30 Aug 2022


Our Family Code of Ethics: How We Live and Love Together

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 1184

Pages: 4

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The family is the basic unit of the society or any given community. Therefore, according to the United Nations declaration made in 1948 without dissent, it is clear that family form the instrumental unit of the society and therefore the families need to be protected by the state and the society (Hall, 2016). Drawing illustrations from biology, the families are the cells and the society is the organism. Therefore, without the families, the society dies. Family forms the first educational center that an individual goes through before they are exposed to the society. Therefore, to come up with the society that is ethical in all spheres of life, an ethics oriented family is necessary ("Code of Ethics", 2015, p. 138). The application of a suitable code of conduct provides a proper ethical framework for families to help in day to day lives.

Guiding Principles 

A good family requires fundamental principles to guide their operations. The following universally accepted principles will be crucial in the running of this family:

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Love: The key reason for having a family is love. Love is at the heart of every family and it is love that brought up the family. Love is seen in actions and is patient with mistakes and the shortcomings. Love is real and every family member is expected to show love as much as they can.

Receiving and Giving: The family expects every member that receives to give. Giving is an act of service and promotes unselfishness in the family. The family members should give unselfishly and receive with thankfulness when such an opportunity comes.

The Core Purpose: The family aims to give back to the community. The family should strive to live for this purpose in all the ways possible. No member of the family should strive to live selfishly and serve others rather than being served. This will scare away disharmony and create unity desired to achieve this purpose.

Actions, Words, and Thoughts: Every member of the family is expected to be considerate and mindful of what they say to one another. Nobody should speak disrespectful words to their colleagues or to any stranger.

Talents and Potentials for Growth: Every member of the family should identify the gifts that they possess and use them as the potential for future development. All members of the family should acknowledge that we not only live for today but for the future too.

Purpose of the Code of Ethics 

The purpose of this code of ethics is to ensure that the individual operation and the conduct of each member of the family are in tandem with the general purpose, giving back to the community as a way of service. The other purpose is to foster discipline in terms of conduct in each member of the family. When every family member goes through this code of ethics, they should remember that they live for a purpose that should be fulfilled collectively and that nobody should live a reckless and careless life (Alexandria, 2018, p. 26). The other crucial purpose of this code is to help the family reflect a good image to the community and the society around it. This will help the family to acquire the professional conduct that is required in the job market. It is a way of preparing the family for the future careers. This code will also help to state the disciplinary action that will be taken for the family members that break the code.

Core Values 

Commitment: The family will aim to work as a team. The slogan to remind the family to be committed will be, “We are in this together.” The individuals will be committed to one another at all times to ensure unity in the family.

Stability: The family members especially the leaders will be expected to follow the daily routines to foster stability in the family. Meals will be taken at regular times, members will be expected to sleep at regular hours and do the academic activities at regular moments unless otherwise.

Respect: The members of the family shall display regard and personal care towards one another. The young shall respect the elderly and the elderly shall also respect the young. The family heads shall respect one another even when at variance.

Appreciation: Everyone shall value and recognize the contribution of each family member’s contribution towards the wellbeing of the family. Members should be quick to say “Thank you” for others’ efforts.

Conflict Resolution: The family will adopt a respectable and adopt a decent way of resolving conflicts. All members will be required to adopt the non-confrontational ways of resolving disagreements.

Education and Training 

I will train the leaders and guardians on the need for this code and help families adopt it. It will be the role of the heads of families to instill these ethics into the daily characters of the members from a tender age. The older members will teach the younger ones. The junior members and the family members shall respectfully correct their elders whenever they deviate from the code. The constantly defiant shall face the disciplinary actions after they refuse to listen to counsel. The members will also take it upon themselves to educate people around them on having good conduct.

Definitions and who it covers 

The disciplinary actions will be defined as any action taken against the intentional breaking of the code of conduct. The success of the family shall be defined by the ability to achieve its main purpose. This code of ethics will cover the family that involves the leaders and the young. The extended family shall not be covered unless it is the need of the family to provide family life training to people around them.

Mission Statement 

The mission for our family is to enhance honesty with ourselves and those around us, provide an environment that is suitable for fulfilling our purpose in life and encourage one another to achieve the individual and the collective goals. We respect, appreciate and accept the uniqueness of every family member.


The individuals that have shown interest in the need for the code of ethics and unity in the family are the heads of the family. Their roles in this code of ethics will be instrumental as they would be the first teachers to help with the implementation in the families.

The thought process and the strategies behind the formulation of this code are based on the goals that most families have. The ethics were tailored to meet the individual purposes and the expectations of the family. This code would, therefore, act to facilitate the achievement of the purposes of the family.

This code will be communicated to the leaders of the departments and families first. Educating the families will be among the initial steps of implementation ("Code of Ethics", 2018, p. 293). This shall be tried in the key departments first then later to the other departments when it has been tried. The mission and the code will be pinned on the notice board and defiant members will be disciplined as a way of implementing the code.

To monitor ethical decision making, I will ensure that all the stakeholders are involved and the minutes for the meetings to make important decisions are recorded carefully. I will go through the minutes and randomly attend the meetings to ensure the ethical code is followed.

Code of ethics is still crucial in decision making despite the presence of laws that govern the organizations (Fowler, 2017, p.37). The code of ethics is tailored to meet the ethical standards of an individual organization to facilitate the running of the activities.


Alexandria, V. (2018). International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors Ethics Code. The Family Journal , 26 (1), 5-10. doi: 10.1177/1066480718756607

Code of Ethics. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.aamft.org/AAMFT/Legal_Ethics/code_of_ethics.aspx 

Fowler, M. (2017). Faith and Ethics, Covenant and Code: The 2015 Revision of the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements. Journal Of Christian Nursing , 34 (4), 216-224. doi: 10.1097/cnj.0000000000000419

Hall, H. (2016). Code of Ethics of the Family (2010) | Ethics Codes Collection. Retrieved from http://ethics.iit.edu/ecodes/node/6459

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Our Family Code of Ethics: How We Live and Love Together .


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