21 Jun 2022


Robert’s Seven-Stage Crisis Intervention Model

Format: MLA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Case Study

Words: 1268

Pages: 5

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Robert’s seven-stage crisis intervention model (R-SSCIM) is an evidence-based practice that provides guidelines for handling patients in acute crises. The model asserts that expert crisis management officers may use the systematic approach to create recovery roadmap for patients who have been affected deeply by traumatizing events, a mental health challenge that suddenly escalates, or interpersonal conflicts, such as divorce. The R-SSCIM model’s first two stages entail addressing the stressor while subsequent phases comprise short-term and long-term management strategies. The evaluation of an imaginative case study shows how R-SSCIM may be used to diffuse a crisis effectively. 

Assume a scenario where I am the crisis manager for the Ontario police department. I help law enforcers and apprehended criminals to handle traumatic events. I am also a crisis management volunteer at the local shelter. Last year, Hurricane Katrina destroyed people’s livelihoods in my area. The majority of individuals became homeless, and they requested help at the shelter. Terry is a young lady who lost her home and business in the hurricane and is hosted at the shelter. Two weeks before the disaster, Terry had been brutally raped by unknown men who attempted to kill her unsuccessfully. On the fateful day, I am about to exit the shelter when Terry wakes up screaming and ready to attack the man sleeping near her. The shelter personnel immediately request for my assistance. I will apply R-SSCIM to handle Terry’s crisis. 

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The first phase of R-SSCIM entails assessing the lethality of a crisis. The clinician conducts a thorough and fast biopsychosocial evaluation of the imminent danger experienced by the patient ( Knox & Roberts, 2016) . I will start by determining Terry’s environmental stressors, preexisting coping mechanisms, medications and medical needs, and possible substance abuse. In my opinion, Terry’s stressors may be the man sleeping near her, who reminded her of her abusers. Terry may also have been using medications that exacerbated her anxiety, which manifested during sleep. I will also use the triage method, which includes assessing the presence of suicidal thoughts, the possibility of self-harm, the intensity of planned suicide, and suicidal history. Thus, I will evaluate the lethality of Terry’s problem at the first stage of my intervention. 

Stage two of R-SSCIM involves rapidly establishing rapport with the crisis patient. I will create a counselor-offered environment that promotes trust, respect, genuineness, and client acceptance ( St. Pierre & Hofinger, 2016) . I will ensure that my fundamental traits, behavior, and character strengths are visible for Terry to trust me. Additionally, my strategies to establish rapport with Terry will include steady eye contact, nonjudgmental attitude, resiliency, flexibility, and reinforcing small wins. Therefore, I will create rapport with Terry to advance her swift recovery. 

The third phase of R-SSCIM includes identifying crisis precipitators. Here, the medical practitioner concentrates on the patient’s present issue that is often the principal precipitant of the crisis ( Bratina, Carrero, Kim, & Merlo, 2018) . In the case study provided, Terry is a victim of sexual abuse who also lost her property recently. The two problems are the main precipitants of her current hysterical condition. Scholars contend that the clinician should prioritize issues if a patient has suffered multi-traumas that significantly challenged their emotional stability. In my opinion, Terry’s rape is more significant because it directly involved the violation of her physical body. The loss of property is also substantial but does not warrant hysteria that directed the patient to attack an innocent male victim. Thus, I will strategically evaluate Terry’s problem when applying the R-SSCIM plan. 

Stage four of R-SSCIM entails dealing with the patient’s emotions and feelings. Here, the crisis worker encourages the patient to share their feelings through venting as a healing strategy. Thus, I will allow Terry to express how she feels concerning the rape and property loss that precipitated her hysteria. During the session, I will employ active listening skills, such as probing, reflecting feelings, and paraphrasing (Williams et al., 2018). I will then cautiously introduce challenging responses, such as reframing, providing information, and interpretations. My main intention will be to loosen Terry’s maladaptive view and promote the consideration of other behavioral alternatives. Therefore, stage 4 of Terry’s crisis management will involve allowing her to share her feelings concerning her ordeal. 

In stage five, the crisis worker collaborates with the patient to explore and generate alternatives. Scholars contend that phase five is most challenging as it forces the client to view the bigger picture of their situation. Many crisis patients tend to cling to old coping techniques even when they have continuous adverse outcomes for fear of facing their situations. However, the achievement of stage four provides the patient with ample time to re-establish their emotional stability. Thus, I will suggest options that Terry may use, such as a contract that mandates that she will not commit suicide or a brief session of hospitalization to enable her to heal in a safe environment ( Amiri, Moslemifar, Showani, & Panahi, 2020 . I will also opine that Terry should relocate to a new environment to ease the trauma she experienced. Further, my intervention plan will include the stoppage of substance abuse if Terry indicates that she has a chemical dependence to heal faster. Finally, I will attempt to establish previous methods that had worked for Terry when she was in a near-similar circumstance. Therefore, the fifth phase of R-SSCIM entails exploring alternative crisis management plans. 

The sixth stage of R-SSCIM involves the implementation of an execution strategy. The clinician devises an empowering action plan that coordinates several interventions ( Zhang & Zhou, 2015) . For instance, Terry may express a strong desire to commit suicide as a coping mechanism and occasional self-harm. My action plan will entail initiating the removal of lethal objects near her with the help of her guardians. I will also create a time-limited strategy where Terry will promise not to commit suicide for a specific period. Further, my plan will include the adoption of future linkages. Terry will contact the local clinic immediately for assistance and scheduled telephone calls to check her condition on the next day. Moreover, I will suggest the use of carefully monitored the use of medication to ease Terry’s anxiety and loss of sleep. Additionally, I will suggest that Terry interacts with her family and friends as a social isolation reduction strategy. Finally, I recommend that Terry be hospitalized for a certain period if she exhibits extreme hysteria. Thus, stage 6 of my plan will include the integration of recovery strategies for Terry. 

Finally, the seventh R-SSCIM stage is patient follow up. Here, the clinician designs a follow-up plan for the patient after the first contact and intervention administration. The final phase checks that the crisis resolution goals are being achieved (Cerel, Hans, & Frey, 2016) . In the final stage, I will create a follow-up strategy for Terry. Aspects that I will regularly inspect include physical condition, such as her sleep duration and nutrition and cognitive conceptualization of the stressor. For instance, I could carefully probe whether Terry has acquired a different perspective of her situation. Moreover, I will assess her academic, employment, spiritual, and social functions. I will also evaluate the patient’s progress and satisfaction with the ongoing treatment plans. Furthermore, I will check for any present stressors and how Terry is handling them. Finally, I will assess if Terry requires any referral, such as medical, housing, or legal assistance. Therefore, I will follow up on Terry’s progress after the first contact crisis intervention. 

Robert’s seven-step crisis intervention model is a clinical plan used by crisis workers to intervene in critical patient situations resulting from traumatic experiences. I have created a case study where I handle Terry, who suddenly awakes in a shelter and exhibits hysteria and cruelty for her neighbor, a man. Terry has lost her property in Hurricane Katrina, besides being brutally raped and nearly murdered. My first intervention process will entail evaluating the lethality of her present situation. The second phase will be quickly establishing rapport with the patient by using techniques, such as expressing behavior that will influence Terry’s trust in me. Stage four will entail identifying the crisis’s precipitants, while phase five will involve handling Terry’s feelings and emotions. The final steps will include generating and exploring alternatives and executing the planned options. Thus, R-SSCIM is an effective evidence-based practice that helps crisis workers to diffuse critical patient situations. 


Amiri, F., Moslemifar, M., Showani, E., & Panahi, A. (2020). Effectiveness of forgiveness therapy in treatment of symptoms of depression, anxiety, and anger among female students with love Trauma Syndrome.  Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education & Research | , 1-8. Retrieved from https://japer.in/storage/models/article/u2ItxT7QExdiK6cB7qRaJDXL604O6MnFVk4al1xuzNInyChYjb2RWP25iDDF/effectiveness-of-forgiveness-therapy-in-treatment-of-symptoms-of-depression-anxiety-and-anger-amon.pdf 

Bratina, M. P., Carrero, K. M., Kim, B., & Merlo, A. V. (2018). Crisis intervention team training: When police encounter persons with mental illness.  Police Practice and Research 21 (3), 279-296. doi:10.1080/15614263.2018.1484290 

Cerel, J., Hans, J. D., & Frey, L. M. (2016). Perceptions of suicide stigma: How do social networks and treatment providers compare? Crisis.  The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention 37 (2), 95-103. doi:10.1027/0227-5910/a000358 

Knox, K. S., & Roberts, A. R. (2016). The crisis intervention model. In  Theoretical perspectives for direct social work practice: A generalist-eclectic approach  (pp. 249-272). Springer Publishing Company. https://doi.org/10.1891/9780826119483.0011 

St. Pierre, M., & Hofinger, G. (2016).  Crisis management in acute care settings: Human factors and team psychology in a high-stakes environment  (3rd ed.). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-41427-0 

Williams, A. R., Nunes, E. V., Bisaga, A., Pincus, H. A., Johnson, K. A., Campbell, A. N., … Olfson, M. (2018). Developing an opioid use disorder treatment Cascade: A review of quality measures.  Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 91 , 57-68. doi:10.1016/j.jsat.2018.06.001 

Zhang, L., & Zhou, J. (2015). Crisis intervention in the acute stage after trauma.  International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience 17 (04), 714-717. doi:10.4172/1522-4821.1000299 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Robert’s Seven-Stage Crisis Intervention Model.


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