10 May 2022


Quantum Computers and Radiation Therapy

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 2892

Pages: 10

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Research in Quantum computers, radiation therapy, and our infrastructure is aimed at extending the scope of understanding science and technology. The intention of the research has been to manufacture products that meet international accepted standards while maintaining a high social acceptance standard. The research into the field has involved conducting detailed examination that are aimed at solving existing as well as future needs of the society. This paper examines the advantages brought about with the development of Quantum computers, radiation therapy, and our infrastructure. The paper further examines the development in society brought about by the advancement in the computers and how computers have been used in the field of medicine. 

The area of quantum computers and radiotherapy focus on promoting a competitive environment and developing an internationally accepted understanding of quantum computers, radiation therapy as well as the infrastructure involved in formulating and utilizing the concepts. The research activities have aimed at ensuring a process that is continually improving to add value to the human life by having technology help in solving of numerous human and industrial problems. A Proper exploration of quantum computers will result to the renovation of science and computer systems through the collaboration of various scientists from different parts of the world. Efforts by individual scientists as well as research organization must lead to greater working together if meaningful results are to be obtained. The younger researcher should be encouraged to join the imitative research being conducted by the senior scientists to make currently existing analysis that takes years be completed well. Interactive computer systems are the most widely accepted systems in the modern world. Quantum computer and radiation therapy are integrating interactive systems in their functioning to work efficiently and be appealing to the present day users. Interactive systems are the most preferred in the world today despite being the most complicated in design, mode of operation and the nature of infrastructure they use to perform their tasks. Radiation therapy has become a common phenomenon in places it never existed several years ago. Their popularity has been based on their suitability to handle and performs complex tasks with ease within a short period. The infrastructure upon they are built has also been changing periodically to accommodate the new emerging issues the technology is related to and must be addressed. Currently, there exists a worrying variation between the ease of programming quantum computers and radiation therapy machine and an excellent operating performance. Various scientists and engineers have confronted the issue by coming up with modest functional programming concepts for declarative and modular systems. The new systems have also developed a complex functional system to avoid performance problems associated with the predecessor quantum computers and radiation therapy. Changes to the actual nature and type of quantum computers are ongoing. The various scientists is interested in developing better systems which can handle the very complex issue with much ease. Many scholars are currently conducting tests aimed at coming up with better systems able to perform better and adapt to the emergence needs in quantum computing and radiation therapy. The various institutions is in the process of conducting research aimed at deepening understanding of the scope of human understanding of quantum computers, radiation therapy and the infrastructure involved in their operation. Greater understanding of quantum computers and radiation therapy will be of greater importance to humanity. With a greater understanding of what is currently in existence, it will form the basis for future developments. 

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Years to come, cryptography among many other-other physic application concepts will be defined, challenged and determined by quantum computers and very high computing power. Various researchers are undertaking studies on security systems that cannot even be manipulated by quantum computers or unlimited computing power: information-theoretically secure multiparty computation. This significant research had interesting applications, such as auctions with secret bidding strategies and protected electronic voting. Several years ago, several universities carried out detailed research and came out with some findings (Sempau, Wilderman, & Bielejew, 2009). Among the significant result was and the ability of quantum computers was the ability of the computers to Secure Multiparty Working out and Secret Sharing. That was something that has never been discovered before. The same topic has also been widely featured in various respected research institution and-and scientific journals. The prominence of the research indicates how useful the result of the study will be towards making the understanding of quantum computers better. 

Systems that are used for video teleconferencing has always performed below their expectation. Many times they have displayed various shortcomings in the course of their operation. The shortcoming has always been undesired and of greater negative impact on the users of the system (Sempau, Wilderman, and Bielejew, 2009). Many studies have bee carried out in the past with the aim of solving the objective of addressing the particular issue. Since quantum computers and their use have a greater impact on the aspects of modern communication is has to be handled with the seriousness the system deserves. The quality of performance and experience remains a critical element of quantum computers and radiation therapy. Tuning a quantum system to lower or do away with unnecessary delays in operation requires efficiently and smoothly gathering delay metrics on a wide variety of settings. Some scientists agreed that coming up with a VideoLat software would be instrumental in achieving the desired results to contribute to achieving this imitative (Antonuk, 2012). The operating platform is essential in providing an innovative approach that is capable of developing an understanding on the glass to glass method delays in relying a video from on end of a quantum computer to another. The same approach is desired in forming though understanding into the speaker to microphone or microphone to speaker relaying of sound signals. The concepts used are open for further interpretation and examination.

Cancer has been a killer disease for a while now. Various researches has been carried out with the aim of making the advance in technology helpful in treating or minimizing the effects of the disease. To this date, many types of research are being done on how to utilize radiation therapy better to cure cancer cells completely. The researchers have been conducted by different researcher across the world that have the intention of using their understanding of radiation to help create technology capable of killing cancer cells with ease. 

In many instances when making a choice how to treat a cancer patient, medical experts are often faced with difficult decisions that involve conflicting parameters and issues that have to be taken into account. Experts in radiotherapy come across this when making a choice an irradiation strategy for a particular patient to get rid of cancer-causing cells and wreck them (Braunstein and Pati, 2012). Since complete and completely error-free procedures are never in existence, many a time radiation therapy will provide a healing effect by destroying cancer-causing cells to the tumor and the organs around the region that have been affected. As a result of radiation therapy being focused on a given body part the probability of destroying the cancerous growth as well as nearby organs various depending on the strategy being used to attack the cancer cells. The magnitude of which body organs may be destroyed different depending on the intensity of the radiation and the duration of exposure. Too much exposure time have the effect of extending the risk involved in the whole affair of treating cancer using radiation therapy. Such effect and potential danger associated with radiation therapy make us of radiation in treating cancer a costly affair that has to be done carefully after a detailed understand of the situation at hand (Braunstein and Pati, 2012). Detailed examinations of cancer patients are always done to come up with better strategies to counter the cancer cells. Many times, shoddy procedure has resulted in the loss of lives while attempting to use radiation to treat cancer. Choosing radiation therapy as a means of destroying cancer cells has for a long time remained an issue of concern as the decision made comes with certain risks which when not handled well result in complications that are difficult to solve.

Both computer hardware and software having been changing rapidly to meet the new requirement required to achieve better performance. A variety of subcomponents of the computer such as spinning disks, random access memory, secondary storage devices, central processing units and motherboard produce the required infrastructure for the working and performance of modern equipment’s built on quantum computer technology (Hirvensalo, 2013). Surprisingly, improvement in quantum computers hardware has not led too much more improvements in the way human being are to relate with their computers. Development is ongoing to have systems that can respond to the rising needs of having the various subcomponents as well the hardware of a computer contribute toward making human interaction with computers easier (Braunstein & Pati, 2012). The research is currently ongoing with the aim of developing better systems for human use within the shortest time limits. The research has not been easy to accomplish, but all resources to motivate scientists to develop a deeper understanding on the subject are ongoing. More detailed examination is being launched yearly. The benefits of the whole initiative are expected to be of significant interest to the modern world. The systems are projected to be efficient in radiotherapy as well as provide a transparent infrastructure for their future use. 

Treating patient using radiation therapy increasingly becomes the order of the day. It is estimated that more than seventy-five percent of cancer patients are treated using radiation therapy. More than ninety-two percent of the seventy-five cancer patient treated with radiation therapy have successfully been helped (Hirvensalo, 2013). The growth of cancer cells has been processed or destroyed limits it can further grow and have devastating effects on human beings. The results have indeed been confident making more research been done on radiation therapy and its use that might not have been discovered yet. At the moment, the ability of radiation therapy to treat heart and lung problems is being explored. The analysis is being done to establish the relationship between the right quantity of radiation dosage and the radiation related long-term effects in fighters of cancer from childhood (Sempau, Wilderman, and Bielejew, 2009). Various reendowed organizations are opting to finance research activities related to using radiation to cure and fight the growth of cancer cells. 

Modern scientific studies on the use of radiation to cure cancer have been based on various reconstructions. 3D reconstruction has been the most common and widely used means of exploring and establishing the radiation dose for people living with former cancer who had been treated successfully. To better develop understanding into the use of radiation to cure cancer, patients who had earlier received a 3-D dose are evaluated, and their situation forms the basis upon which more development and understanding into an issue can be made possible. Never the less, former cancer patients only have 2-D image information commonly know as x-ray images. X-ray images lack critical information that is crucial in calculating the distribution of 3-D in the human body and the target organ where it has to destroy the associated cancer tumors (Braunstein and Pati, 2012). To unravel the mystery and overcome the challenge, scientists match information from cancer patients they have handled their cases in the past and those whose cases are almost coming to a conclusion. The mode of distributing a dose for a patient is established basing on available information. With proper reconstruction, a scientist can examine the relationship between radiation therapy dose and the associated long-term effect it might have on the patient. From the findings of various research works, there have been scientific initiatives to develop advanced heart machine learning. The core machine learning is aimed at optimizing the algorithms that will be formulated and utilized in building the tools. Radiation therapy is expected to improve considerably with the development of advanced quantum computers (Andreo, 2011). The computers are to have the required advanced features that are needed in the elaboration of a state of the art technology to handle various tasks. The new machines are to have more excellent human interaction characteristics that are not available in older version or models of the quantum computers to be developed. Many specialists and scientists are aiming at developing a better system that will solve desired needs with much ease. Collaboration among scientists is desired and promoted by the need to develop better systems within the shortest time possible. 

Advantages of the technology

Development being made now in the existing systems of radiation therapy and quantum computers will form the basis for the advancement of the technology in the next generation (Antonuk, 2012). The researchers are contributing to the advancement of knowledge and human understanding of the current systems. There is increasing understanding on the part of human being as the research are aimed at making the human-machine interaction of the technology more appealing to people. With greater understanding sing the tools will result in more advantages as the technology will be adding value to the quality of human life. Human life is of great importance and all initiatives to male it better should be improved (Braunstein & Pati, 2012). Secondly, Nanoscience is the key to future scientific advancement. There is a need to ensure the technology takes into account new technological aspects and features to make the technology involved in quantum computers a radiation therapy more applicable to the society. The advancement is essential and must integrate new features. The various researches being conducted are all aimed at ensuring that the technology is updated and adheres to the new scientific rules and principals (Hirvensalo, 2013). The principles are not only helpful but will contribute to greater understanding of the technology and how it can be utilized to improve human life. It is projected that quantum computer will drastically reduce in physical size and the control and design matter will have the better characteristics. Radiation therapy will also experience improvement in the manner in which it is intended and used. Effects associated with the old radiographic equipment’s will be solved. Scientist across the world are aiming at making new discoveries about the existing technologies that are what is making them conduct a much detailed analysis of the current technologies. Physical latter in a Nanoscale behaves in a unique way thus more research in the area, and behavior of matter has to be done on the existing equipment’s to establish how the new systems will perform and behave once developed (Sempau, Wilderman, and Bielejew, 2009). Engineers and physics are utilizing their current understanding to develop more sophisticated systems that will handle emerging problems in the field of quantum computers and radiation therapy. The studies promise a real future in the area of quantum computers and radiation therapy. The advancement will be exciting and fascinating once developed. The new systems further promise to develop a better system that focuses on providing world class facilities to its users. The facilities will be of unmatched precision and quality. The technology will also empower development in many areas of human only the field medicine stand to benefit from the development (Hirvensalo, 2013). Quantum computers will have wider application compared to what they are currently having which a positive step the research will have contributed to the growth of knowledge. The finding will yield both social and economic benefit to those who will acquire the technology and use it. The benefits associated with the advancement in the technology can not be underestimated. Initiatives to develop the new technology have to be promoted further to ensure the technology achieves its desired objectives. 

Disadvantages of developing the technology

The level of seismic and other harmful emission is projected to use with the utilization of the technology. Currently, the standard of pollution in the world is causing massive harm and adding more radiation will mean more harmful effects associated with the radiation be experienced in the world. The harmful rays and radiations associated with quantum computers and radiation therapy if not checked will make the current level of global warming being experienced to go up further. Secondly, there are no better means to dispose of dated quantum computers and radiotherapy equipment. Obsolete equipment has been left lying idle posting many effects to the environment. Unless a better means of reusing the product is found, it will remain to be a dangerous technology that is insensitive to the environment once it’s useful lifetime is over (Antonuk, 2012). As research to develop advanced systems continues, there is a need to have measured in place that will result in the development of a better system with god performance parameters and environmental friendly even after their useful life come to an end. The research should also aim at developing systems that not only will solve human problems but will help in meeting the new challenges of saving the environment. 


The new developments being made in science are designed to make the utilization technology and its products easier for human beings. Furthermore, the advancement means greater economic and social advantages. There are various organizations across the world undertaken research in quantum computers and radiation therapy (Andreo, 2011). More developments are being planned at the moment and will take effect shortly. The ease and availability of the advanced quantum computer have done research into the operation and how they have been built up easier. There is a need to have an environmental friendly mechanism in place to save the planet from being polluted by the various harmful radiations being demoted by quantum computers and radiation therapy machines. As the research goes on to develop advanced systems, there is need to develop protection mechanism that will help cushion human beings from the effects associated with the intense radiation the products are associated. More cooperation among engineers should be promoted to develop systems that are better adaptable to the current needs of the world. The performance of the systems is another parameter that has to be assessed with care. Proper utilization of the machines should not result in harm on the part of the user as it is being experienced at the moment. The protective mechanism should be devised to deal with the radiation the operators may be exposed to while interacting with the machines. With better systems benefits associated with quantum computers is projected to go higher. 


Andreo, P. (2011). Monte Carlo techniques in medical radiation physics. Physics in medicine and biology, 36(7), 861.

Antonuk, L. E. (2012). Electronic portal imaging devices: a review and historical perspective of contemporary technologies and research. Physics in medicine and biology, 47(6), R31. 

Braunstein, S. L., & Pati, A. K. (Eds.). (2012). Quantum information with continuous variables. Springer Science & Business Media.

Hirvensalo, M. (2013). Quantum computing (pp. 1922-1926). Springer Netherlands.

Sempau, J., Wilderman, S. J., & Bielajew, A. F. (20111). DPM, a fast, accurate Monte Carlo code optimized for photon and electron radiotherapy treatment planning dose calculations. Physics in medicine and biology, 45(8), 2263.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Quantum Computers and Radiation Therapy.


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