5 Aug 2022


Personality Traits of the Best Pilots

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Academic level: College

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Flying in a plane sometimes becomes uneasy for both the pilots and the passengers because the plane can crash. This becomes more stressful when a particular flight takes more than three hours. This is the work of pilots who routinely endure long flights and take up to 5 hours locked in a small cockpit. From a psychological perspective, it is worth saying that pilots go through a lot of physical torture. When pilots undergo training, they are screened and trained to cope with co-pilots who might have abnormal behaviors due to drugs and in some way incapacitated. There are traits that these pilots have to acquire when they are given the chance to fly (Halevi, Lewis, Memon, 2013) . For example, a pilot who has a mental health problem can result in a disaster in an air transport industry. Among other ambiguities serious depression which can lead to crashing of a plane and cause all the lives of the passengers in –flight. For example, due to serious depression, a 27-year-old pilot from German who was a co-pilot of German wings flight crashed the plane and everybody died ( Winn, 2015) . This was after the pilot stepped out of the cockpit to go to the washroom and the co-pilot took over. 

Although through verbal and drug therapy, many pilots moods and behavior can be changed and become adaptive, there are deeper roots of psychological problems that exist and behaviors abnormalities resurface. It is therefore important for pilots to possess and has some traits that help in safety and decision making in the aviation industry. Among mental, health, research has shown that pilots should possess other twenty-three traits for an effective service provision in the industry. These traits include, command and authority, should have the ability to self-evaluate, how to respect intelligent, competitive among other traits (Tsivos, Calam, Sanders, Wittkowski, 2015) The paper will, therefore, discuss the personal traits that pilots should have and how they impact on their performance and the general aviation industry. 

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Research has shown that before becoming a pilot, there is more than just attending the flight classes and training and practice. Many scientists have stated that to become a pilot requires perfect harmony and skills in becoming a good performer. One pilot is expected to be physical and mental health. The nature of their job calls for constant testing of reality (Goeters, 2017) . From this perspective, a mental disorder in pilots is a very serious challenge. From the study by a journal of environmental health, there are almost 14 percent of pilots who meet the threshold for clinical depression. Although there is regular mental health checkup in this industry, mental illness is associated with a lot of effects and problems in the aviation industry (Goeters, 2017) . One of these effects is that mentally ill pilots tend to have suicidal thoughts while in the cockpit. From the suicidal thought, the pilot might develop the idea of killing either himself or herself together with the passengers. If in case this happens, the airline from which the plane was from counts losses and also their service demand decreases. Many clients who might get the information about the cause of the crash would shift to other airline companies offering similar services or even look for an alternative channel of transport. In addition, a mental ill pilot turns to be violent. Generally, the case is the same in every human being where individuals turn to be dangerous. For instance, a mentally ill pilot would ignore every danger that might be noticed during the flight. This is because they lack the sense to think about the result of the danger noticed (Goeters, 2017) . As a result, many pilots who lack this sense end up crashing planes and costs passengers’ lives. 

Secondly, a pilot should have a trait of command and authority. Typically, many people in other fields wait for commands from their bosses and managers. Pilots, on the other hand, should have this trait where they are able to understand when to take a command and when not to. A good pilot should not waste time by hesitating what step is necessary to take into each situation (Neff, Germer, 2013) . This is because they are confident in their skills and step up to take the role of a safe journey. There is a pilot in command in an aircraft and this is an individual who is ultimately responsible for the airplane operations and safety during flight. The pilot in command then should have the ability to command and give authority in an in-flight emergency which requires immediate action. 

Typically, there are several emergencies that happen in the air during flights. The aviation industry has come up with responsible persons who take charge of these emergencies. The pilot has the mandate to command and give authority during such situations. An airplane which has a pilot who does not possess this characteristic, therefore, exposes their customers to dangers as the pilot in-flight is not able to take a necessary step in case of emergencies such as environmental changes in weather that affect air transport, engine failure which is a mechanical problem among other emergencies (Neff, Germer, 2013) . It is, therefore, important for any aircraft and airplane to have a qualified pilot in command that has a good commanding and authoritative voice and trait. 

Experience is important in many professions and so it is in the aviation industry to be precise in pilots. Pilots should have the trait on how to evaluate themselves. They should know how to resolve problems and weaknesses on their own (Winn, 2015).) . During flights, it is not a must for everything to go on as it was expected and planned. It is therefore important for pilots to have the ability to solve problems on their own and accept responsibility and make sure they improve their skills on the next flight. Evidently, many pilots make mistakes during flight and end up crashing planes. For example, although it was not wrong for the German wings pilot to go to the washrooms, there is a lesson learned by other pilots. The co-pilot in this particular plan was seriously depressed and the pilot literally stepped out and the plane crashed while the co-pilot was in the cockpit. It is clear that pilots should be able to evaluate that it was out of the inability of the pilot to understand the condition in which the co-pilot of German wings was in that the plane crashed. It is therefore clear that for the effective performance of a pilot there is a need for self-evaluation trait and this improve their skills with time (Dickhaut, Arntz, 2014) . Lack of this trait in the aviation industry has negative impacts as pilots can cause disaster due to a deficiency in self-evaluation. 

Although teamwork is very important in every organization pilots tend to be self-sufficient and have difficulties in working with teams. Typically, pilots find it difficult functioning in teams because they don’t trust anyone can do the job as well as they can. Having realized this, air transport industry and aviation industries in the world are emphasizing on CRM training in pilot training schools (Tsivos, Calam, Sanders, Wittkowski, 2015) . Pilots at most times have a negative view of what a co-pilot might say. They are always paranoid and that why during pilot training and recruitment, the functional suspicion is what manager looks for in pilot personality. A pilot without this trait is unable to handle unexpected situations during flights because they are not thinking. Aviation industry needs pilots who have the functional suspicion so that they can always be alert for any unexpected occurrences during flights (Winn, 2015). Through this trait, a pilot is able to know what to do under each situation offering a variety of options under any situation. A plan with a pilot who lacks this characteristic, therefore, is always at high risks as the pilot does not know what to do if something unexpected happens during the flight. 

Although pilots are intelligent they are not intellectuals. Pilots like toys, boats, big watches and cars. Typically, for effective performance, pilots should have the trait of intelligent and intellectual. This is because most of them are good at putting things apart if not putting them back together. An intelligent pilot has the ability to be a linear thinker, concrete and practical. Pilots who lack this trait, on the other hand, are theoretical, abstract and philosophical. Evidently, a pilot like a driver, need the practical skills on how to take control of a plan on air (Beck, Davis, Freeman, 2015) . They do not necessarily require the theories taught in class but instead need the practical skills learned from the pilot training institutions. This is only possible is an individual has the trait of intelligent and intellectual in them. Generally, pilots deal with complex information that requires an intelligent person. It is therefore significant for a pilot to acquire this trait to enable them to perform better. Pilots during flight have to read the weather conditions and the engine status at any time. They should also be able to detect a problem with either mechanical problem or unfavorable weather condition (Beck, Davis, Freeman, 2015) . Identification of these problems, therefore, does not only require an intelligent person but also an intellectual who can interpret problems. Pilots should be goal oriented and like lists showing problems but not talking about them. 

Nevertheless, like any other place pilots should know how to respect. In every business, there are several things that should be respected. More precisely, pilots in the field of aviation should respect others, flight regulations, and flight processes and procedures. Before and after flight there are several regulations that pilots should give priorities and observe (Jensen, 2017) . It is therefore important for pilots to have respect trait that would enable them to obey all the regulations without being forced. For instance, while in –flight, there is a pilot in command who commands and gives authority as received from the on-ground pilot. They are given the bearing and angle at which a pilot should turn a plane and at what degrees they should start landing (Klein, 2017) . All these are regulations and instructions that are supposed to be respected. In case a plan as a pilot who does not possess this trait, there is poor communication and obedience to the instructions given by either a captain or pilot in command. Failure to respect these processes, therefore, can lead to taking the long bearing and landing at the wrong angle thus causing disasters during landing. Additionally, apart from respecting the processes and the regulations, pilots should respect passengers (Klein, 2017) . They should always make take safe behaviors on to priority because they respect those that are on-board and they plane they fly. 

More so, a good pilot knows that there is the need for recurrent flight training. Typically, other organizations allow their employees to develop their careers. Although many do not see the need for career development, a pilot is encouraged to have flight training as technology advance. Although a pilot may have flown for as many hours as sixty thousand hours, they should be ready to undergo recurrent flight training. Through this training, pilots are able to gain practical experience and grow in confidence and skills needed for a flight. If a pilot has not this trait then, there is a possible situation where his skills might be outdated and be unable to fly a plane accordingly (Breau, Clark, Scott, Wilkes, Reynolds, Ricci, Goez, 2015) .Besides, pilots should have the humility trait in themselves. Typically, there are more experienced and better pilots in other areas. Through humility, pilots can be able to seek advices from pilots who are experienced. This advice helps them to be safer, better and more efficient in the way they hand problems. The case is different in a case where a pilot lacks this trait. Pilots who do not possess this trait always think they are the best and they are therefore close-headed because they cannot accommodate any advice from outside. These types of pilots, therefore, do no improve their flight skills thus affecting their performance. 

For effective performance, a plan should be given a priority. Through the plan, one is able to evaluate the performance and improve where possible. The case should be the same in pilots where plan plays a significant role in their performance. A successful pilot should perform a plan-do, check-analyze cycle. PDCA is an important cycle which is important in every business. Applying it in the aviation industry, pilots should plan their flight carefully before execution. They should ensure that the time for the flight is scheduled well and at the right time. The next step is to do where a pilot should fly the plane as per the instructions and regulations give to them (Breau, Clark, Scott, Wilkes, Reynolds, Ricci, Goez, 2015) . While on the plane, pilots should be able to check on their performance as predicted by the performance parameters in terms of flight and safety. In case their performances do not meet the required performance as indicated by the parameter, pilots should be able to analyze and give resolutions to areas which they can improve to make sure that the performance is within the standards. Finally, after landing, pilots with a good plan are able to analyze the flight performance and look and ways which can improve their next flight. On the other hand, a pilot who does not have a good plan is not able to both check their performance and do improvement where necessary (Birks, Mills, 2015) . Typically, everyone makes mistakes and it is until a mistake is identified that it can be corrected. Therefore, lack of this trait in pilots hinders them from using the PDCA cycle which is a very important cycle in all business performance as well as individual performance. 

Evidently, over the past two decades, almost 2000 airline passengers and pilots have died as a result of the inability of pilots to control their aircrafts. As discussed earlier most of these problems are caused by technical problems. This situation was different in the 1970s where the airplane was only relying on the pilot brain (Tsivos, Calam, Sanders, Wittkowski, 2015) . Due to technology, computers are now used to monitor aircrafts on air. Although these advancements have been done, there is a major problem in the pilot because they are not able to handle problems well (Birks, Mills, 2015) . For example, as discussed earlier, many people have died due to technical problems of aircrafts. This is also as a result of pilots’ inability to handle the problem and take necessary actions and step to at least save the passengers. This personality has negatively impacted in both the pilot performance and the aviation industry as a whole. This is because most passengers would not have confidence with a pilot who cannot handle a problem during a flight which can claim their life. As a result, pilot performance is poor and the aviation industry loses customers due to the fear of the unknown. 

Another personality that affects pilots’ performance is the low tolerance for personal imperfection long memories of perceived injustices and drawing conclusion about people at a glance. Typically, low tolerance for physical imperfection is generally absorbed to individual careers. A pilot as a professional also can absorb this personality in his field. If for instance a pilot has an imperfection within him, and continue leaning hard on the perceived frailty, there are chances of setting himself up for health problems. If one gets health problems, therefore, their performance are affected negatively thus affecting the whole organization and company. It is, therefore, necessary for pilots to ease up a bit and avoid deleterious effects on health and personal as well as professional relationships. Similarly, many people tend not to forget some injustices in the past ( Gao, Kong, 2016) . Pilots should, therefore, have plain old communication which can bring understanding to the parties involved. Talking it out can lead to is resolution and if not possibly maintain a cordial and professional demeanor. 

Although there are many psychology books which are written to help individuals reverse their traits, pilots are trained to remain cool in emergencies. This is because they should be difficult in revealing, expressing and recognizing unwanted feelings. When experiencing unwanted feelings they should mask them with humor. A good pilot, therefore, should be able to maintain an unwanted feeling to avoid tension to the passengers ( Gao, Kong, 2016) . This personality is as a result of a combination of other personalities that are achieved through training and during work experience, like the ability to respect regulations, give command and authority to other personalities. Lastly, a pilot should have the personality of precise and determined. This is because, through the ability to be precise, pilots experience successful flights. This is because, through this personality, pilots are precise about airspeed, heading, and proper altitudes (Jensen, 2017) . Similarly, as discussed earlier, pilots should undergo recurrent training; therefore through this personality pilots are determined that frequent flying and training improve their experiences, skills as well as their performance. 

From a psychological perspective, it is worth saying that pilots go through a lot of physical torture. When pilots undergo training, they are screened and trained to cope with co-pilots who might have abnormal behaviors due to drugs and in some way incapacitated (Stokes, Kite, 2017) . Although through verbal and drug therapy, many pilots moods and behavior can be changed and become adaptive, there are deeper roots of psychological problems that exist and behaviors abnormalities resurface. Many scientists have stated that to become a pilot requires perfect harmony and skills in becoming a good performer. One of the traits is that pilots are expected to be physical and mental health. This is because the nature of their job calls for constant testing of reality. From this perspective, a mental disorder in pilots is a very serious challenge. 

Secondly, a pilot should have a trait of command and authority (Tsivos, Calam, Sander, Wittkowski, 2015) . Typically, many people in other fields wait for commands from their bosses and managers. A pilot also has the mandate to command and give authority during such situations. In addition, pilots should have the trait on how to evaluate themselves. They should know how to resolve problems and weaknesses on their own. Nevertheless, like any other place pilots should know how to respect. More so, a good pilot knows that there is a need for recurrent flight training. Conclusively, these personalities and traits have a great impact on the performance of the pilot and the aviation industry as a whole. If these traits a positively handled the performance is expected to be effective and when not looked at well there will be poor performance in both the pilot and the industry. 


Beck, A. T., Davis, D. D., & Freeman, A. (Eds.). (2015).  Cognitive therapy of personality disorders : Guilford Publications. 

Birks, M., & Mills, J. (2015).  Grounded theory: A practical guide : Sage. 

Breau, L. M., Clark, B., Scott, O., Wilkes, C., Reynolds, S., Ricci, F, & Goez, H. R. (2015). Social communication features in children following moderate to severe acquired brain injury: a cross-sectional pilot study.  Journal of child neurology 30 (5), 588-594 

Chidester, T. R., Helmreich, R. L., Gregorich, S. E., & Geis, C. E. (1991). Pilot personality and crew coordination: Implications for training and selection.  The International Journal of Aviation Psychology 1 (1), 25-44. 

Dickhaut, V., &Arntz, A. (2014). Combined group and individual schema therapy for borderline personality disorder: a pilot study:  Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry 45 (2), 242-251. 

Gao, Y., & Kong, S. (2016). Personality types of pilot students: A study of an Australian collegiate aviation program:  International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace 3 (3), 6. 

Goeters, K. M. (Ed.). (2017).  Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research : Routledge. 

Halevi, T., Lewis, J., &Memon, N. (2013, May). A pilot study of cyber security and privacy related behavior and personality traits. In  Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on World Wide Web  (pp. 737-744): ACM. 

Jensen, R. S. (2017).  Pilot judgment and crew resource management : Routledge. 

Klein, G. A. (2017).  Sources of power: How people make decisions : MIT press. 

Lavretsky, H., Epel, E. S., Siddarth, P., Nazarian, N., Cyr, N. S., Khalsa, D. S.,& Irwin, M. R. (2013). A pilot study of yogic meditation for family dementia caregivers with depressive symptoms: effects on mental health, cognition, and telomerase activity:  International journal of geriatric psychiatry 28 (1), 57-65. 

Neff, K. D., &Germer, C. K. (2013). A pilot study and randomized controlled trial of the mind-ful self ‐ compassion program: Journal of clinical psychology, 69(1), 28-44. 

Parenting Programme in mothers with postnatal depression:  Clinical child psychology and psychiatry 20 (4), 532-554. 

Stokes, A. F., & Kite, K. (2017).  Flight stress: Stress, fatigue and performance in aviation : Routledge 

Tsivos, Z. L., Calam, R., Sanders, M. R., & Wittkowski, A. (2015). A pilot randomized controlled trial to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of the Baby Triple P Positive 

Winn, B. (2015). Forum  Air Medical Journal 34 (6), 320-324. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Personality Traits of the Best Pilots.


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