23 Dec 2022


National Infrastructure Protection Plan

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 619

Pages: 2

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The National Infrastructure Protection Plan provides a framework of the ways the private sector and the government can work together in critical infrastructure community to handle risks and attain resilience and security outcomes. The well-being of the nation depends on critical infrastructure that is resilient and secure (Alcaraz & Zeadally, 2015). Executive orders refers to a tool that is used to exercise presidential authority. They have been used to support the public policy initiatives and promulgate laws on various aspects of the country. 

National Infrastructure Protection Plan 

NIPP offers a foundation for a collaborative and an integrated approach to accomplish the desired vision. The nation’s standard of living and national security rely upon the steadfast functioning of our critical infrastructure. Examples of critical infrastructure include water, banking, energy, public health and safety, food, and transportation. Destruction of these critical infrastructures can have adverse impact on public health and safety, the national economy, and security. The risks we experience as a nation are very complex and that is why the NIPP provides a foundation for framework for partnerships between the government and the private sector that would help to address the risks and create a more secure, resilient, and safer America ((Alcaraz & Zeadally, 2015). 

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The government has worked together with the private sector participants to manage risks and achieve security on various incidents. An example include the ANSI partnered with the Internet Security Alliance (ISA) and others to address the 2012 incident of breach of Protected Health Information. Together, they were able to promote security to safeguard protected health information. They assessed the specific security risks and identified the appropriate level of investments to improve privacy and security programs. Additionally, they address the most common vulnerabilities and threats to the security of PHI and controls what the organization can use to alleviate the risk of a breach ( Payton & Claypoole, 2014).  

Executive Orders 

A recent example of how an executive order affected National/Homeland security include President Obama directive of tightening gun control. He expanded background checks for gun shows and online sellers and required them to be licensed. These orders were made solely from the White House without including the Congress. President Obama felt the urgency to address the issue because it had gotten out of hand and people are dying. The urgency for gun reforms were triggered by triggered by mass shooting victims and relatives in the East Room. He stated that it is saddening for the right to liberty, life, and the pursuit of happiness to be taken away from the high school kids at Columbine and college students from Santa Barbara and Blacksburg. Their lives were cut short by the bullet from a gun. Although the gun reforms was met with a lot of resistance, it helped to minimize cases of criminal behavior in the nation by preventing illegal use of a gun by children and thieves. The opponents to the reform argued that president Obama had breached the second amendment of the American constitution. This example needed an Executive order because the Congress was inactive in addressing the matter and yet it was a call of urgency. The President needed to act fast to control the issue because it was affecting the Homeland security. Therefore, despite the arguments against the reforms, the gun reform directive helped to generate a safe and resilient environment for all Americans thereby improving the national security. 


The National Infrastructure Protection Plan plays a significant role in addressing the risks affecting the nation by providing a framework for collaboration and partnerships between the government and the private sectors. Working together allows achievement of desired goals of establishing a safe and more resilient America. Additionally, executive orders can be provided at the times of urgency in order to protect the national/homeland security ( Roberts, Smith & Jacobs, 2016) . Therefore, both the executive orders and the NIPP are important in ensuring and promoting national/homeland security. 


Alcaraz, C., & Zeadally, S. (2015). Critical infrastructure protection: Requirements and challenges for the 21st century.  International journal of critical infrastructure protection 8 , 53-66. 

Payton, T., & Claypoole, T. (2014).  Privacy in the age of Big data: Recognizing threats, defending your rights, and protecting your family . Rowman & Littlefield. 

Roberts, D., Smith, D., & Jacobs, B. (2016, January). The US Gun Control. Tearful Obama tightens gun control and tells inactive Congress: 'We can't wait'. The Guardian. Retrieved from: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jan/05/obama-gun-control-executive-action-background-checks-licenses-gun-shows-mental-health-funding

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). National Infrastructure Protection Plan.


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