26 Aug 2022


Reflection on Human Resource Management Course

Format: Harvard

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Personal Reflection

Words: 3065

Pages: 10

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Self-reflection is a process that avails learners with an opportunity to stop and reflect about learning that has occurred previously and apply it to the various situations. Learning may come from various situations like seminars, trainings, or studying for educational qualifications. Most of an individual’s learning ability are likely to be more informal and may be drawn from one’s previous work and experiences in their daily life. It therefore depends on an individual’s ability to reflect on the experience and draw learning from these particular experiences. On the other hand, human resource managements is a key field that needs good skills and attributes for the wellbeing of any organization. This paper presents evidence of reflecting on my four major learning areas using Gibb’s reflective model and links the theoretical learning areas with the human resource management practices. 

Theoretical foundation 

Kolb’s reflective model 

David Kolb published his model of learning in 1984 in which he developed an inventory of learning (University of Leicester, 2020) . He was influenced by the work of other theorists such as John Dewey, Jean Piaget, and Kurt Lewin. Kolb’s experimental learning theory works in two levels. A four-stage learning cycle and four different learning styles. Much of the learning theory is focused on learner’s internal cognitive process. 

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According to Kolb, learning effectively takes place when one undergoes a concrete experience that is followed by observation and reflection on a particular experience. After which it leads to the formation of abstract concepts, which are analysis and generalization or conclusion. The concepts are then utilized for testing four hypothesis resulting in an individual’s new experience. These can be simplified to experience, reflect, reframe, and reform. The model is as seen below. 

Gibb’s reflective model 

Gibb’s reflective model was developed by Graham in 1988 to give learning from experience a better structure (The University of Edinburgh, 2020) . It offers a framework useful for examining experiences, and with its cycle nature, it lend itself specifically to a repeated experiences. Hence it allows one to learn and plan from the things that are either going well or did not go well. The reflective cycle was partly inspired by Kolb’s learning cycle. It intended to enable learners effectively reflect in daily incidence and occurrences. 

Gibbs’ reflective cycle is among the most famous reflective models leading to various stages to help one make sense of an experience. Its stages involve experience description, the feelings and thoughts about the experience, and evaluation of both good and bad experiences. Further, the cycle involves experience analysis to make sense of the given situation, concluding remarks about what one has learned and what could be done differently, and finally having an action plan that states how the situation could be handled next time or in the future. The reflective cycle is as seen below. 

Comparing the two models, both are important learning cycles that aids an individual’s learning experience. However, while Gibb’s model has 6 reflective stages, Kolb’s model has 4 stage experimental cycle for learning. Gibb’s model is based on learning through repetitions while Kolb’s model is based on learning through experience. However, several other reflective models apart from Gibb’s and Kolb’s model also exist. These other models include Schon model developed in 1991, Discroll model of 1994, Rolfe et al. ‘s framework for reflective learning of 2001, and Johns’ model for structured learning developed in 2006. 

Gibb’s reflection on key skills 


Description. Within the module, we were taught various statistics concepts that seem to be irrelevant to human resource management. For instance, we were taught that one general principle concerning data is that much of the information is lost as one groups the data and these information should be used only when necessary (Jakobsen et al., 2017). Therefore, m easures of central tendency are useful to help one determine the major values of a distributed data. They include mean, mode, median, and the quartiles. The mean is the average of the given data calculated by dividing the sum of all the values by the number of observations. The median is the observation with the same number of observations on either side of it and it is more important when considering the income distributions. The median also splits the given data into two parts. In the first part of the observation, lower quartile is the midpoint of the first section that median creates while upper quartile is the midpoint of the second section that median has created. The mode also on the other hand is the number that has occurred most often in the data set. Equally important, dispersion of data is measured by the variance of a set of observations about the mean value. Two data set may have the same mean but different dispersion. Variance and standard deviation are the two commonly used methods of measuring dispersion of a dataset. 

Human resource managers are required to give information regarding their companies and organizations which are then published as career information resource. Some of these resources report mean salary while others report the median salary. Therefore it is important for any HR manager to know which measure of central tendency can best represent the actual earning in an organization. Mean is calculated by adding the salaries of all the company’s employees and then dividing the sum by the total number of these employees. On the other hand, median is the actual employee salary that appears in the middle when the salaries are arranged in ascending or descending order. These shows a great difference between mean and median. However, the median salary is more accurate in the representation of the actual earning in the organization than the mean salary. That makes statistics an important area of study since it helps in decision making. 

Feelings. I hated studying statistics which comprised of several technical calculations and analysis of data. These technicalities made me hate the study area since I felt that they were only meant for statistics student but not students pursuing human resource. My previous thought about the module content that it is all about managing people impacted my negative feelings when I saw the professor teaching us more about statistics. However, my feelings and view on the study areas changed after completing the module. I now love and feel that studying these statistical areas are full of fun and important for future human resource manager. 

Evaluation. I did not like the fact that the course consisted of deeper areas of statistical study. For instance, we had to study on the basic probability notations and linear correlations in statistics which required complex calculations. On the other hand, I liked the fact that in statistical study areas, we had to relate their importance to the human resource managers since they were mostly helpful to the human resource managers while making decisions regarding complex and important ideas in an organization. 

Analysis . Hypothesis testing as a concept found in statistics is an important concept for any HR. Many questions in business generally take the form of hypothesis or questions. These hypothesis may be valid or may not be valid. To decide if a hypothesis is valid or not, it has to be tested and that is what is the importance of having the concept of hypothesis testing. Proper testing of these hypothesis in any organization or a business helps one decide if they should reject the hypothesis or not. 

Conclusion. I realized that statistics is important for the human resource managers. Testing of a hypothesis is an important part of human resource management since many questions that may be directed to the HR generally take the form of a hypothesis which may be proved to be valid or invalid. To test the validity of a hypothesis, one must test that particular hypothesis (Kruschke & Liddell, 2017) . Null hypothesis states that no expected difference is in the hypothesis. Alternative hypothesis states some difference that are expected in the hypothesis. That means that if one rejects a null hypothesis, then alternative hypothesis may be true. Much of what many people do in an organization is involving specification of hypothesis. Therefore there is need to test them. Appropriately testing hypothesis may help one decide whether to reject the hypothesis or to accept them. 

Human resource managers are required to give information regarding their companies and organizations which are then published as career information resource. Some of these resources report mean salary while others report the median salary. Therefore it is important for any HR manager to know which measure of central tendency can best represent the actual earning in an organization. 

Action plan. Based on my experience, I will ensure that I have a deeper learning on statistics since I realized how important it is to the human resource management module. It will help me a lot in my career especially while making important decisions in an organization. Faced with the same situation in the future, I will ensure that I take time to judge the importance of an area of study in a particular module. 


Description . In human resource development, we were taught that E-leaning is delivered using electronic technology for the explicit purpose of the development and learning of the employees. There are several conditions for E-learning. For instance, since learners are dispersed in E-learning, it has difficulty to assemble them at the same time. Besides, there is difficulty in scheduling time blocks. E-learning poses a number of advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages include working at one’s own pace, it is cost effective if it is set up once in addition to the flexibility of using since the learners only use it when they need ( Arkorful and Abaidoo, 2015) . On the other hand, some of the disadvantages include denying learners with an opportunity to ask questions, requires self-discipline for one to sustain, and sometimes may be expensive to set up. However, E-learning is important for any organization since it enhances the technological capability. The ICT speed and quality helps in facilitating access to the current technological support that are essential for any organization. 

Feelings . During the study, I felt that the lecture was teaching us concepts that are irrelevant from our area of study. As a result, I was frustrated since I considered ICT study concepts to be a waste of time and energy to study as a human resource student. My previous thought about the module content that it is all about managing people impacted my negative feelings when I saw the professor teaching about information technology. However, my feelings and view about the study areas changed after the completing the course. I feel that ICT is fun and important study areas to me as a human resource student. 

Evaluation. I did not like the fact that the module consisted of deeper areas of ICT concepts. For instance, I did not like the fact that we had to study about ICT software called groupware. I thought studying software was meant for the ICT students and not human resource management students. On the other hand, I liked the fact that within the ICT concepts, we had to relate their importance to the human resource managers since they were mostly helpful to the human resource managers to help enhance communication. 

Analysis. Things went well because at the end of studying ICT module, the course content made a connection between ICT and human resource management. For example, we realized that groupware is a software that has been specifically designed to enhance group work and it was designed with the cooperative requirements in the minds of the developers. Stonea et al. (2015) noted that in the recent years, ICT has adversely affected human resource process and practices. Currently, the technology still affects the HR process considering the existing literature on the topic as well as the advantages and limitations of using these new systems in doing the business. It is such literature that made me realize the importance of studying ICT in HR management since it is crucial for the success of any business. 

Conclusion. ICT is an important area of study for any future or current HR manager since it help to enhance communication among the employees within the organization. Enhanced communication is essential in an organization since it tends to bring employees together as the employees also feel that they are actually part of the organization because they are involved in the decision making. Therefore, I realized how important the study of ICT helps human resource managers in their future work. 

Action plan. From the trimester study on Human resource management, I have learnt that as a human resource manager, I will ensure that I have a broader knowledge of ICT. Businesses today apply several concepts for their respective growth and the heightening competitive environment which requires several skills such as ICT skills ( Owen, 2017 ). As a result, human resource managers must know technological skills that are required for successful operation of the business as well as automation of basic operational procedures. 


Description. Generally acceptable accounting principles is founded in the basic accounting guidelines and principles. It entails several accounting principle that must be well known to any human resource manager. These principles include economic entity assumption principle which requires that an accountant keeps all the transactions of any business, whether in a sole proprietorship type, separate from the accounts of the business owners ( Cameron, 2009 ). On the cost principle, amount of assets are not adjusted to reflect any increase in the value of the asset. Therefore, any amount of an asset does not reflect its value which a company may receive if it needed to sell that particular asset in the current market ( Dyson, 2010 ). A company’s financial statement does not reveal the real value of a company’s long term asset. Perhaps, a third party’s appraiser may reveal the value of a long term asset in the current market. 

Feelings. I felt that leaning about finance in the HR management field is a frustrating situation considering that Human resource managers do not always manage funds within an organization. I hated studying finance due to its various manipulation of figures which are difficult to understand. These technicalities made me hate the study area since I felt that they were only meant for finance and accounting student. My previous thought about the course content that it is all about managing people impacted my negative feelings when I saw the professor teaching us more about finance and going further to the various calculations it involves. However, my feelings and view changed after the completing the course. 

Evaluation. The study of finance involved arithmetic manipulation of figures which were difficult to understand as well as understanding the reason a HR manager should be acquainted with the concepts. It involved development of income statements in a particular financial year an also accounting and balance sheet of various businesses. I could not understand the reason for studying these areas yet I was a HR student but not an accounting and finance student. 

Analysis. It is clear that financial ratios can be compared to the target of the company to help achieve the profits. It is useful in analyzing the trends in the financial performance of a company or an organization as well as the company position over several years of operation. 

Conclusion. Financial statement analysis offers a tool for the assessment of performance in an organization compared to the previous years and the performance of other industries. It is important for various users and stakeholders such as investors and lenders. The investor’s use it as an indicator for future returns while the lender use financial statements to determine the level of financial risk in an organization. 

Action plan. In future, I will ensure that I use financial concepts as a human resource manager to help me determine the state of an organization regarding financial matters. I will ensure that I use the concepts and skills I learned while studying finance to formulate annual reporting that is useful to indicate trends and prompting questions within an organization. 

Reflective practitioner 

Description. Continuing professional development is learning through action and reflection. Reflections gives an individual an opportunity to know one’s self better and take the strategies towards further career development. For many years, reflection has been a theory of learning. It involves one major element of the learning process together with actual experience. These include rational conclusion, emotional insights, and acting on the experience. Reflection further gives courage to individuals and professionals to take the responsibilities for their own growth and development as well as learning how to learn. For one to be a reflective practitioner, they must be able to listen and yearning to hear what other colleagues and subordinates are trying to say ( Reissner and Watson, 2014 ). Reflective practitioners should also care for subordinates and the peers by perceiving them as a whole individuals as well as supporting their learning and development. 

Feelings. When we were taught to be a reflective practitioner, I felt good since the module was so much related to the human resource management. I liked the module as it was teaching as the skills to develop our learning experience as we are in our duty. 

Evaluation. The concept within the module was exactly what I expected. That made me to like the module more than the other three module that we were taught during the trimester. 


Integrating reflective practice is an important strategy and technique that allows one to develop their skills as they learn through experience. 

Conclusion. When one integrates reflective practice into their daily routines will allow them to interpret what may be going on currently in a thoughtful manner. It is also important for reflective practitioners to adopt critical stance to pose challenge on the status quo and also develop professional and managerial practices. Furthermore, information and knowledge are two different and related concepts for any HR manager. These two factors and concepts are very much related as shown in the diagram below. 

The relationships  amongst  data , information, and Knowledge: ( Liew, 20007 ) 

Therefore management if knowledge is a systematic process in which required knowledge for an organization for the success is created, captured and shared through reflection. 

Action plan. As a human resource Manager, I will ensure that I apply reflection as a learning skill for what the development of my human resource career. As I continue interacting with various employees, I would apply reflective skills to help me learn new ways of handling situations in an organization. 

Overall conclusion 

From the trimester study on Human resource management, I have learnt that human resource managers need to have a broader knowledge of various concepts. They must know various skills that are required for successful operation of the business. These include statistics, ICT, and finance. Furthermore, human resource managers should be reflective practitioners who are ready to take any given opportunity and situation as a source of learning. The learning experience I had throughout the trimester could have been full of joy and a more positive experience if I had a prior knowledge of what a human resource manager should know and apply in their daily operation of the business or organization. Having an understanding mind and thought are crucial skills that helpful to anyone who may go through the same experience since it help one to have a quicker understanding of what is expected of them as they undertake the human resource management course. It is quick understanding that helped me change my perspective and view of the courses content and made me enjoy the broader course content. 


Arkorful, V., & Abaidoo, N. (2015). The role of e-learning, advantages and disadvantages of its adoption in higher education.  International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning , vol. 12 no. 1, pp. 29-42. 

Cameron, S. (2009) The Business Student's Handbook: Skills for Study and Employment .(5th Edition) London: Prentice Hall. 

Dyson, J.R. (2010) Accounting for non-accounting students . 8th ed. London: Financial Times/Prentice Hall. 

Jakobsen, J., Gluud, C., Wetterslev, J. and Winkel, P., 2017. When and how should multiple imputation be used for handling missing data in randomised clinical trials – a practical guide with flowcharts.  BMC Medical Research Methodology , vol. 17 no. 1. 

Kruschke, J. and Liddell, T., 2017. The Bayesian New Statistics: Hypothesis testing, estimation, meta-analysis, and power analysis from a Bayesian perspective.  Psychonomic Bulletin & Review , vol. 25 no.1, pp.178-206. 

Liew, A. (2007). Understanding data, information, knowledge and their inter-relationships.  Journal of knowledge management practice , vol. 8 no. 2, pp. 1-16. 

Owen, J. (2017) The Leadership Skills Handbook 90 essential skills you need to be a leader , 4th, London, KoganPage. 

Reissner, S. and Watson, G, eds (2014) Developing Skills for Business Leadership . 2nd edition London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development 

Stonea, D., Johnson, R., Deadrickb, D. and Lukaszewskic, K., 2015. The influence of technology on the future of human resource management.  Human Resource Management Review , vol. 25 no. 2, pp.216-231. 

The University of Edinburgh. (2020).  Gibbs' Reflective Cycle . The University of Edinburgh. Retrieved 16 December 2020, from https://www.ed.ac.uk/reflection/reflectors-toolkit/reflecting-on-experience/gibbs-reflective-cycle#:~:text=Gibbs'%20Reflective%20Cycle%20was%20developed,structure%20to%20learning%20from%20experiences.&text=Conclusion%20about%20what%20you%20learned,changes%20you%20might%20find%20appropriate. 

University of Leicester. (2020).  David Kolb — University of Leicester . Www2.le.ac.uk. Retrieved 16 December 2020, from https://www2.le.ac.uk/departments/doctoralcollege/training/eresources/teaching/theories/kolb. 

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