30 Dec 2022


Recycling Waste Materials Is Not Sustainable

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 292

Pages: 1

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This is my introductory paragraph. It entails the development of the strategy which piques the interest of the readers. It then transitions and gives a short, clear, yet succinct transition to the thesis statement. Though there has been a clamor for recycling of waste materials by many stakeholders, it is neither a sustainable nor viable long term undertaking due to costs nor the resultant pollution. 

Background information 

This section gives a deeper view of the issue to enable a better understanding. Some areas addressed in this section will include the key definition of terms, background of the issue, what led to the issue at hand, and the long-held views that have led the issue to thrive in public sphere. I will show that despite the high sensitization programs and policies meant to encourage recycling of waste materials it, is not a viable or sustainable option in the long term. I will do this by showing its negative effects. 

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Recycling in itself comes with some costs. The costs have, however, been on the rise over the year. I will use some research sources to demonstrate this high cost of recycling. 


Recycling in itself causes population in the environment. The causes of this pollution include emissions due to transportation of waste to the factory by trucks, manufacture of recycling, the recycling process itself. All these, I will demonstrate through peer-reviewed sources, cause environmental pollution. 

Less air and water pollution 

This is the opposing view. Recycling is good for the environment because it causes less water and air pollution. Approximately 74% less water pollution and 35% less air pollution results from the recycling process. I will do further research on this. 


Despite the insistence on the benefits of recycling waste materials, emergent high costs and resultant pollution makes it unsustainable. I will conclude by linking all the above-discussed points and draw and inference in support of the abolishment of recycling. 


Hossain, M. U., Poon, C. S., Lo, I. M., & Cheng, J. C. (2016). Comparative environmental evaluation of aggregate production from recycled waste materials and virgin sources by LCA. Resources, Conservation and Recycling , 109 , 67-77. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Recycling Waste Materials Is Not Sustainable.


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