27 May 2022


Peer Critique of Case Application Paper

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 1221

Pages: 4

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Vignette Presentation 

The vignette presentation is clear and accurately raises the dilemma of breach of confidentiality on the part of the counsellor and against the minor by having to tell the parents of other children about the outcry by John. The issue of the presentation being succinct however can be brought to question since in the vignette, the dilemma presented is among the minor one. Other more grave issues such as protection of the minor in question and the issue of who the ad litem is in the case or even whether John’s mother is culpable for abuse seem to take precedence in the vignette above the fundamental dilemma focused on in the rest of the paper. 

The research review is clearly written with all the necessary particulars incorporated and particularized. The initial part of the research entails seeking to understand what the dilemma is. It begins by defining the dilemma based on facts followed by the applicable laws, rules and roles. The research then delves into the process that the counsellor ought to follow under ACA rules, the legal provision and finally the ethical implications involved in the initial part of the dilemma involving having to divulge information to the parents of the other children (ACA, 2016; David, 2016). 

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The article also delves into the ethical implication of breach of confidentiality which would ensue when information shared by John within the group was availed to people outside the group to wit parents of the other children. Within this part however, ideas seem to merge creating difficulty regarding which ethical provision covers which side of the dilemma. The application of the P3 Model and its steps towards solving the dilemma is clearly put and outlined, bringing to fore the reason why this model was picked and how it works (Hall et al, 2016) . The processes are followed properly leading to how an ethical decision in the matter would be arrived at. 

The argument is both relevant and well presented. It regards the parents of the other children who were present, heard and saw John simulating sexual assault. The incident affects the children and must be reported but reporting amounts to breach of confidentiality. Extenuating factors for counselor are however missing in the paper. The first is that confidentiality in group therapy is not an absolute and not even as well-founded as confidentiality in individual therapy (Hilton, Brant & Vess, 2016; Newman, 2016). John was only put in group therapy as a last result when individual therapy failed and getting informed consent was difficult due to his being in the system. 

There are no secondary examples used on the research paper apart from the storyline in the vignette. This storyline is however well used and closely intertwined with the research paper from the beginning to the very end. Indeed, it is cited in the conclusion part of the paper. The continued citation of the storyline in the vignette amounts to making good use of examples. 

The conclusion is concise and accurate. It indicates the problem and how it came about, the dilemma involved and also the possible solution to the aforesaid dilemma. The conclusion also delves into the use of the P3 Model complete with a concise version of the particulars of model and their relevance to the case. Indeed every important aspect of the paper is covered by the conclusion.;; 

Therapist diversity factors ensue when the cultural attributes of the client differ from that of the therapist (Hall et al, 2016). This could emanate from issues such as spirituality, morality or sexual affiliation. The instant case study however does not incorporate a scenario where the cultures of the therapist or the client come into play thus diversity factors were not applied in any part of the decision-making. 

Part II: Peer 6 

Vignette Presentation 

The vignette accurately depicts a scenario where the seeming success of the initial part of therapy jeopardizes the entire process all together. The therapist has made major headway and caused the client to divulge personal secrets about his sexual affiliation never divulged to anyone before. Being post-divorce therapy the confession is by the client is critical to the entire process as the homosexual inclinations could have been responsible for the divorce. However, the confession creates ethical issues of competence and cultural diversity with the counsellor thus raising the question of competence. This is a well outlined and concise vignette. 

The research begins with picking a tool to analyze the dilemma and seek for a solution. It then follows the tool selected and how it would be applied step by step. This is followed by correct an analysis of the legal and ethical implications of any decision made (ACA, 2016). The research therefore flows from step to step and is well written and coordinated. Two main issues are canvassed in the research. These are the issue of competence by a therapist and what to do when it arises and also the issue of cultural diversity. In the vignette, these issues arise contemporaneously and are also handled as such in the research. The research of whether or not the client needs to now that the therapist is conflicted due cultural issues thus make informed consent about it should however have been included (Lasser & Gottlieb, 2016). 

The argument given is very relevant to the predicament. The therapist has two options, the first being to pass on the client to another therapist or continue with the therapy in spite of the predicament creating the dilemma. Both options of the decision are well outlined with focus being given to the client. The secondary option of developing competence and avoiding bias is also given providing a viable solution. The main reason for the dilemma is that it has emanated when the therapist was on the right path in helping the client having invested over 30 sessions into establishing trust which time would be wasted if the client is referred to another therapist. 

The paper uses the vignette and the personality of the therapist to create a practical perspective of the issues being discussed as well as establishing an emotional connection between the auditor and the characters involved. Many of the parts about the therapist are in first person with the client being referred to by name even outside the vignette. This creates a feeling of reality and personalizes the problem helping the auditor relate with the issue in question. 

The conclusion of the paper takes the shape of a solution for the dilemma facing the therapist. It indicates the twin problems of cultural diversity and also competence will be handled. The cultural diversity problem will be handled through seeking to limit the influence of personal values and personal feelings in the therapy sessions. The therapist will seek to remain professional in handling the client. The competency issue will be handled through study as allowed under ACA rules. This conclusion allows the therapist to continue seeing the client. 

The diversity issue involved in the case is both a religious and a moral one. The therapist is a mainstream Christian raised to uphold the notion that homosexuality is sinful and immoral. This has created a limitation for only heterosexual clients which the instant client seemed to be at the beginning. However, the client has confessed that he may be homosexual, which is seemingly repulsive to the therapist. The therapist elects to confirm the diversity issue and overcome personal feelings in favor of assisting the client. For the purposes of the rest of the therapy sessions, the therapist will ignore personal values and perspectives so as to identify with the client effectively (Hall et al, 2016). 


ACA. (2016). ACA Code of Ethics. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association; 2014 

David, N. (2016). Classrooms and Counsellor Ethics: A Daily Balancing Act. In  Ethical Issues in Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice  (pp. 73-86). Springer Singapore. 

Hall, G. C. N., Ibaraki, A. Y., Huang, E. R., Marti, C. N., & Stice, E. (2016). A meta-analysis of cultural adaptations of psychological interventions.  Behavior Therapy 47 (6), 993-1014. 

Hilton, T. M. L., Brant, J., & Vess, L. (2016). CAREER COUNSELING GROUP SUPERVISION: A New Approach in Master's Level Counseling Programs.  Career Planning and Adult Development Journal 32 (1), 141. 

Lasser, J., & Gottlieb, M. C. (2016). Facilitating Informed Consent: A Multicultural Perspective.  Ethics & Behavior , 1-12. 

Newman, T. E. (2016). 48 Group Therapy for Therapists.  101 Interventions in Group Therapy , 163. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Peer Critique of Case Application Paper.


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