14 Jun 2022


Observation of a Frustrated Teenager

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Academic level: College

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Frustration refers to a state of being upset and lacking the ability to handle the situation and to do anything to change. From a psychological perspective, frustrations tend to be an emotional response to the opposition, which is related to annoyance and disappointments (Lundquist & Gurung, 2019). In teenagers, frustrations tend to result from a wide range of factors that cause uncertainties thus leading to annoyance. Considering that teenagers are persons aged between 13 to 19 years, it is important to note that they do not have adequate ability to deal with a wide range of emotional challenges that cause emotional distress thus resulting in frustrations. González-Hernández et al. (2019) maintain that a teenager is within an age bracket where are is a transition between childhood and adulthood, which is a stage characterized by numerous emotional and physical changes that teenagers go through, which play a significant role in the creating the frustrations. The frustrations in teenagers may impact on their ability to reason and change different situations.

When observing a frustrated teenager, it is necessary to focus on key factors such as the nature and cause of disappointments. Considering the vulnerability of teenagers on the issue concerning the frustrations, it necessary to engage in an extensive study of behavioral and psychological aspects that may result in the development of different forms of frustrations in a teenager. Firstly, it is important to understand the issue of social isolation in childhood and determine the relationship and impact of the issue resulting in annoyance in the life of a teenager. Secondly, it necessary to focus on the analysis of social information issues in the lives of teenagers. The process of observing a frustrated teenager requires one to have adequate information that helps in the provision of adequate techniques to deal with any form of depressive symptom among the teenagers (Grey Chávez & Claro Toledo, 2018). An analysis of different studies and researchers helps in the provision of information that helps to provide solutions regarding the issue of disappointment among teenagers.

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Literature Review 

Abstract 1: (Molleman, Kanngiesser & van den Bos, 2019) 

Social learning strategies are key for making adaptive decisions, but their ontogeny remains poorly understood. We investigate how social information use depends on its source (adults vs. peer), and how it is shaped by household composition (extended vs. nuclear), a factor known to modulate social development. Using a simple estimation task, we show that social information strongly impacts the behavior of adolescents aged 11 to 15 years (N = 256), especially when its source is an adult. However, social information use does not depend on household composition: the relative impact of adults and peers was similar in adolescents from both household types. Furthermore, adolescents were found to directly copy others’ estimates surprisingly frequently. This study provides novel insights into adolescents’ social information use and contributes to understanding the ontogeny of social learning strategies.


The research focused on examining social learning strategies that play a role in impacting the lives of people within a household structure. The information on the social learning strategy is applicable during the observation of a teenager to understand the key factors that affect their behavior thus resulting in annoyance and frustrations. The information is necessary and relevant as it incorporates various aspects that may be applicable when observing the teenager’s behavior when surviving the quarantine period.

Abstract 2: (Lundquist & Gurung, 2019) 

People with depression experience stigma more than their nondepressed counterparts. Two studies focused on how symptom severity of depression affects stigmatization, operationalized as how people socially distance themselves from depressed individuals. In Study 1, college students and older adults (N = 316) read vignettes of depressed individuals and rated how socially close they would like to be with that person. Vignettes ranged in depressive symptom severity. Using a repeated-measures Within-subjects design, we found that vignettes with a higher number of depressive symptoms correlated with greater social distancing, F(2, 314) = 6.14, p = .002, η ² = .020. This finding was consistent for both college students and older adults. Participants higher in depression were also more likely to socially distance themselves from other depressed individuals with many symptoms. In Study 2 (N = 110), we increased participant knowledge of depression to reduce social distancing with a video intervention. The control group and the intervention group showed similar stigmatizing behavior. Future research should test for other mechanisms to reduce social distancing acknowledging the role of participants' mental health.


The study examined the relationship between depression and the development of disappointments concerning the social distancing process. The process of social distancing requires an individual to refrain from any form of social gathering thus remaining in isolation during most times. The information is reliable and helpful in the research study as it enhances the process of making observations concerning the behavior of the teenager.

Abstract 3: (Lacey, Kumari, & Bartley, 2014) 

Social isolation is known to be associated with poorer health amongst adults, including coronary heart disease. It is hypothesized that this association may be mediated by inflammation. There has been little prospective research on the long-term impact of social isolation in childhood on adult health or the pathways which might be involved. This study aimed to investigate whether social isolation in childhood is associated with increased adult inflammation and the mechanisms involved across the life course.


The objective of the research entails focusing on the issue of social isolation in childhood and its impact on people. The author concluded that social isolation is an aspect that is associated with poorer health among adults. The researcher aimed at examining whether social isolation among children is a factor that results from increased adult inflammation. Considering the methodologies implemented within the study, it is possible to determine factors that contribute to teenager frustrations. The information may assist in making the necessary observation of a frustrated teenager to help in understanding key aspects such as behavioral and emotional factors that contribute to the frustrations.

Abstract 4: (González-Hernández, Gómez-López, Pérez-Turpin, Muñoz-Villena, & Andreu-Cabrera, 2019). 

In the context of physical activity and sport, perfectionism and the regular practice of physical activity are related to psychological well-being and the regulation of psychological resources necessary for adaptation to effort and satisfaction. At the same time, the most active students are also those who show greater appetites for physical education classes. The goal of this work was to identify the influence of perfectionist beliefs and the regularity of the practice of physical exercise on psychological well-being. The participants were adolescents ( = 436) aged between 14 and 19 years (M = 16.80, SD = .77). They were administered the Multidimensional Perfection Scale, the Psychological Wellbeing Scale, the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQv2), and a sociodemographic questionnaire. The results showed, under a non-random and transversal design, that the participants gave important value to physical exercise because they feel both active and vigorous. Regarding perfectionism, the functional aspects of perfectionism (expectations of achievement and organization) correlated positively, while the dysfunctional aspects (fear of committing errors and external expectations) did so negatively with the importance given to physical exercise performed by adolescents; this in turn positively predicted psychological well-being. In this way, the hypothesized model contemplated the relevance of the included variables and reflected the mediation of the degree of importance given to the practice of physical exercise on perfectionist beliefs and psychological well-being. Currently, most physical activity practice proposals for adolescents focus on federated and structured environments for competition, and those that deal with recreational and health-oriented sports are far less common. Hence, "the perfect way of doing sports" for a teenager should be accompanied by cognitive schemes aimed at strengthening psychological resources that allow the regulation of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors.


The author engaged in extensive research to determine the role of physical exercise in the psychological wellbeing of adolescents. The researcher capitalized on the implementation of a wide range of techniques that helped to make a proper analysis of how depression occurs in the lives of people, which is a factor that relates to the issue of lack of engagement in physical exercise. The information provided maintained that active teenagers tend to the ability to deal with psychological issues, which helps to strengthen their behavior and attitudes towards life in general. The research makes a proper contribution to the study involving the process of observing a frustrated teenager as it provides information that helps to understand the behavior and impact of frustrations in the day to day life.

Abstract 5: (Grey Chávez & Claro Toledo, 2018). 

A descriptive transversal quantitative-qualitative study was carried out to do a psychological characterization of teenagers with suicidal ideation. They were treated in the psychology consultation of the Joaquin de Aguero Mental Health Community Center from the Pirre, Finlay and North policlinics health area in Camaguey province from January to December 2016. Therefore, this paper is aimed at showing the main results of the research process which is referred to. Sixteen teenagers were selected as population. A pure intentional (non-probabilistic) sampling with inclusion and exclusion criteria was used and the final sample was 13 teenagers. Different methods were used: theoretical (analytic-synthetic, historical logical, inductive-deductive), empirical (observation, interview, documents analysis (a clinical record)), Family functioning test ((FF-SIL), Idaren, Ideren, Coopersmith Self esteem) and statistical methods. It prevailed an age bracket between 13 and 15-year old high school single teens. It prevailed in nuclear single-parent and rejoined families. The short time parents share with children as well as poor communication and the conflicts between them are family functioning risk factors. Self-esteem levels were low, with affection deprivation, loneliness feelings, lack of support and little tolerance towards frustrations. High anxiety levels such as state and trait were confirmed, as well as high state and low trait. The effective triad was found to be damaged (losses, failures, and frustrations).


The research focused on studying teenagers with suicidal ideation, which is an aspect that is enhanced through psychological characterization. The researcher gathered information that is important in the process of examining factors that contribute to depression and frustrations among teenagers thus leading to suicidal ideation. The information is necessary for learning ways of handling people with different psychological characterization, which results in different forms of frustrations. During the study, the researcher discovered that parents that share minimal time with their children and those that have poor communication tend to create frustrations among the children, an aspect that results in suicidal ideation.

Research Question 

The research question, in this case, are:

What are the main aspects needed to be considered when observing a frustrated teenager?

How can teenagers be helped to overcome different kinds of frustrations?

Subject and Setting 

Considering the nature of the study, the main subject is a 14-year-old male teenager. The study of frustrations among teenagers is important as it helps to understand why most teenagers fall into depression and suicidal ideation. In that case, the selection of an appropriate subject is crucial to ensure effectiveness in the study process. The study required the selection of a teenager who is between the age of 12 to 19. The 14-year old selected is, therefore, a suitable subject of the study as he is within teenagerhood thus may help in enhancing the information obtained concerning the kinds of disappointment that are faced by teenagers at different points in their lives. Additionally, the selection of the subject is based on the idea that the teenage boy had previous experiences that resulted in frustrations thus meaning that he is prone to annoyance when exposed to different kinds of situations.

The setting of the study is Hyattsville, Maryland, which is an area that is located on the outskirts of Washington DC. The main factor that led to the selection of the given setting is based on the ideology that it is my home areas thus meaning that I am conversant with most activities and operations are undertaken within the area. In that case, it is possible to engage in the observation process effectively without fear of interruptions from external factors and uncertainties. In research, the selection of a study setting is an important factor that helps in defining the success of the study. To make good observations, I considered that an area that is located away from the main cities was important considering factors such as population, which is an aspect that may impact on the process of making observations for a given study.

Observational Methodology 

The main study method implemented for this research is the observation, which focuses on making a physical observation on the teenage boy to analyze behavioral and emotional aspects. Engaging in a study on any psychological issue requires the implementation of an effective methodology that helps to promote efficiency in the process of obtaining relevant information. In this study, the main objective entails making observations regarding factors that contribute to frustrations among teenagers and draw conclusions based on the measures that may be implemented to deal with the social and behavioral aspects that may result in depressive symptoms. Another key objective involved the ability to determine whether the teenager could survive non-social behavior during the quarantine process of the COVID-19. Lastly, the study focused on examining whether the non-social behavior associated with the quarantine process could lead to major disappointments in the teenager’s life.

The observation process was scheduled to take place within three days, which was adequate time to observe the required aspects of consideration. Having adequate time in a study is important as it enables the researcher to make necessary conclusions based on the findings obtained from the study. Additionally, it is possible to obtain reliable information reflects the nature of methods implemented during the study process. On the first day, I made an observation for approximately 2 hours during the morning hours. During this time, the teenager engaged in activities that involved the completion of classwork from his History and Science classes. Although the teenager completed the classwork from his bedroom and with the television on, I noted that he had high levels of concentration as he engaged the teachers and classmates with a question regarding the classes. At the end of the history class, the students were asked to perform individual ted talk, which was the basis for annoyance.

In my observation, I noted that the teenage boy got upset when he tried to search for information that he could not find on the internet this resulting in major frustrations as he could engage in effective completion of the assigned task. To overcome the issue of frustrations, he took a short 15 min break to resume on his search. On the second day, I observed the teenager for a maximum of 1 hour in the afternoon in the dining room area of the home. Observation during this time was necessary as he engaged in the brainstorming activity to help in the completion of his assignments. During the observation, he focused on noting the concepts in a notebook, which was a strategy that helped to ensure that he did not miss important points. However, he became more flustered considering that I was not able to assist him to find relevant information that would be used to complete the ted talk. On the third day, I observed the teenager for one hour from 12:00 pm-1:00 pm. During this time was preparing for his presentation by focusing on ensuring that he addressed all the relevant points. The main aspect noted was that he was not confident and that he felt so many frustrations as he was not able to get desired information and helps as he was only confined at home.

Results and Conclusions 

The main aspect of focus during the observation was the behavioral and social changes. The analysis of the behavior helps in ensuring that I make a proper analysis regarding the changes that occurred during the quarantine period and determine the contribution of the behavioral changes to the development of disappointment to make him frustrated. Considering that the observation process involved an analysis of behavior, the teenager did not know that he was being observed. Having the information about the observation would have affected his normal behavior thus resulting in an unreliable study, which does not have the correct information.

The most important finding noted during the observation was the fact that the young teenager faced difficulty finding the appropriate words and emotions for him to express what he had learned. The finding, in this case, portrayed the level of frustration that was faced by the teenager. It is important to note that the frustrations impacted his mental and physical reactions considering that he was not able to obtain the required help. The fact that the observation took place during the COVID-19 quarantine, lack of engagement in social interactions played a vital role. I noted that the young teenager had missed being social with his school friends and engaging in discussions regarding difficult assignments given by his tutors. Additionally, he also missed going out of the house to spend time with his friends, he, however, increased his chores in the home and exercising more.

Molleman, Kanngiesser & van den Bos (2019) maintain that children rely on social information and prefer to learn from adults over peers, however, when children become teenagers receiving advice from adults decreases. From the observations made, the main conclusion that is made entails the fact that the teenage body experienced frustrations, which resulted from the non-social behaviors. In that case, it is important to note that lack of engagement in social behaviors among teenagers results in the development of different forms of frustrations considering that teenagers tend to be hyperactive people that like to engage in social interactions. Social distancing among teenagers plays a major role in the development of depressive symptoms and moods that affect the social, behavioral, and emotional wellbeing of teenagers (Lacey, Kumari, & Bartley, 2014). Additionally, lack of physical exercise and engagement was discovered as a key aspect that impacts on the ability of the teenagers to remain active and overcome issues of frustrations in their lives.

The conclusions indicate that teenagers are vulnerable to frustration as they are unable to express their concerns in different situations thus resulting in the development of behavioral and psychological issues. In that, it important to focus on understanding the behavior of the teenagers to note the social issues that can result in annoyance thus leading to a situation where they are frustrated with everyone. Another significant aspect of consideration was that teenagers experience challenges when trying to adapt to new routines that are forcefully enforced to them or those that they do not have control over. The fact that the quarantine moment was mandatory due to the issues of COVID-19, the teenager had to adopt new behaviors to help him cope with the challenges of the new routines. As a result, the teenager experienced frustrating moments as he could not engage in activities such as meeting up with friends, which was one of his favorite routines.


González-Hernández, J., Gómez-López, M., Pérez-Turpin, J. A., Muñoz-Villena, A. J., & Andreu-Cabrera, E. (2019). Perfectly Active Teenagers. When Does Physical Exercise Help Psychological Well-Being in Adolescents?.  International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (22), 4525.

Grey Chávez, Y., & Claro Toledo, Y. (2018). Teenagers with suicidal ideation in Camaguey.  Humanidades Médicas 18 (2), 273-290.

Lacey, R. E., Kumari, M., & Bartley, M. (2014). Social isolation in childhood and adult inflammation: Evidence from the National Child Development Study.  Psychoneuroendocrinology 50 , 85-94.

Lundquist, A., & Gurung, R. A. (2019). Social Distancing Individuals With Depression: The Impact of Symptom Severity.  Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research 24 (3), 159-165.

Molleman, L., Kanngiesser, P., & van den Bos, W. (2019). Social information use in adolescents: The impact of adults, peers and household composition.  PloS one 14 (11), 1-19.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Observation of a Frustrated Teenager.


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