5 Feb 2023


Scholarship STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 270

Pages: 1

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The COF (College Opportunity Fund) program is an in-state students’ stipend provision for new and continuing students attending college in Colorado. COF stipend aims at reducing tuition fee for students who must apply. Availability of scholarships enables students to grow academically, personally and professionally despite their financial or income levels. With COF scholarship, one no longer needs to work part-time for fees and other financial needs. It enables one to put more times for academics, thereby, elevating one's academic performance. 

Personally, the scholarships have sustained my personal needs in school and also help me understand the need of philanthropy. The scholarship is offered on merit and qualification, thus helps students to strive for professional competence so as to be able to qualify for the COF scholarship. This helps students exude professionalism in their studies and career. Scholarships have and will continue to enable students to access higher education with ease despite their financial constraints. With the benefits of scholarships, students are bound to perform well and grow personally as well as professionally in their career paths and courses. 

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With STEM related courses there is a guarantee of high-paying lucrative jobs immediately after college. Consequently, the tuition fee for STEM courses is higher compared to other fields of study. Scholarships play a vital role for students taking STEM courses by enabling them to focus on their careers without focusing on loan payments. Scholarships also help in reducing dropouts due to fee-related issues. This leads to better grades and retention of knowledge and more professional in STEM careers. With more students in school, one has a chance to search for a job to sustain them, to volunteers in internships and other opportunities that add meaningful value to their STEM related fields. The benefits of scholarship to STEM related courses consequently adds more qualified, experienced and professional accomplished graduates. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Scholarship STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).


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