25 May 2022


Training and Development in Small Businesses

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

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Pages: 6

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Training and development is a type of system in a business that focuses on improving the workforce performance either on an individual or group level. Training involves an education where it improves skills, changes attitudes, instill concepts and assists in gaining knowledge that improves employees’ performance (Noe & Peacock, 2). It assists in improving an employee’s behavior due to the change in attitude and installation of skills or knowledge. It is important to plan training after one has done a need or gap analysis that will aim at identifying certain abilities and mainly to take place in a conducive environment for learning. As one is coming up with a training program, it is critical that they consider both the organizational and individual goals. It may not be easy to synchronize both goals but it is advisable that a win-win situation is achieved by both parties. Most organizations tend to prepare for their pieces of training at the beginning of the financial year and, therefore, composing a training calendar. It takes place after they have identified all employees who require training and their specific needs. According to human resource, it is known as a training need analysis which is a section of the performance appraisal process. They then identify the needs where training hours are identified, the needed intervention then are strategically spread all throughout the year.

Development, on the other hand, is commonly confused with training due to the fact that they are in the same system. Despite their similarities, they are known to have different aspects. It is defined as opportunities presented that assist in employee growth. As opposed to training that mainly targets the current job situation, development is futuristic and deals with issues from a long term perspective. Development tends to focus beyond one current position in an organization (Noe & Peacock, 2). An example is wherein a company there is training in presentation skills and also at the same time a course on leadership through literature. Presentation skills are seen to assist the employee in the current job position while the leadership course is not relevant at the moment but would be helpful in the future. Some organizations tend to select specific employees to undergo certain programs in order to empower them for certain future positions. They choose them according to one’s abilities, attitude, current performance, and skills. Leadership programs are one of the courses that are used on employees who show they have abilities to lead the company towards its goals.

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In this paper, there will be the use of a beauty parlor known as Style and Smile which is a small business. They require consultation on strategic training and development that would assist the business to grow and expand. The mission of the beauty parlor is to become a leading parlor of choice in the next five years. In order to come up with a proper training and development plan, it is critical that analysis is done to identify the key elements of training and development (Noe & Peacock, 2).


In order for the beauty parlor to gain an effective training and development plan, it is critical that a business case is formulated. Business is where the financial benefit of the training and development is assessed (Noe & Peacock, 2). It is critical that there is a clear indication of the cost that will be incurred in the process as each employee undergoes the training and development while at the same time observing the profit the business gains from the change. It is known as the conduction of a cost-benefit analysis. As a business, any expenditure made should be able to lead into positive results that is profits.

Secondly, is to come up with objectives and learning outcomes that will assist the beauty parlor to lead to positive outcomes. The objectives of training and development at the Style and Smile beauty parlor is to sharpen the skills of employees, motivate them as they perform their duties and incentives in their execution of duties. Most of the employees are straight from a school where they did not do practically as much. They lack the on the job experience that they require in giving them confidence on the job. The training will assist them to gain on the job skills that are required directly in their job descriptions (Noe & Peacock, 2). An example is that most barbers tend to learn the general shaving concepts in school but on the job, they require to understand how to make fades, cuts and even style clients as directed. Such skills they gain on the job and in order to fast track the learning, it is best to come up with training that will make them all rounded. Learning outcomes are the expected lessons to gain at the end of the training which are the specifications on the job skills such as the different styles through fading, shaving, and partial dyes after shaving. Through the objectives and learning outcomes, it is easier for Styles and Smiles beauty parlor to achieve their mission.

Thirdly, is coming up with the content of the training and development that will be in line with the beauty parlor (Noe & Peacock, 2). As discussed earlier, the staff are mainly from school, therefore, lack the job experience. While in school, their curriculum is quite broad, therefore, they end up learning the basics. As they enter the industry they realize clients like unique designs which were not in their curriculum. Hair and beauty is an art and therefore, a customer can actually invent a design and therefore, they expect you to execute it as they desire. Therefore, in such a case, it is advisable that content is made according to the target market. The location of the beauty parlor is around students, therefore, they require one with skills in improvising the different hairstyles and in manipulating the basic knowledge. Therefore, the content should be in the manipulation of hairstyles. A way in which the information is delivered is also critical and in this case, it should be through one on one classes and video presentations. It should involve practical application of the skills on practical people and not dummies as they do it in school.

Fourth, is access internal and external resources in that it is possible to get trainers from inside the business who will mentor their fellow colleagues in becoming better (Noe & Peacock, 2). Style and Smile beauty parlor is a small business, therefore, the only skilled person is the manager who has been in the industry for more years. She understands the dynamics of the industry and the clientele needs. Due to her experience, she can be one of the trainers who teach her colleagues how to execute certain skills. Her expertise is on hair styling, manicure, and pedicure. The skills she has can be taught to her colleagues since hairstyles keep evolving, hence, it is critical that one is flexible enough to change with the developments. Internal resources are cheaper because the training is incorporated in their salaries, therefore, one may not need to incur the cost and they tend to be flexible. The business may require an extra external resource who will cover the other sector such as braiding of hair and barber section.

Lastly is to adjust to the improvements where after training and development have taken place, it is critical that as a business they sit and implement the improvements (Noe & Peacock, 2). At this point, the employees at Style and Smile beauty parlor will have gained the specific skills they require at the job, as a result, they have to make continuous improvement. Their skills will have to be on top where they can manipulate any style that the clients present to them. They should possess the courage to execute the hairstyles without fear of disappointment. Art always requires courage to portray it as intended to both the audience and to one self’s expectation.

Potential Challenges 

There are difficulties that the business may witness as they try to improve the performance of Style and Smile beauty parlor employees. One of the challenges may include hectic employee schedules. In the beauty industry, the working times are normally hectic in that they are expected to report to work by eight in the morning and close at nine in the evening (Lee & Bruvold, 1). Their days of working is six days a week and off days are never after Wednesday. The job is already taking into their time therefore rarely get free times. Training, in this case, cannot take place during working hours because it will lead to losses, so, it is advisable that training is done during their free time which is their off day. It is difficult to convince them on partaking in training especially because it will eat up on their family time.

The second challenge for Style and Smile beauty parlor is the different learning habits where they all internalize lessons at different times in varying capacities. There are those that are younger who tend to grasp what they are taught quite fast especially using the current technologies such as videos (Lee & Bruvold, 1). The older generation, on the other hand, may take longer and may prefer a different mode of teaching such as one on one is that normally takes longer hence expensive for the business.

Thirdly, is the lack of engagement where training requires behavioral, cognitive and emotional participation. If one does not possess the three, it is difficult for them to gain knowledge or skill required (Lee & Bruvold, 1). Due to the different motivations of the staff, it may be difficult to gain engagement from all the employees, therefore as business, risking to face losses through those that lack engagement.

Effects of Detecting Organizational Gaps

There are effects of gap analysis that may be identified in Style and Smile parlor. It is important to perform a gap analysis as one is performing training and development in their business (Sung & Choi, 3). In the case at hand, Style and Smile should carry out a skills gap analysis where they identify the skills required by the employees and those that they already possess. It will assist in minimizing the cost of training on skills that they already possess thus becoming more objective in the process.

Leadership is another importance of gap analysis where Style and Smile will assess the manager and the skills she possesses (Sung & Choi, 3). In the case at hand we find that the manager is only skillful on hair styling, manicure and pedicure, therefore, may not have the ability to correct one who is going wrong in a section such as barbering. It is advisable that such shortcomings are identified in order to incorporate them in the training needs.

Competitive Training Strategy

It is critical that Style and Smile has a competitive training strategy that will assist in improving performance and hence giving them a competitive advantage. The first step is coming up with an agenda for the training activities which in the case above is improving skills that are required on the job (Sung & Choi, 3). 

Agenda Activities

According to the research done, skills lacking are hair styling, proper haircut designs that involve fading, dying and nail art. The method of relaying the training classes is mainly one on one and use of videos (Sung & Choi, 3). 

Rationale for Instructional Strategies

One on one is to facilitate those of an older generation who will grasp the lessons fast if they had a one on one with the trainer while those who are young are quick to learn through the visual tutorials (Sung & Choi, 3). Through the use of both instructional strategies, Style and Smile can easily achieve their goal of empowering their staff and hence an improvement in performance and motivation.

Return on Investment

The return of investment to be experienced in through the anticipated training will be significant. As discussed, training requires investment by the business owner but the investment should bring returns hence at the beginning there was a discussion on a business case. A business case is where Style and Smile will assess the financial cost of the training versus the expected return improvements (Sung & Choi, 3). Therefore, there will be an increase in the return of investments due to the improvement of skills hence more clients will have faith in the outcomes and increase their frequency while giving referrals to their friends. In the end, there will be an increase in sales.


In conclusion, training and development are critical to any business. Style and Smile beauty parlor will experience growth once they implement the training program because their employees will be empowered with skills they did not possess. Increase in skills that means an increase in sales and customer satisfaction (Sung & Choi, 3). A satisfied customer will always come back frequently and will always refer the services to others hence increased customer base. There will be loyalty by customers and in the end, the business will expand and become a larger business.


Lee, C. H., & Bruvold, N. T. 2003. Creating value for employees: investment in employee development.  The International Journal of Human Resource Management 14 (6), 981-1000.

Noe, R. A., & Peacock, M. 2002. Employee training and development.

Sung, S. Y., & Choi, J. N. 2014. Do organizations spend wisely on employees? Effects of training and development investments on learning and innovation in organizations.  Journal of organizational behavior 35 (3), 393-412.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Training and Development in Small Businesses.


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