15 Jul 2022


Plight of the Transgender Students in Higher Education

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Academic level: University

Paper type: Annotated Bibliography

Words: 2352

Pages: 4

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Daniel, H., & Butkus, R. (2015). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender health disparities: executive summary of a policy position paper from the American College of Physicians.  Annals of Internal Medicine 163 (2), 135-137 

This article is an evaluation of the health outcomes of LGBT students in American colleges. As per the study, LGBT community in higher education, though facing the same risks as the general population has outcome disparities as opposed to the general population. The instant article aligns with my research which shows that from a health perspective, transgender students are placed at a disadvantage. Over and above analyzing the problem, the article provides a solution to the effect that college physicians should be trained in handling the health vagaries that affect transgender students. The article will be useful in the discussion segment of my dissertation as it will provide a solution to the canvassed problem. 

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Fish, J., Livingston, J. A., VanZile-Tamsen, C., & Wolf, D. A. P. S. (2017). Victimization and Substance Use Among Native American College Students.  Journal of College Student Development 58 (3), 413-431

This journal article reports on a primary study about discrimination in US higher education, specifically among Native Americans. Among the areas covered by the study is the category of transgender Native American students. The results and conclusion of the instant article present a new perspective into my research which already shows that transgender students are not treated equally, by introducing race as a bearing factor. A transgender student of a majority race is not treated in the same way as a transgender student of a minority race. In my dissertation, this article will play a role in the problem statement and literature review. 

Goldberg, A. E., Beemyn, G., & Smith, J. Z. (2018). What is needed, what is valued : Trans students’ perspectives on trans-inclusive policies and practices in higher education.  Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation , 1-41. 

The article reports on a primary study about the welfare of transgender students in different American institutions of higher learning. As per the study, institutions affiliated to religious organizations lag behind in providing favorable facilities for transgender students. The findings align with my research as I found that higher institutions vary in their perception of the subject of transgender students. Liberal institutions are more accommodating than conservative ones . The article will fit in the problem statement segment of the dissertation. 

Guillory, J., Wiant, K. F., Farrelly, M., Fiacco, L., Alam, I., Hoffman, L., ... & Alexander, T. N. (2018). Recruiting hard-to-reach populations for survey research: Using Facebook and Instagram advertisements and in-person intercept in LGBT bars and nightclubs to recruit LGBT young adults.  Journal of Medical Internet Research 20 (6), e197 

The instant article reports on a primary research, undertaken to reach out to the LGBT community through the internet. The results of the research showed that social media is the best tool to access and communicate with the transgender community. The article aligns with my research which shows that as they feel shunned by the general population, transgender students find refuge in social media. The internet provides a level of anonymity where transgender students can interact with the general population with diminished fear of stigmatization. The article will fit in the theory part of the dissertation presenting the argument that transgender people desire to interact with the general populace if stigmatization was extenuated. 

Messman, J. B., & Leslie, L. A. (2018). Transgender college students: Academic resilience and striving to cope in the face of marginalized health.  Journal of American College Health , 1-13. doi : 10.1080/07448481.2018.1465060 

This article reports on a study that shows that LGBT students have a higher propensity for mental health diagnoses, trauma, and suicidality. The article aligns with my research as it shows that the stress factors visited upon transgender students in higher education institutions increase their chances of having mental health problems. The article will thus be crucial within the statement of the problem segment of the dissertation, as it depicts the vagaries visited upon transgender students in American colleges and universities. 

Nanney, M., & Brunsma, D. L. (2017). Moving beyond cis- terhood : Determining gender through transgender admittance policies at US women’s colleges.  Gender & Society 31 (2), 145-170 

The article reports in an investigation that shows that some women only colleges have developed ingenious ways of preventing the enrollment of transgender women in their ranks. However, when called out on the policy, these institutions are quick to rectify it and admit transgender women. The article’s finding is agreeable with my findings about the varying policies of higher education with regard to transgender students with some embracing them while others reject them. The article will be used in the literature review of the dissertation to indicate the kind of data available about the subject matter. 

Pryor, J. T. (2015). Out in the classroom: Transgender student experiences at a large public university.  Journal of College Student Development 56 (5), 440-455. 

This is a qualitative study about the interaction between transgender students and their peers and faculty in institutions of higher learning. The study confirms my research, as it shows that the experiences of the students are varied combining positive interaction with some individuals and negative interaction with others. The article will thus be useful in the discussion segment as it supports the argument that progress has been made with regard to attitude towards transgender students, but there is still more room for improvement. 

Seelman, K. L., Woodford, M. R., & Nicolazzo, Z. (2017). Victimization and microaggressions targeting LGBTQ college students: Gender identity as a moderator of psychological distress.  Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work 26 (1-2), 112-125 

This article takes a closer look at the issue of transgender students in US higher education by evaluating the microaggressions perspective. Instead of looking at how transgender students are treated generally, the article looks at personal relations between transgender students and other students. The conclusion of the article agrees with my research that transgender students are discriminated upon and stigmatized and adds the perspective that some of the stigmatization is personal, rather than institutional in some cases. Even in institutions that have policies that support transgender students, discrimination can emanate from individual students. The article will be a worthy addition to the literature review section of the dissertation. 

Tupler, L. A., Zapp, D., Dejong, W., Ali, M., O'rourke, S., Looney, J., & Swartzwelder, H. S. (2017). Alcohol‐related blackouts, negative alcohol‐related consequences, and motivations for drinking reported by newly matriculating transgender college students.  Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 41 (5), 1012-1023 

This is a study that evaluates the use of alcohol as a maladaptive coping strategy by new transgender students in American colleges. An evaluation of the transgender student’s alcohol‐related blackouts (ARBs) shows that many students recourse to alcohol as a coping mechanism due to the challenges of adapting to colleges. The results align with my research that colleges sometimes provide a hostile environment for transgender students. The study will be useful in the problem statement and literature review segments of the dissertation as it reflects the extent of the problem. 

Woodford, M. R., Kulick, A., & Atteberry, B. (2015). Protective factors, campus climate, and health outcomes among sexual minority college students.  Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 8 (2), 73-87 

The instant article evaluates potential solutions to the problem of transgender discrimination in American higher education. The article takes the approach of steeling transgender students to mitigate the impact of dealing with a school environment that is hostile towards them. The article is thus agreeable to my research that shows that most higher education environments are hostile to transgender students. It, however, adds a new dimension on how to minimize the impact of the hostility in the students so as to mitigate the adverse psychological impact. In the dissertation, this article will play a role in the discussion segment from the perspective of solutions to the canvassed problem. 

DeRuy, E. (2016). There's a fine line between 'safe spaces' and segregation. [online] The Atlantic. Available at: https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2016/08/finding-the-line-between-safe-space-and-segregation/496289/

This article is a result of investigative journalism and expert analysis on the current solutions to the problems facing transgender people and why these solutions are not working. The author focuses specifically on using safe spaces as a solution for transgender and other gender minorities in higher education. As per the research, having a safe place for transgender students propagates institutionalized segregation of transgender students. The article agrees with my research that the rules and regulations set by institutions with regard to transgender students are part of the problems facing transgender students. The article will be used both in the problem statement and in the discussion section to present a potential solution to the problem. The solution will entail ending the need for safe places for transgender students by fostering acceptance. 

Dunbar, M. S., Sontag-Padilla, L., Ramchand, R., Seelam, R., & Stein, B. D. (2017). Mental health service utilization among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and questioning or queer college students.  Journal of Adolescent Health 61 (3), 294-301. 

The research and analysis in this article relates to the incidences and prevalences of mental issues among higher education students of a minority nature with an emphasis on sex and gender-based minorities. As per the research results, analysis and conclusion, sexual and gender minority students have a higher rate of incidence and prevalence of mental health issues. The discussion and conclusion agree with my research that transgender students have a higher rate of mental health issues. However, the rates, as presented in the article vary between different minorities, for example between the gays and the transgender. An evaluation and understanding the cause of the variances shall be used in the solution section of the main research to justify proposed solutions. 

Feinberg.northwestern.edu. (2018). LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) safe space training: Diversity: Feinberg School of Medicine: Northwestern University. [online] Available at: http://www.feinberg.northwestern.edu/diversity/programs/safe-space/

This article discusses some of the measures that some higher education institutions in America have undertaken to be accommodative to transgender students. The article mainly focuses on the use of safe spaces at the Feinberg School of Medicine: Northwestern University, and how the university is investing in training transgender students to make use of the safe spaces. The article supports my research that some institutions are making genuine efforts to accommodate transgender students but most of these genuine efforts are still ill-advised. Transgender students are just students, just as tall and short students are also students. This article will be used on the problem statement to reflect the extent of the issue and also in the discussion statement to show that resources for solving the problem are available, they just need to be properly guided and utilized. 

Graham, R., Berkowitz, B., Blum, R., Bockting, W., Bradford, J., de Vries, B., Garofalo, R., Herek, G., Howell, E., Kasprzyk, D., & Makadon, H. (2011). The health of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people: Building a foundation for better understanding . Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine. 

This is a report on available knowledge with regard to the health status of gender minorities in the society . It mainly focuses on what is already known about the mental health of these minorities, including transgender people and what its bearing factors are. The research provides ample support to my findings that the mental health and social issues facing transgender students in higher education institutions mirrors what is happening to the general society. Therefore, only a solution that can be applied in general society can solve the problem within higher education institutions. The article and its finding will thus be used in the discussion section as part of the solution to the problem being canvassed. 

Hargie, O. D., Mitchell, D. H., & Somerville, I. J. (2017). ‘People have a knack of making you feel excluded if they catch on to your difference’: Transgender experiences of exclusion in sport .  International Review for the Sociology of Sport 52 (2), 223-239. 

The focus of this article is the social and acceptance problems that face transgender students in different higher education institutions. According to the article, when students meet together in the new environment of an institution of higher learning, they are quick to identify people whom the society consider as different. As per the research, transgender people often fall under the classification of being different, specifically in the eyes of the other students who make the majority. The difference creates isolation, hence affecting the experience and ability of transgender students to fit in. The instant article agrees with my research that social issues in the society are bearing factors on the vagaries that are visited upon transgender students in universities. The article, however, adds a new perspective that being different is an issue in itself, over and above being transgender. The article will thus be used to present and defend a community-based approach to the generally academic-based problem being canvassed herein. 

Obedin-Maliver, J., Goldsmith, E.S., Stewart, L., White, W., Tran, E., Brenman, S., Wells, M., Fetterman, D.M., Garcia, G., & Lunn, M.R. (2011). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender–related content in undergraduate medical education. Jama , 306(9), pp.971-977. 

The authors of this article analyze how healthcare-related education has been altered to support caring for the health needs of transgender people. The study focuses on how the training of doctors has been modified to enable them to cater for the specific health needs of transgender patients. Whereas the article is not specifically related to transgender students, it does support my findings by showing that the transgender issue is now a mainstream issue that impacts the future, including with regard to healthcare issues. If mainstream doctors are being specifically trained to treat transgender patients, it means the transgender issues have become mainstream and will remain as such in the future. Further, special amenities can be provided for transgender people, without making them feel ostracized or discriminated upon. The article will thus be used in the discussion section to evaluate available solutions for the canvassed problem and show why they are failing. 

Pérez-Samaniego, V., Fuentes-Miguel, J., Pereira-García, S., & Devís-Devís, J. (2016). Abjection and alterity in the imagining of transgender in physical education and sport: a pedagogical approach in higher education.  Sport, Education and Society 21 (7), 985-1002 

This study reports on a research and analysis relating to the ability of transgender students to participate in physical education and how physical education programs are convenient and comfortable for transgender students. According to the research, the programs themselves and fear of stigmatization create apprehension for transgender students which limits their participation in physical education. This agrees with my research that higher education issues for transgender students are both institutional and social. The institutional perspective relates to laws, rules, and regulation while the social perspective relates to other students. However, the article also adds a new dimension as it relates to extra curriculum activities, not just academic issues. The article will be used both in the problem statement and in the discussion to justify proposed solutions

Quaye, S. J., & Harper, S. R. (Eds.). (2014).  Student engagement in higher education: Theoretical perspectives and practical approaches for diverse populations . New York: Routledge 

This is a peer-reviewed book that evaluates the factors affecting students from diverse populations in higher education, the steps being taken to mitigate these issues, and the rate of success of these steps. The book is an invaluable source of information about transgender students, their experiences in higher education and the many successful and unsuccessful measures taken to assist them. Among the areas that the book supports my research is with regard to my findings that transgender students face real problems in higher education. The problems affect their admission rates, their stay in school, and their rates of graduation. The book will be used in the discussion segment to galvanize the ideas that emanated from my personal research. 

US-DHHS. (2018). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender health. Healthy People 2020. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [online] Available at: https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/lesbian-gay-bisexual-and-transgender-health

This article, published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services contains a synthesis of a large amount of research relating to the general subject of transgender people. The article evaluates the various issues facing LGBT youths, including transgender students in the USA from a mental and physiological health perspective and what can be done to improve the issues. The article agrees with my research in a number of issues, including the fact that LGBT youths are up to three times likely to attempt suicide than ordinary youths. This government source and its statistics will be used in the problem statement to provide facts and data on the canvassed issue. 

Wilkinson, W. (2014). Cultural competency. TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, 1 (1-2), pp. 68-73. 

This is an edited collection of tens of essays on the subject of “Postposttranssexual: Key Concepts for a Twenty-First-Century Transgender Studies,” as the essays have been penned by different authors with different backgrounds. It presents the different views that different members of the society have with regard to transgender people, including higher education students. The variances between the penned opinions support my research findings that the vagaries facing transgender students emanate mostly from social, not academic issues. The article will thus be used in the discussion section of the final paper, combining the applications of its totality and also focusing on the insights of some of the authors. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Plight of the Transgender Students in Higher Education.


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