6 Oct 2022


Physical and Cognitive Development in Children: What You Need to Know

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Academic level: College

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Words: 549

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Human development is a broad field that encompasses physical, cognitive, social, and emotional aspects of growth in human beings. Researchers get the basis of their explanations on developmental science from the story of the ‘Wild Boy’ whom they argue to have possessed unique behavior because he lived in isolation from other humans during childhood. This paper focuses on the physical and cognitive aspect of development throughout childhood stages and a reflection on how this aspect is applicable in service-learning.

Physical and cognitive development in infancy and early childhood

Motor and brain changes in children are rapid during infancy and early childhood. An infant gains bodyweight of approximately six pounds within the first three months after birth (Lightfoot, Cole & Cole, 2018). Body length grows to about twelve inches, and brain size increases due to increased connections of neurons. Theorists argue that children have inborn reflexes such as blinking and grasping that enable them to respond to their environments before any learning commences (Lightfoot, Cole & Cole, 2018). Behavioral changes in children occur alongside physical changes and are both influenced by the cultural and social aspects of the environment in which they grow.

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Physical and cognitive development in middle childhood and adolescence

Cognitive changes in children aged eight to eleven are more pronounced than their body changes (Carson et al., 2015). The thinking capacity and concentration span of children advances during middle childhood as a child’s ability to consciously make decisions to pursue specific dreams develops too. Recent studies suggest that during adolescence, the cerebral cortex develops to accommodate formal logical operations as opposed to concrete activities as in middle childhood (Lightfoot, Cole & Cole, 2018). Physical aspects of growth are gradual during middle childhood. A child gains averagely 2-3 inches of height every year as their bones lengthen. Muscles become flexible, and motor skills such as walking sharpen. Adolescents experience tremendous changes in height and body composition (Lightfoot, Cole & Cole, 2018). Changes occur a bit earlier in females than males and generally at different paces depending on genetic and environmental factors such as nutrition in both genders.

Application of physical and cognitive development in service-learning

The understanding of the motor and cognitive concept of human development is applicable in service-learning which constitutes active participation of students in services such as a charity that benefits the community (Carson et al., 2015). Human development is dependent on interactions with the environment hence an exciting area of focus when analyzing challenges that young adults face (Lightfoot, Cole & Cole, 2018). The concept of growth as a factor of interaction with the environment helps young adults understand the world around them while appreciating the changes they undergo and how these changes give a sense of direction.

Many young adults experience self-identity challenges during adolescence because of the physical changes such as sudden body growth that they have undergone. I appreciate the concept of growth as a component of interaction and construction as theorists describe it. I think young adults can resolve their identity crises as they relate their perceptions on physical growth, role assimilation, and moral identity with others in a culturally diverse environment. Further research on service-learning and incorporation in other subjects apart from psychology should be conducted to engage students more outside the classroom setting and thus promote holistic learning.


In conclusion, physical and cognitive changes are evident throughout a child’s life from infancy to adolescence, and environmental factors such as cultural changes affect growth. Service-learning helps young adults to identify with the world around them hence accommodate change and resolve their self-identity challenges.


Carson, V., Hunter, S., Kuzik, N., Wiebe, S., Spence, J., Friedman, A., Tremblay, M ., Slater, L., & Hinkley, T. (2015). A systematic review of physical activity and cognitive development in early childhood. Journal of science and medicine in sport / Sports Medicine Australia. 19. 10.1016/j.jsams.2015.07.011.

Lightfoot, C., Cole, M & Cole, S.R. (2018). The Development of Children (8 th Ed). Macmillan.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Physical and Cognitive Development in Children: What You Need to Know.


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