13 May 2022


New Age Donor Solicitation

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 291

Pages: 1

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The best donor solicitation strategy that works best for my school team is discount cards. During hard economic times, school teams require more funding more than ever. With everyone keen on how they spend their money, discount cards are the proper strategy that can be used to solicit funds by the school team. Discount cards allow a school team to offer relevant products to friends, supporters, and family. They will be able to save money for an entire year at the local business within the area. 

Instead of buying products and services they do not require, buyers can help the team raise money by purchasing discount cards for use in local businesses such as restaurants. It is an excellent way for businesses such as stores and restaurants to support local sports teams and also for community members to support local businesses (Weinstein, 2013). This funding strategy is beneficial for everyone within the community. The team will benefit from funds raised, while supporters will be able to save money. Local business will benefit from increased business. Team members can sell the cards at supermarkets, local events, and during farm markets. This technique is suitable for groups with more than 30 members, which makes it appropriate for schools teams. 

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Lastly, other types of fundraisers such as dinners and breakfasts are labor intensive, costly and time-consuming. It may not raise enough money to support the needs of a school team such as uniforms and travel expenses. Direct donations is another strategy, but with the current economic pressures, few people will be willing to donate significant amounts. It will also entail direct solicitation by the team members, which requires supervision. Furthermore, this strategy does not boost the community because it benefits only one side. Product sales is another strategy, but people may not buy things they do not need and may not raise enough money for the team's needs (Kelley, 2012).


Kelley, D.J. (2012). Sports Fundraising: Dynamic Methods for Schools, Universities, and Youth Sports Organizations. New York: Routledge.

Weinstein, S. (2013). The complete guide to fundraising management . Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). New Age Donor Solicitation.


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