25 May 2022


Reflection: Fundraising and Philanthropy

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Academic level: Master’s

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Words: 378

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One of the fundraisers that I have had the pleasure to be part of is the relief fund for Puerto Rico after it was hit by Hurricane Maria. The natural disaster was regarded as the worst on record to hit Dominica and Puerto Rico. Approximately three million US citizens lost electricity, access to fresh water source, fuel, cell service, and thousands more had their homes destroyed (Perkins, 2017). Numerous corporations including UNIDOS, UNICEF, Save the Children, Team Rubicon, ConPRmetidos, Global Giving, and CBS News Network through its Late Show host Stephen Colbert participated in developing the fundraisers for the people in the region (Perkins, 2017). Due to the severe damages caused on the unincorporated territory of the US, the federal government was unable to provide enough relief funds to support the people affected by the natural disaster. It was the Stephen Colbert’s Twitter and Instagram #PuberMe challenge that was particularly interesting in its organization and implementation. The Ben & Jerry’s AmeriCone Dream ice cream flavor would offer $1,000 for every awkward pubescent celebrity photo sent via the two social media platforms ( Activism is at our core , 2014). As a buyer of the product, it is amazing to see the organization use its profits for such a worthy cause.

The organization had a clear purpose and well identified prospects as it sought to give money to serve the needs of the Puerto Rican people while seeking input from the elite class in the society. The gift range chart was clear as for every awkward photograph sent to the CBS show Colbert’s foundation would donate $1000 (Shufflebarger, 2013). The importance of relationships was evident whereby the television personality was able to influence some of his acquaintances to add to the fund. Nick Kroll along with the cast from Big Mouth offered $100,000, while the social media trend led to funds reaching $250,000 in the initial round (Perkins, 2017). The CBS company would then match the final contributions by offering a nearly $500,000 to ensure it reached $1 million within the time frame set. The fundraiser was effective by implementing the five principles. Lin-Manuel Miranda would then go on to write and record a new song featuring an all-star cast of Latina artists where all its proceeds would go toward hurricane recovery efforts. 

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Activism is at our core: The Ben & Jerry’s Foundation . (2014) Ben & Jerry’s, Retrieved from https://www.benjerry.com/whats-new/2014/philanthropy-foundation  

Contreras, F. & Hilton, R. (2017) Lin-Manuel Miranda Explains How He Made His New Benefit Song For Puerto Rico . NPR Music, Retrieved from https://www.npr.org/sections/allsongs/2017/10/05/555855858/lin-manuel-miranda-explains-how-he-made-his-new-benefit-song-for-puerto-rico  

Perkins, D. (2017) Stephen Colbert hits $1 million in Puerto Rico donations thanks to awkward celebrities like Lin-Manuel Miranda . AV Club, Retrieved from https://www.avclub.com/stephen-colbert-hits-1-million-in-puerto-rico-donation-1819205241  

Shufflebarger, D. (2013) Three Basic Principles of Development. Fundraising Counsel, Retrieved from http://www.fundraisingcounsel.com/fundraising-blog/fundraising-advice/three-basic-principles-of-development/

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Reflection: Fundraising and Philanthropy.


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