the healthcare facility's HR department should utilize internal and external sources. Internal sources comprise of employees in the organization being promoted to assume the new available positions. Typically, internal sources are efficient and effective since they enhance employees' morale and reduce the risk of ethical, moral, and legal issues. Using these internal sources, the HR personnel will monitor the individual performance and determine whether they could perform the available position's functions. On the other hand, external sources provide the organization with a suitable candidate from a diverse community. Referral recruitment is an external process that allows employees in the organizations to suggest and recommend their friends and family members that can fit into the vacant position. 

In selecting the most competent individual to fill the vacant position, the HR department should utilize the most appropriate recruiting and selection method. The organization has to select the most competent candidate using an exceptional method to minimize employee turnover rates. The preliminary screening process is used by Human Resource personnel to select an appropriate candidate to fill the open job position. 

Furthermore, the Human Resource department will interview the applicants to select the most appropriate candidate to fill the position. Interviewing candidates helps the HR personnel identify if the candidate possesses some of the vacant position's qualities. The interview process is more efficient and effective than the preliminary screening process as it provides an opportunity to consider the vacant position requirements. 

Selection and Recruitment Phase 

Effective Recruitment Process Objectives 

The main objective of creating an outstanding recruitment process is to hire top-performing individuals capable of enhancing organization results. The effective recruitment process will reach many potential candidates, making it possible to acquire a high performing candidate. Recruiting candidates possessing abilities and skills is also another objective of developing an effective recruitment process. Such prevents candidates from assuming some roles they are not suitable to perform. Additionally, enhancing the overall candidate recruitment process is also an objective as it makes an organization attract diversity while conducting the hiring exercise. 

Recruitment Process 

The recruitment process requires the Human Resource department to employ strategic planning and skills to recruit a competent candidate for the available position. Therefore, the HR personnel must first be aware of the appropriate ways to recruit a candidate and consider the job description. The HR department will perform a job analysis to avoid any form of confusion during the recruitment process. Job examination will identify the kinds of tasks to be performed by individuals. After conducting the job analysis, the department will conduct a job description. A job description will outline the experience and education need, job function, skills, abilities, and knowledge required to perform the task. 

The HR department of an organization will first look for qualifications from internal candidates after completing a job analysis and description. If a candidate within the organization meets the job requirement, the HR department will encourage the candidate to apply for that job. To promote diversity in the workforce and obtain the most diverse candidates, the organization management and HR will advertise the vacant position through social media platforms. The hiring team has to utilize the appropriate recruiting method to recruit an appropriate number of candidates to interview and achieve the best results. 

Primarily, an effective selection process aims at hiring individuals with advanced skills within the timeframe of recruitment. Each selection method requires organizations to select qualified individuals with adequate skills to reduce training costs. Typically, creating an effective selection process is to employ competent individuals who will ensure that their mission and values are upheld. 

Candidate Selection 

In selecting a candidate, the organization managers first articulate the various qualifications required for the vacant position. The HR manager then creates a job description for posting recruitment. The Human Resource department will then match the qualification of each individual to the job requirement description. After conducting the vetting process, the department will proceed to the screening process where an interview will be conducted. The screening interview process is mainly conducted to narrow the field of potential candidates. 

In conducting the screening interview process, the HR department will conduct a face-to-face interview. Interviews are utilized by many organizations and corporations to screen out the remaining qualified candidates and to narrow the selection process further. Each potential candidate will be interviewed through a different firm member who will give the HR department feedback about the candidate. The best-suited candidate will be employed and undergo a series of tests as per the vacant position requirement. 


Azad, A. K., Ali, M. K., & Sahidullah, M. (2020). Elements influencing human resources fulfillment: A comparative study of the impact of interior and outside work inspiration on employment fulfillment in retail division in Malaysia. International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology-IJERAT (ISSN: 2454-6135) , 6 (2), 07-17. https://doi.org/10.31695/ijerat.2020.3594 

Brown, C., McManus, C., Davison, I., Gill, P., & Lilford, R. (2019). Using recruitment and selection to build a primary care workforce for the future.  Education for Primary Care 30 (3), 128-132.  https://doi.org/10.1080/14739879.2019.1588787 

Centobelli, P., Cerchione, R., & Esposito, E. (2019). Efficiency and effectiveness of knowledge management systems in SMEs.  Production Planning & Control 30 (9), 779-791.  https://doi.org/10.1080/09537287.2019.1582818 

Garrett, B. L. (2018). Unconstitutionally illegitimate discrimination. Virginia Law Review , 104 (8), 1471-1528. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3120413 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Managing Recruitment and Selection: The Ultimate Guide.


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