20 Jun 2022


Personality Traits and use of Music

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The aim of this research proposal is to investigate how the personality of an individual influences the genre of music that they prefer to listen to. The findings of the study will be crucial in creating a personalized music experience among the consumers which would ultimately result in music that fully meets the needs of the consumers. The study will make use of the big five personality theory as its theoretical framework to demonstrate the relationship between different personalities and the type of music preferred. The study will be qualitative in nature and it will employ purpose sampling technique to recruit participants. The participants will be teenagers aged between 12-15 years who will be recruited from social media platforms through an online survey. Data will be collected through questionnaires which will be open ended in nature.

Keys words: Personality, Music Genre, Big Five theory


Music plays an essential role in facilitating human existence since it enables individuals to express themselves, uplifts mood, and educates the audience. Evidently, different people have distinct preferences for the type of music they choose to consume. The differences in the kind of music that varying people choose to consume has much to do with their personality. As a result, it is essential to understand how various personalities respond to certain types of music. Furthermore, the analysis should help comprehend how individuals with certain personality traits use music to improve their lives. The research proposes that personality traits have a significant impact on the choice of music that individuals choose.

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Background of music and personality traits 

For a long time, music has been perceived to result from the association between human experiences and acoustic devices used in its production. Human beings have been perceived to be a critical element that has helped in determining the place of music in their culture. Even though it has been evident that different people enjoy listening to varying genres of music, little efforts have been done to analyze how the choices reflect the personality traits. Nevertheless, it is essential to note that efforts have been made to characterize individuals’ personality based on the genre of music they chose to listen. It has not been possible to account for the varying music preferences, even though it has been evident that each individual prefers specific type of music more than others. Remarkably, the differences have not denied people from having what they consider as the preferred genre.

Another interesting aspect about music is that despite the differences in music choices that individuals make, there is also a variation in the degree at which one makes a choice to indulge in the experience. Some individuals will prefer to have music featuring in all activities that they undertake while others will choose to listen to it at specific times. The variation of time, circumstances, and purpose of listening to music among different people has brought about different music uses. Nonetheless, little efforts have been made in ascertaining why people prefer to listen to music under the specific circumstances that they choose to have the experience (Schäfer, 2016). In the effort to understand the variations in music choices among people, its functions have been used to account for the differences. Nevertheless, it is important to note that different people can use varying genres of music when conducting the same task. For instance, if an individual intends to achieve mood regulation, they might choose to listen to either Jazz, R&B, or even Rock. These genres of music have been associated with different personality traits. As a result, analyzing the use of music in different contexts cannot justify the existing variations among the consumers of music. As a result, it is essential to identify a suitable measure that will be used in ascertaining the reasons why people have different preferences on the choices of music they make. Personality traits is among the factors that play an essential role in determining the individual differences among human beings. As a result, personality trait should be the foundation through which the differences in music consumption among people within same age group, society, cultural background, and education level have very distinctive music preferences. Future studies should therefore focus in studying the association between personality traits and music because the findings will play an essential role in enhancing the experience of listeners since they will be more aware why they make the unconscious decision to listen to certain types of music.

Statement of the Problem 

Music composers and producers create differing contents for their target audience, with each artist seemingly attracting a unique audience. The creation of different content has led to the existence of different genres of music such as R&B, Jazz, Classic, Blues, Metal, and Rock. Interestingly, consumers do not seem to enjoy music from all these genres, but instead from a selected few. However, an individual can enjoy music from different artists belonging to the same genre. Individuals have different personality traits influencing their feelings, thoughts, and behavior (Shi et al., 2018). Personality traits influence the kind of music that an individual chooses to consume because individuals sharing similar characteristics seems to enjoy similar type of music. Furthermore, depending with the music genre in question, varying stylistic devices are used during the production of the content. As a result, the study will focus in establishing whether there is a connection between personality traits and the genre of music that one chooses to consume. It is essential to conduct the research because it creates awareness on how individuals characterized with openness to experience, extroversion, and neuroticism choose to consume the genre they consume. The findings will make it possible to create a personalized music experience among individuals, which will enhance its effectiveness in serving the intended purpose.

Purpose of the Study 

Remarkably, music is a key aspect characterizing individuals’ social life. People listening to music for various purposes including entertainment, therapy for mental illnesses, emotional stability, and as a form of motivation while on their daily routines. However, it is unlikely that people will enjoy the same genres of music in varying circumstances. That means that there are some factors that determine the kind of music that individuals are willing to consume at any given moment. These factors include the distinctive personality traits that individuals possess and that differentiate the kind of music they are willing to consume. Having mentioned that music plays an essential role of human existence makes it critical to enhance the kind of music produced to achieve consumer’s satisfaction. Therefore, besides creating knowledge on the choices of music that people make, the study will also play an essential role in emphasizing the need to create personalized music systems. That means that music composers and producers will target individuals with specific personality traits aimed at enhancing music experience and consumption. As a result, the findings of the study targets to improve the experience of consumers as they make deliberate choices to listen to different forms of music for distinct purposes.

Research Questions/ Hypothesis 

Extroversion is associated with fast paced music.

Openness to experience influences the music styles that specific individuals choose to consume.

The choice of music to be used on the background depends on the kind of music history and surrounding figures that an individual is around.

Neuroticism is associated negatively with intense rebellious music.

Definition of Terms 

Music : The art of storytelling through arrangement of sounds through inclusion of melody, rhythm, and harmony.

Uses of music : The term refers to the role that consumers use music for in their lives.

Personality traits : The term refers to features that characterizes people’s patterns of thought, feelings, and behavior.

Theoretical Framework 

The study will use the big five personality test as the theoretical framework that will act as the foundation research. The big five personality test is a theoretical model that categorizes individual traits into broad groups, namely agreeableness, openness, extraversion, neuroticism, and conscientiousness (Shi et al., 2018). It is essential to note that each of the above personality traits denote a range between two extreme factors. As a result, openness personality refers to people with both a high affinity to creativity and those that dislike changes. On the other hand, conscientiousness refers to goal-oriented behaviors when an individual can either be attentive to details or procrastinate. Extraversion identify individuals that are either high extraverts or high introverts while agreeableness relate to individual’s prosocial behavior (Shi et al., 2018). The reason why the model is best suitable for this research is that it enhances understanding on how people compare amongst each other based on their unique characteristics. Furthermore, the model helps in exploring how personality traits compare to distinctive life indicators. Hence, in this case, music is the life indicator since it is a critical element in human existence. The big five personality test framework will therefore play an essential role in demonstrating the relationship between each trait outlined above with the choice of music made.

Literature Review 

Different scholars have demonstrated their interest in the topic whereby they have researched on the relationship between music and personality traits. The researchers have managed to generate valuable lessons that will play an essential role in establishing a foundation for the current study.

Factors influencing music choices 

Music is a commodity that humans consume everyday while in different environments. While some individuals consume music when on their daily routines, others listen to it when meditating, entertainment, or resting. Nevertheless, it is unlikely that all people will choose similar genre of music when in similar circumstances. Therefore, the interest is to determine the factors that influence the choices of music that people make. According to Herrera et al. (2018), age and gender are some factors likely to influence the type of music choices that individuals make. However, the authors also acknowledge that individual’s personality traits influence music choices that consumers make. Greenberg et al. (2015) states that it only takes an individual a few seconds to determine whether he or she will listen to the piece of music or not. Features that make music attractive or not attractive include melody, rhythm, and harmony. Depending with the arrangement of the above elements, it becomes possible for musicians to create different music genres. Therefore, the specific music genres also influence the personality traits determining the kind of music that an individual is willing to listen.

The choice of music cannot be limited to personality traits alone because there are other factors that individuals consider because they decide to exclusively listen to a particular genre. Rentfrow et al. (2011) further argues that some individuals consider some emotional responses to music that guide choices that consumers make when they choose what genres they should listen to. The first component is the mellow factor that determines whether the style is smooth or relaxing since some individuals are likely to consider these factors before they decide what they should listen to. Other factors influencing the choices of music that individuals make include sophistication, intensity, and campestral. For instance, Vella & Mills (2016) states that individuals characterized with an extraversion personality trait are more likely to listen to high energy music indicating that the intensity will be high. On the other hand, people with neuroticism traits like to listen to highly sophisticated music, which they rely for regulating their emotions.

It is essential to also acknowledge that there are other factors influencing music choice that are not associated with personality traits. For instance, age is a significant factor whereby the kind of music listened to by the youths differ from what elderly individuals would choose to consume. Subsequently, individuals belonging to different age groups are unlikely to enjoy consuming similar type of music. Similarly, gender is another factor that influences the type of music that individuals choose to consume. Women are more likely to listen to slow and sophisticated music compared to men who are more likely to listen to high energy songs.

Uses of Music 

Music serves different purposes among the consumers depending with the genre and personal preferences of the consumers. Upadhyay et al. (2017) demonstrated that music serves varying purposes among the consumers, which also depends with the specific genre. Young adults choose to listen to music for enjoyment and as a source of pleasure. To them, music creates a personal connection with their emotions, which makes them deliberate about the type of music they make. Therefore, music plays an essential role in enhancing their memory about past events, motivates them to pursue their goals, and calm their emotions. Miranda & Claes (2008) affirms that listening to music has an impact on the individual’s mental health since low cases of depression are recorded among individuals with a habit of constantly listening to music. Furthermore, for individuals that have already become victims of mental illnesses, listening to music is therapeutic and can help in their healing process. Accordingly, music plays an essential role associated with the personality of an individual because it creates a connection with the emotions.

Music plays an essential role in converting the emotional well-being of people within a short period. It is common for people to experience varying levels of stressors in life that can be socio-economic factors or due to some illnesses. People tend to be more depressed and music is among the factors that play an essential role in alleviating their moods. Moreover, when sick people listen to music, their pain tends to lessen, and thus plays an essential role in improving the general well-being among humans. For people that are depressed or experiencing a stress episode in their lives, they have an opportunity to have their emotions stabilize easily because listening to music distracts their thoughts (Wolfe & Noguchi, 2009). Alternatively, listening to music allows individuals to concentrate better as they will avoid disruptions that might originate from negative thoughts (Burnett, 2017). Furthermore, music has a touch of calmness that it brings into people’s lives, which makes it an essential commodity that should be listened to daily. Moreover, listening to music creates an opportunity for the artists to express their feelings and their ideas to the rest of the society. Accordingly, the rest of the society has an opportunity to learn and change their ways to facilitate positive dwelling among the people.

Listening to music plays an essential role in ensuring that individuals have concentrated better as they execute their responsibilities. Burnett (2017) argues that listening to music makes it possible for individuals to concentrate better as they execute their duties. That means that it is possible for people to work as they listen to music. Remarkably, music involves an unconscious process making it possible for people to enjoy it as they concentrate executing their duties. Similarly, Kiss & Linnell (2020) argue that listening to music on the background when one is working has the capability to enhance one’s mind while working. The mind-focus associated with listening to music while listening to music demonstrates that individuals are more productive as they execute their tasks. Nonetheless, Tze, & Chou (2010) emphasizes that individuals should listen to low intensity music because it is less disruptive compared to other genres. Based on the above assertions, the kind of music that an individual chooses to listen to while working has the potential to influence one’s effectiveness.

Personality traits and music 

Researchers have conducted studies demonstrating ways in which different personality traits relate with music. Different models have been featured in the research concerning the relationship between music and personality traits. Examples of such theoretical models include the big five personality test, structural equation model, confirmatory test, and STOMP. It was crucial to have studies featuring the varying models aimed at determining the possibility of having consistent results. In a study conducted by Langmeyer et al. (2012), the findings made reveal that individuals that are open to experience enjoy listening to Jazz music, while they also demonstrate substantial dislike for conventional songs. On the other hand, extraverts seem to be more connected with energetic music such as Metal and Rock. The study demonstrated a contrast between extraverts and individuals open to experience because they enjoy unconventional music. Moreover, another study demonstrates that a human being has a high preference for music even when the individual engages in other activities. Burnett (2017) argues that the choice to engage in music involves an unconscious process that cannot be attributed to any specific attribute. The findings made in the research reveal that music regulates the emotions of the consumers unconsciously since the individuals do not make a choice on whether to enjoy it or not. Nevertheless, Tze & Chou (2010) argues that the choice of music that individuals prefer to listen to have the potential to influence one’s effectiveness while at the workplace. As a result, it is essential that enjoying music remain unconscious process since when it is considered to be an active process, it hinders the normal effectiveness among individuals. The findings in the various studies concerning the relationship between music and personality traits makes vital to conduct an in-depth study, aimed at determining how each subject influence the other.

An individual’s personality traits have the capability to influence the kind of music that one chooses to consume. According to Miranda & Blais-Rochette (2018), individuals characterized with neuroticism listen to specific types of music because it resonates with their emotional instability. The study emphasizes that since individuals with this personality trait are likely to have similar experiences on a daily basis, they listen to music as a way of eliminating the negative feelings and enhance mood stability. In yet another study, Miranda (2021) demonstrates the popularity of using music as a tool to regulate negative emotions among young people. While it is essential to address the prevalence of mental health among youths, it is interesting to note they have identified a coping mechanism that has worked effectively in addressing their negative emotions. Bautch (2019) ascertains that it is possible to enhance mood regulation through listening to music in a study that reveals its effectiveness in soothing emotions. Moreover, by listening to music, an individual develops skills that enable them deal with challenges better. As a result, music helps in enabling individuals characterized with neuroticism create better relations because they understand how well they can handle their emotions.

Impact of stylistic devices on personality traits 

As earlier noted, music is made by arrangement of sounds using varying artistic devices such as rhythm, melody, and harmony. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate whether the artistic devices have any connection with the connection between music and personality traits. Individuals are able to easily determine whether they will listen to specific type of music only a few seconds into listening to a piece. Music can be soothing such as R&B and Jazz music, while others can be energetic such as Metal and Rocks. The formation of these genres depends on the use and design of the various stylistic devices mentioned above. Kopacz (2005) conducted a study featuring individuals with different personality traits such as liveliness, social boldness, vigilance, openness to change, and extraversion. The study revealed that the personality traits influenced the genre of music that an individual preferred to indulge. Notably, distinctive music features also had a substantial impact on the type of music that an individual chose to listen, which include tempo, meter, rhythm, and sound. It is essential to conduct a study that analyzes these elements because it makes it possible to determine the impact they have on the listeners. For instance, individuals that have neuroticism as their personality trait have a preference to classical music, while openness to experience listen to Jazz, rebellious characters listen to Metal, and reflective persons listen to Blues (Dunn et al., 2011). Understanding such information is essential because it helps musicians to enhance their delivery by creating personalized music that will fit individuals that share similar personality traits. It would be interesting to know whether the personality traits that musicians have influence the kind of music that they choose to create and produce.

Having identified that stylistic devices influenced the kind of music that individuals from different personality traits preferred to listen, it is essential to evaluate how each device enhances music experience. The information will be useful in enhancing the knowledge on how each personality trait relate with different music genres. Interestingly, there are some individuals that do not confide themselves into listening specific type of music but instead accommodate multiple genres (North, 2010). Such individuals do not restrict themselves to experience specific stylistic devices and yet enjoy listening to music. Interestingly, the level of reticence that such individuals exhibit also reflects in their personality since they are characterized with openness and agreeableness (Linda, & Hull, 2009). Based on this, the same study argues that individuals that collectively enjoy listening to Rock, Jazz, Blues, and Rhythm have correlated personality traits since they share on being open and agreeable.

In a contrary opinion, some scholars feel that the association between music and personality traits should be attributed to specific acoustic attributes compared to genres. Notably, several studies have assessed the relationship between music and personality based on genres such as R&B, Jazz, Rock, and Blues. However, Flannery & Woolhouse (2021) argues that the generalization of personality traits based on music genres does not derive accurate findings. Accordingly, the findings should be based on specific features such as the mellow, sophisticated, contemporary, major, and piece mode factors (Ruth & Müllensiefen, 2020). For instance, individuals associated with high-openness were found to be less interested with the mellow factor while they were more concerned about the soft-sounding music including folk and country genres (Flannery & Woolhouse, 2021). On the other hand, individuals characterized with openness like listening to music that is not loud, which is categorized as sophisticated music. Nonetheless, some acoustic feature is independent of individual’s personality and choice to listen to music. An example of a music feature that does not relate with personality traits is the manipulation of music instruments such as horn, flute, and trumpet.

Impact of Music on Behavioral Changes in Personality Traits 

Music is essential in providing therapeutic solutions to people that experience varying challenges in life. Different studies have been conducted to determine whether listening to music can influence individual’s behavior and probably make it better than it already is. For instance, there have been assumptions within the society that listening to some genres of music such as Rock associate some individuals with drug abuse, especially among youths and students. Dinç Altun et al. (2018) conducted a study that disapproves such assumptions arguing that there is no correlation between the two factors. Accordingly, it is wrong to assume that an individual abuse drugs based on the genres of music that one chooses to consume. However, some studies demonstrate that music has a positive impact on the behavior changes among its consumers. For instance, Gebhardt et al. (2014) conducted a study that demonstrates that listening to music helps individuals dealing with addiction deal with negative emotions that they experience during their recovery. As earlier noted, music plays a key role in regulating emotions by disrupting the thought process. Consequently, listening to music can help addicts in their recovery journey avoid relapse. However, Nave et al. (2018) conducted a study that aimed at evaluating whether people’s involvement in music activities such as liking, sharing, and commenting on social platforms would help in determining their personality traits. The study shows that people’s actions are unconscious and cannot be used to ascertain that an individual shares a specific personality trait.

Even though music seems to have a positive impact on people through behavioral changes and mood regulation, it is essential to note that youth’s lack awareness on its importance. Stewart et al. (2019) conducted a study that revealed that youths do not understand that music is a useful tool that can enable them improve their well-being. Accordingly, the study demonstrates that even though music has been useful in enhancing the wellbeing of people, the process occurs unconsciously. As a result, there is a need to create awareness among the people and inform them about the capabilities of music and the benefits it serves in enhancing their well-being. The increased self-awareness on the impact of music has the potential to enhance mental wellness among people and also facilitate mood regulation. Furthermore, people are likely to make better choices of music when they are aware of the benefits they acquire from the consumption of the products.

Music, personality traits, and age 

Music is a common social component that is used across people of all ages. However, music is more popular among school going young adults in both colleges and universities. Therefore, it is essential to analyze whether there is some association between music, personality traits, and age. Some scholars have shown that when school going youths listening to high intensity music such as Rock, they are perceived to engage in drug abuse (Dinç Altun et al., 2018). The same study reveals that the two features are not associated in anyway and that the assumption is misleading. Additionally, listening to music has seemed to play an essential role in influencing the mental wellness of its consumers. Music can be used while undertaking some chores because it enables one to be more focused and improve overall productivity. Furthermore, music can also be a disruptive tool for people experiencing stress or dealing with addiction. Therefore, music is a useful tool among youths and should be considered to have a positive impact on the existence of the individuals. Stewart et al. (2019) noted that even though the youths are the largest consumers of music, they are not aware of the benefits they can acquire from their practices. As a result, the study demonstrates that the choice for youths to listen to music follows an unconscious decision because they do not have a goal to achieve a specific purpose. Accordingly, the personality trait in youths does not influence the choices of music they make and they are likely to consider other aspects that affect their experience such as acoustic styles and genre. Moreover, it is essential to create awareness among the youths and enable them understand the important role of music in their lives because it can help in enhancing their experiences.

Research Gap 

Based on the literature review above, there is no doubt some relationship exists between personality traits and music. Moreover, it is also evident that music plays an essential role in enhancing people’s social life because it is applicable in multiple scenarios. For instance, people listen to music for therapy, emotional stabilization, mood lifting, educational purposes, and for entertainment. The literature review reveals how music relates with different personality traits and the impact it has on the listeners. Another theme emerging from the literature review is its capability to change behavior because individuals are able to reason better when they are focused and not experiencing negative emotions. Since the literature review demonstrates the link between music and personality traits, it fails to demonstrate how the component can be enhanced to improve the experiences of the consumers. Therefore, there is need to have a study that determines what improvements can be made to improve music and enhance the experiences that individuals with different personality traits will acquire through creation of individualized music systems. As a result, the music directors and composers will make deliberate choices to improve consumer experience. Therefore, the study will evaluate how individuals with different personality traits react to various music genres.


Research Design 

The study will use a qualitative research design because it seeks to answer how and why personality traits relate with music. The research will use grounded theory in generating the findings of the study, whereby all the conclusions made will be based on the data collected from the participants (Elkatawneh, 2016). Using grounded theory will enable the researcher from adapting the existing knowledge concerning the connection between personality traits and music. Nevertheless, the research questions posed to the participants must be open-ended to make it possible to explore new information. Nonetheless, the research design has a limitation since it is time consuming, and thus requires advance planning to ensure that completion is achieved timely.


The research will use purposeful sampling in determining the study participants. Purposeful sampling requires the researcher to identify specific parameters required to be vital in influencing the findings of the study (Decarlo, 2018). For this study, the researcher targets adolescents aged between 12 and 18 because they actively listen to music and their identity is being revealed. An online survey will be created on various online social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram where interested individuals will fill the forms. It will be the responsibility of the researcher to purposefully select individuals that will participate in the study.


The instruments that will be used in this study include an online survey to pool participants from various social media platforms and a questionnaire. The questionnaire will consist of open-ended questions where the participants will be required to fill in their responses without being limited to specific answers.

Data Collection and Analysis Procedures 

Data collection will take two forms, observation and filling in a questionnaire. The participants will be required to listen to different pieces of music and determine the one they enjoy listening most. Similarly, they will also be required to respond to some questions on how music relate to their personality trait. It is essential to note that the big five personality trait will play an essential role in the analysis of information acquired from the participants.

Protection of Human Rights 

The study will ensure that it has followed all the ethical standards that has been learned in class. It is the responsibility of the researcher to ensure that the study observes ethical practices targeted at protecting human rights of the participants. As a result, some measures will be taken to ensure that this aspect has been achieved. Foremost, it is crucial to ensure that all the participants give their consent to be featured in the study. Accordingly, the researcher will provide the participants with adequate information that will create awareness and enhance informed decisions. Additionally, it is the responsibility of the researcher to treat information acquired from the participants with confidentiality. Thus, the researcher will use pseudo names to conceal the true identity of the participants.


The researcher will identify the personality traits of the participants through the big five inventory model. Moreover, using the grounded theory framework, the researcher will identify common themes from the responses acquired from the collected data. Therefore, the discussion section will feature subheadings based on the number of themes generated from the study.


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Pages: 1

Views: 75

19 Sep 2023

Letter of Consent for Research Study

Running head: LETTER OF CONSENT 1 Letter of Consent for Research Study Dear (Participant’s Name): You are invited to participate in a research study on the Routine Activity theory and the hypothesis that the lack...

Words: 283

Pages: 1

Views: 360

17 Sep 2023

Mental Representations and the Mind-Brain Relationship

Often, contemporary controversies underlie the interpretation of the mental representations and the mind-brain relationships through concepts such as monolism, dualism and exclusivity. In my view, the dualism concept...

Words: 1796

Pages: 7

Views: 168

17 Sep 2023

Building a Healthy Marriage

Although sometimes marriage can be problematic, it can also be one of the most rewarding experiences for couples. For instance, couples in a satisfying marriage enjoy happiness, a long and enjoyable life, personal...

Words: 1266

Pages: 5

Views: 345

17 Sep 2023

Devastating Impacts of Domestic Violence

The issue of domestic violence is a growing concern in the present society. Women serve as the key victims of domestic violence, although men and children also feel the devastating effects as well. When couples are...

Words: 2437

Pages: 9

Views: 78

17 Sep 2023

How Emotions Affect Marketing and Sales

The most appealing advertisements use the audience’s emotions as their leverage. They instill fear and the psychology of pain, moderately, to their subjects and use that to their advantage. To remain ethical, most of...

Words: 1113

Pages: 4

Views: 96


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