14 Jun 2022


Personal Motivators Based on Theories of Motivation

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Personal Reflection

Words: 362

Pages: 1

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As they pursue their visions and aspirations, different individuals are driven by different needs. For some, the need to find recognition and respect is the main source of energy and motivation. Others are inspired by monetary incentives. There are various theories of motivation that allow one to understand the forces that fuel individuals. The Maslow hierarchy of needs and Herzberg’s two factor theory are some of these theories. After reflecting on my own experiences, I have determined that the two theories best capture my struggles and efforts.

At its core, the Maslow hierarchy of needs ranks the different desires that individuals hold. Psychological fulfilment, safety, love and belonging, esteem and self-actualization are the main goals that all individuals strive to accomplish (Lee & Hanna, 2015). On the other hand, Herzberg’s two factor theory posits that there are two sets of factors that inspire individuals. These factors are motivators and hygiene factors. Achievement, advancement, growth and responsibility are some of the motivators (Griffin, 2007). The hygiene factors include relationships and the nature of work that an individual performs.

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As noted earlier, i have observed parallels between my own experiences and the two theories discussed above. Currently, I am attending classes that I hope will expand my knowledge base and expose me to new experiences. After deep reflection, I have determined that my children are my primary motivator as they provide me with the energy and drive that I need to stay committed to my studies. I wish to gain their respect and to inspire them to pursue education to the highest level possible. In general, I am motivated by incentive. When I feel that a particular endeavor will present benefit, I commit all my energies and attention to it. On the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, I would say that I am at the love/belonging level. Right now, I am striving to develop close relationships with my friends and family. I think that it is nearly impossible to develop a sense of accomplishment without love or community. Incentive is the primary strategy that I employ when I wish to stay motivated. For example, I am motivated in my classes because I expect that I will gain the skills and qualification that will allow me to access greater opportunities. I would challenge others to reflect on what motivates them and use these motivators to fuel their pursuit of growth.


Griffin, R. (2007). Fundamentals of management. Boston: Cengage Learning.

Lee, J. M., & Hanna, S. D. (2015). Savings goals and savings behavior from a perspective of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 26 (2).

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Personal Motivators Based on Theories of Motivation.


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