4 Jul 2022


Organizational Development and Change

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 503

Pages: 2

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The ways in which people organize their thoughts and perceive the environment around them impacts their decisions and actions. An individual’s attitudes and perceptions are influenced by their thoughts, feelings and preferences. Subjectivity mainly arises due to a person’s personal experience with specific events or people which may have a positive of negative impact in their lives. For instance, within an organization where the leader is ineffective in their role, and an employee concludes that every leader that fits the general description of their current leader is a non-performer and ineffective, has subjective thoughts. Subjective thoughts may cause a person to be judgmental and make poor decisions because of the preconceived thoughts that they have of a person or an experience. On the other hand, subjectivity may influence a person to make the right decisions based on past experiences and interactions. For instance, a leader can use the character traits exhibited buy their subordinate staff to profile them. In this case the leader is influenced by the experiences that they have had while interacting with individuals that exhibit similar characters. 

A person’s thoughts and perceptions about others or an experience limit their understanding of new situations, experiences of people. Subjective thoughts deprive an individual of the chance to explore new opportunities or discover new things about themselves and others. In addition to this, it limits one’s ability to make effective decisions and lead. When one has subjective thoughts, their ideas are constrained and limited to what they know, experienced or interacted with. This is because one lacks the ability to be creative or adventurous. 

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Reframing one’s thoughts or perspectives contributes to making them effective leaders that can manage their skills and lead their followers without making biased decisions. Thus, to be a great leader it is important to reframe their thoughts. A leader is recognized as an architect since their followers look up to them to make the right decision in every situation. Thus, structural leadership enables a leader to ensure that their followers understand their role within an organization, the objectives and leadership of an organization. 

In human resource a leader is considered as a mentor to their followers. Thus, their role is primarily to inspire and motivate the employees within an organization. Reframing enables a leader to evaluate an incident or an employee’s performance from a different perspective, which is not influenced by personal experiences, emotions or feelings. Furthermore, leaders that have succeeded in managing their human resource through hiring the right people, motivating employee, promoting diversity and empowering them by increasing their skills; have contributed to building successful companies that have satisfied employees. 

A leadership position is one that equips an individual with power in different dimensions. Leaders are considered as peacemakers who connect organizations with their employees and the society. Thus, a leader is expected to build power relationships through their network to complement their role. Thus political leadership is important as it helps a leader in identifying strategic ways that can help their organization to stay ahead of its competitors. 

Leadership roles are symbolic; thus, leaders represent their beliefs, thoughts and objectives of an organization. Symbolic leadership reflects the ability of a leader to use their beliefs, faith and passion to influence others and create stability. In an organization, symbolic leadership is a representation of the shared values, motto, organizational history and culture – which a leader uses to unite the employees. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Organizational Development and Change.


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