A Pareto diagram is a way of analysing the sources of problems. This is a useful tool that can be used to analyse time management in the life of an individual that is always busy but unproductive. The tool applies to my friend Penny who works two jobs and is a part time graduate student. She always misses deadlines and is often late for appointments. The issue to be addressed in such a situation is time wasting. This technique can be used to identify the highest contributing factor that consumes time without any measurable contribution to productivity. The Pareto analysis is also useful in laying out a useful time management tool that can be used as a guideline for behavioural change.
The most important function of a Pareto tool is that it prioritizes problems according to importance. It separates the vital things from the trivial issues that could be a source of trouble. The ineffective time manager may have identified the following time wasting factors. Social media, Internet, grooming, commuting and procrastinating. This activities contributed to about six hours of time wasting during a typical 16 hour day of activity. The Pareto diagram can be used to prioritize this activities and identify what is vital and what can be eliminated. It factors in the frequency of the problem and its importance.
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The grooming and commuting time wasters are vital because they both contribute to productivity. However, social media is not necessarily beneficial because it does not boost the output. The individual could change his commuting method from driving to public transport in order to use this time to indulge in social media activities. This was, the office time spent on this is put into better use. Internet misuse through unnecessary emails could also be reduced. On a Pareto diagram, the items will be graded as social media, commuting, procrastinating, Internet then grooming. This helps one in identifying the top time wasters and eliminating them.