7 Nov 2022


Religion: Definition, Types, and Examples

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 278

Pages: 1

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Defining religion has been proven problematic due to the complications related to human beliefs, and the diversity of religious actions in the world. However, Religion has been defined to have several meaning to different people. Some people define religion to be a set of beliefs and practices agreed upon by a particular group of individuals. The beliefs involve nature, ritual and devotional aspects. The beliefs also involve moral codes regulating human behavior. From the time the world began, man has always demonstrated worship and faith to something regarded as superior. Religion has always involved trying to get favors from a supreme being through conducting rituals, practicing traditions and living according to the set laws. Religion, therefore, involves spiritual explanations related to continental cultural norms. 

Some people suggest that religion should be separated from an individual's beliefs. According to the Penguin dictionary, religion refers to concepts about belief in God, Goddesses and other transcendental ultimate concerns. Some people define religion to be communal, personal and related to sacred mystery. Religion is also described as actions relating to the existence of supernatural beings with impersonal powers. There are various religions which include; Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islamic. 

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Hinduism involves worshipping one being called Brahman through various gods and goddesses which include temples, rivers, animals, and idols. Hindus believe that actions in previous life determine their current position. Buddhists do not believe in any gods or God and argue that an individual has many rebirths. Muslims believe the existence of one God named Allah who is the creator of all universe. Christians believe in one God who is the creator. Christians argue that all people sin and Jesus is the savior. Conclusively, religion has different meanings, and people all over the world have rights to belong to any that they may choose. From the above definitions, it is clear that religion is associated with norms, beliefs, values and that people have the freedom to worship. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Religion: Definition, Types, and Examples.


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