8 Aug 2022


Psychological Aspects of Aging

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 356

Pages: 1

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The childhood stage and older stages are almost the same stages in life. When an individual is passing through each of the stages needs close monitoring and attendance to ensure that he/she receives any assistance he/she needs. In this case, I will focus on the aging populations, who needs assistance from children or any other person assigned the duty to stay with them and attend to their needs. At such stage, the individual starts withdrawing from other people. This prompts the need to understand and appreciate their situation for the formulation of appropriate strategies to enhance interaction with their family members and the society ( Salthouse, 2016) . The disengagement theory of the aging is the best theory that explains the needs of the aging population and what they pass through in such stage. Helen is one of the people in the group of the aging population who need help from other people in the community including social work professionals. The theory holds that the elderly people withdraw from being active in the social activities and relationships with other people in the community. 

With the help of disengagement theory, I can understand many events that influenced the relationships of Helen with other people in the community. Helen being at the older age, she cannot participate actively in social interactions with other people in the community. Since she is inactive, it is difficult for her to meet with all the people and her relationship with the people is influenced. The more one interacts with other people the more he/she develops and strengthens the relationships. 

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The needs of the elderly people influence their relationships and interaction with other people. Some people claimed that the elderly are a burden to them in the community leading to being abandoned by relatives and other people ( Bengtson & DeLiema, 2016 ). As a social worker responsible for handling Helen, I can apply disengagement theory to help her to meet her needs. I will use the theory to understand why she is withdrawing from other people and reducing the rate of interaction. With such knowledge, I will devise the strategies to help her bond with family members and close people in the community. 


Bengtson, V. L., & DeLiema, M. (2016). Theories of Aging and Social Gerontology: Explaining how Social Factors Influence Well-Being in Later Life. In Gerontology : Changes, Challenges, and Solutions [2 volumes]: Changes, Challenges, and Solutions . New York, NY: ABC-CLIO 

Salthouse, T. A. (2016). Theoretical perspectives on cognitive aging . New York, NY: Psychology Press. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Psychological Aspects of Aging.


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