25 Jul 2022


School Community Profile

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As human beings, we are heavily influenced by our environments. The reason is that our areas of residence give the first impression of the world as a home and a place of interaction. The entire society has a significant role in raising a child from a very young age. It is, therefore, the role of every community to prioritize education as a form of change. Among current popular education programs is the school-community partnership that links the mission and visions of a school to its community initiatives. Research shows that learning institutions that have high levels of community support have increased performance regarding attendance and positive attitude towards educational success. In a democratic society where people are given a chance to stimulate change, adults should voice their children needs to ensure they have all the necessary tools for success. Community education encompasses all those elements and methodologies that aim at running development programs within the local regions through the support of the federal government. Multiple job titles and bodies are set aside by the government to help support community programs that work towards outreach.

District Demographics 

Traditionally, Columbus was an Indian territory who were mostly known for their interest in civilization. The Creek Indians lived close to white-occupied regions hence they copied some of their practices to form the current Columbus tradition. The city was founded in the early days of the 19 th century through an act of the Georgia legislature. The city's name was influenced by one of the colonialist named Christopher Columbus who led to the permanent colonization of the Americans by the Europeans. The city's political and commercial importance increased after the federal government initiated development projects in the region such as the railroads and textile mills (Bauch, 2015). When civil war broke out in the mid-years of the 19th century, the industries expanded their production making the city to be one of the leading trading centers. The region was also ranked second to Richmond in the production and supply of war ammunition. However, as the war turned negative, the industries experienced new challenges such as shortage of raw materials and skilled labor. Most of them closed down due to the worsened financial opportunities. Reconstruction started in the 19 th century after the war ended.

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Columbus is divided into five geographic areas namely downtown, midtown, east, south and North Columbus. The regions are named based on the predominant activities that take place in the city. The midtown and downtown areas are predominantly commercial sector while the others are diverse suburban regions that offer both residential and business facilities. As of the 2010 American census, the city had a population of approximately one hundred and ninety thousand residents which was as an increase from the previous count. The poll reported that roughly 34 percent of these individuals were young children below twenty years living with their parents. For this reason, the district required more financial support in their education programs. More than half of the families were married couples living together with an average family size of three individuals.

The Columbus school district has over fifty-five thousand students making it the largest district school in the state. During the peak times in the 20 th century, the region had an enrollment of more than one hundred thousand students. For most of its history, the district has been referred to as Columbus public schools, but in the year 2007, they changed the name to city schools to help cover the different types of learning institutions present in the district. The region has more than two hundred Christian churches making the denomination to be the main religion (Luria et al. 2014). Others include the Hindus and Muslims who reflect an increasing number of immigrants into the country. The median income for the households in the district is forty-one thousand dollars where approximately 15 percent of the residents are below the poverty line.

With education development being among the leading financial concerns, the regions assessment plans are directed towards comprehensive projects that cover both educational and other social needs. Most social-economic opportunities are realized through the consolidated government agendas that are modeled to support the city's missions and visions. Some of the leading economic community goals include quality infrastructure, managing impacts of growth, local partnership and community revitalization. While the immediate social-economic focus of the district in 2017 was not good, there were some positive developments recorded at the end of the year. First, the overall economic situation in the region improved both locally and nationally. The main factor contributing to this change was the external growth of the Columbus initiatives.

Secondly, the existing business recorded an improvement. An example is the Path-Tec business that is adding a new facility indicating an opportunity for new jobs and industrial growth. Thirdly, the hospitality and service firms recorded a change in their provision techniques. Currently, the regional economy is more dependent on service providers as compared to the production sectors. The primary examples include leisure and travel agencies. The spending rate on these facilities is expected to rise in the next decade because consumer confidence is up and the provision rates are low (Luria et al. 2014). Other developments include the growth of financial activities industries and educational sectors. Over the last five years, the social impact of higher learning institutions in the district has increased by sixteen percent. The bottom line is that investing in these economic development projects could make tremendous differences in the region. The notable fits for the districts include communication companies manufacturing firms, and data centers. It also pays to focus on the tourist attraction sites in the community that increase on the sources of income.

School Community Research and Analysis 

District's philosophy and mission - The community vision is inclined towards unity where the residents work together to achieve common goals. Individuality, diversity, and respect are among the main issues observed when working on team projects. The district aims at becoming a regional sector of commerce and culture where all the initiatives will be matched to the commitment and partnership of the members. The mission of the city states that the society will foster leadership and stewardship and act with the highest level of integrity to ensure a high quality of life for all individuals. According to Luria et al. (2014), the main idea is to develop a safe and healthy environment from which every individual can work from through the support of their government. Leaders in the community provide an efficient and effective government that have responsive services based on the citizens' needs.

The mission and vision are achieved through the setting of community goals that are built upon the opportunities and challenges identified in the region. An example is the issue of community revitalization. The change in demographics is one of the factors that contribute to the expansion of the community regions. For the last twenty years, the Columbus government has directed a significant amount of capital to in-housing development projects that stimulate revitalization and reduce the cost of community services. There is also an abundance of opportunity to develop the region through the developable land in in-town neighborhoods. The public perception and marketing effort are essential in promoting revitalization. The district should publicize their stories of successful revival as a method of improving the public opinion concerning the main programs of the community.

Some of the leading challenges in maintaining the mission and vision include the effects of recent growth, gentrification, barriers to redevelopment and mismatch between new projects and existing goals. The current growth trends in the community indicate that much of the Columbus traditional projects are likely to be neglected. The change would lead to the introduction of new working techniques that do not take note of the primary set objectives (Stake, 2015). However, when funding such initiatives, the local authorities should ensure that companies and individuals set their goals along the city's' mission and vision statements. The problem of lack of enough resources to fuel development projects is also prevalent in the region. As a result, new efforts are needed to seek additional sources of funds.

The civil service commission is one of the main governing bodies that promote growth in community education. With some of their offices being located in the district, the leaders are committed to providing a quality workforce to support both education and development programs in the region. The commission is also dedicated to improving on their services by anticipating employment changes in these sectors. An example is ensuring there are experienced teachers who can support education at all levels. In fulfilling these responsibilities, the commission recognizes that the manner in which the government conducts its activities affects the quality of life for every individual. Teachers and parents are encouraged to think creatively and come up with projects that can be used to support education.

Innovative programs - traditionally, most people went to school to attain knowledge. As a result, the smart kids studied while at home such that when asked a question they could easily answer and be praised for the extra knowledge gained. Today, students carry more of their school work information in their pockets than would ever fit in their heads. As a result, the ability to retain some ideas and values has become an old skill. Schools teach their students how to understand different systems and solve the most recurrent problems. The change in the learning system is one of the main factors that have led to the introduction of new programs that would support both education and other development sectors. Georgia is among the leading states regarding technological advancement with Columbus being among the top areas to adopt the change. There is an increasing number of programs designed to support the community business and education plans.

First, the local authorities are working toward improving the quality of community infrastructure including school facilities (Bauch, 2015). An example is the funding of water projects by the federal government to ensure consistent supply to learning institution and health units. The government also provides school facilities that are essential in child development. Globally, schools are referred to as a second home for the learners hence they serve multiple purposes in a child's life. The gains range from boosting the learner's confidence to making them understand the importance of teamwork. The Columbus district ensures that the schools in the community have enough learning space as well as conducive learning conditions.

Secondly, the district has majored in technological development that promotes business and education growth. Through these new and existing programs, the community members have an opportunity to work together and come up with more innovative ideas. An example is the Columbus International programs that were introduced in schools where students use Google Docs in their projects. The plan was introduced to ensure that students work together irrespective of their locations. Such projects should be non-political, and they should focus on people-to-people engagement in line with mutual interest and community gain. Other technological innovations are directed towards the business sector where companies and individuals are educated on the need for digital migration. Successful projects result in an outcome that enhances interaction and understanding.

Thirdly, the Columbus city school foundation is also dedicated to supporting special education by providing both educational and behavioral support facilities for these individuals. The main aim is to enable disabled children to achieve academic excellence and acquire life skills that are essential for their survival. Children with disabilities need the same high-quality education as the other kids who do not have any health challenges. Some of the leading programs introduced include early intervention opportunities, home instruction programs, and services for transition planning. The federal government also provides funding grants to the states every year to help them support their educational innovations.

Lastly, the Columbus district government has integrated community education into their main strategic city plan of economic, political and social development. To ensure that the idea is functional, the government has focused on strengthened leadership that help coordinate interaction between learning institutions and public companies. Specifically, three main tasks are addressed; establishment of institutions and defining their specific roles, making systematic plans and improving on the working mechanism for the institutions (Stake, 2015). According to the principle of "four little" the government, unit of interest, individuals and society at large should team up to support each other in development. Since the year 2006, the Columbus district financial department has allocated funds for community education where the amount has increased over the years.

Any level of government involvement is relevant in community growth and development. Local authorities promote and manage development in their jurisdictions since it is their responsibility to represent the needs of the citizens to the national government. Many of the regulations that govern a community are in place through policies created and enforced by the government. For some regions, this is the primary form of involvement for their governments which is required in community development. However, the factors present in each region dictate whether government involvement is necessary. Some significant issues such as the provision of education facilities to support special education and change of curriculum systems can only be enacted with approval from government officials.

Other areas of particular interest - the methods used to measure achievement in the Columbus education system are worth evaluating. Despite the United States ability to lead in many sectors, their education system is less productive as compared to those of other first-class nations. The country's federal government spends more on education per every student than other developed countries. The education system of the district and the state at large requires that the students leave school with a collection of assessments to indicate their readiness for college or job. The k-12 system represents education progress from the kindergarten level to Grade twelve. The time spent in school equates to roughly sixteen years of study.

Testing takes place throughout the years to ensure that teachers keep track of the students' performance. However, the country’s method of assessment has raised various concerns regarding its ability to correctly test the skills acquired by each student. Although most schools offer a certificate for the successful completion of Grade 12, this is not the best evidence for student performance (Epstein & Sanders, 2016). The main reasons are that most teachers are compelled to teach to the tests, the questions are sometimes too simplistic, and the scores do not consider other factors that might lead to student failure. Other testing programs include the advanced placement and American college tests. Technology has made it easy for students to sit for these tests even when they are not physically present at the learning institutions.

Due to the continued debate on whether the standardized test should be used in schools, the Columbus district has introduced new measures to solve the problem. The government has invested in training teachers as a method of improving the quality of education. District leaders work with teachers and principals to help them learn how to test each student based on their abilities. Another development is the modernization of the teaching career. In the traditional education model, most teachers worked on their own where they were allocated specific classroom, and they lacked adequate support from the school management. The Columbus district empowers teachers to teach, lead and motivate their students through teamwork.

By supporting community education parents are also involved in the education system. A substantial amount of research suggests that those children at early stages can be modeled with ease as compared to college students. As a result, early childhood education, when done well, can be crucial to student achievement and performance in higher education as well as work position. The district leaders are also addressing the issue of poverty by ensuring that there is an equal distribution of resources across all institutions in the region. The tests are set under standard regulations such that there is no discrimination of the poor kids.

Interpretation of the Environment 

The community education program in the district is designed to provide information regarding how well community members are participating in the improvement of learning strategies. Importantly, the parents, educators and public administrators are informed how well students are learning and the value of content obtained from each unit. The policymakers can use the details obtained and the results from test scores to evaluate the curriculum while making necessary changes. A complete working mechanism can promote work effectively by ensuring all members meet the requirements of their job positions. Community participation in education matters supports other democratic processes.

In Columbus, community educators have over many years developed a range of strategies to improve on their education level within the local regions. The authorities mainly focus on the less advantaged individuals including the poor and those with disabilities (Stake, 2015). As a result, there is the introduction of some less formal initiatives that promote group work skills other than individual performance. At some point, political power can be used to influence the implementation of these projects and mobilize people to embrace change. In the history of Columbus community education, national bodies play a significant role in representation and development.

School Community Collaboration 

Expansion of school missions - the Columbus city mission is the primary objective to be achieved by the communities living in the district (Epstein & Sanders, 2016). In this case, learning institutions can easily collaborate with society by expanding their goals to meet the community mission. Educators should not be the only ones contributing to the development of education programs. Different institutions need to find ways to connect the core curriculum beyond the classroom setting to cover other social factors such as interaction. The purpose is a powerful driving tool for daily activities and behavior hence people should set common goals that can be achieved through teamwork.

Reaching out to all stakeholders - one of the most effective methods to connect and create stable relationships is interacting with the people who matter most. The Columbus district leaders have introduced programs that make it easy for teachers, students, and other community members to connect and work together as a team. The society members communicate what they wish and hope for their children and encourage them to work towards these goals. Shared objectives enhance community-school partnerships in that people are informed of their choices and how to support them through actions and accurate decisions. However, the main contributors are the students, teachers, parents, and policymakers.

Volunteering - the Columbus community members support their learning institutions through donations, ideas, provision of business skills required in education among others. The most effective method to connect with local businesses, organizations, nonprofit foundations among other groups in the community is through volunteering. For schools, voluntary partnerships can be in many forms based on the project of interest. However, it is essential to prioritize community involvement programs based on their importance and contribution to educational success. Volunteering provides a sense of purpose where different kinds of people interact and share ideas.

Connecting with the curriculum - most of the activities that children engage in outside their classroom settings do not consider the curriculum system. The Columbus district authorities have educational and awareness programs that educate parents and community members on the need to connect today's curriculum with real-world occurrences (Epstein & Sanders, 2016). An example is emphasizing on the entrepreneurship skill among students keeping in mind that business is among the central economic sectors in the world. People should also find ways to work together to ensure engaged learning and to connect the core curriculum to the outside world. It is also important not to forget the untapped wealth of knowledge and experience that resides with the elderly irrespective of their level of education.

The Benefits of Community Involvement in Schools 

Two decades ago, what most countries wanted out of their education systems seemed clear-cut. The leading expectation was that the best performers would have better reading and mastery skills and would know how to be responsible citizens. However, there are new challenges that are facing today's' education system such that people cannot easily predict the future. It is also difficult to know what to expect from our schools. The main reasons for the change include the wide income gap between urban and rural residents, the shift in job skills, and disruption of the family traditional settings. Most of the children are growing up in single-parent homes with most parents working as entrepreneurs and living in urban areas.

Due to these changes, there is a growing concern on the education curriculum used in each region. The primary method to help overcome the challenges that come along with these changes is the enhancement of community-school relationships. Consistent involvement and engagement keep the students informed of their society and what is expected of them in the future (Bauch, 2015). Although these challenges affect different communities in different ways, one thing is clear; the community members are the only ones who can provide a solution based on their needs. The schools, parent and community members should, therefore, work together to promote the learning of all students.


The Columbus society is among the most influential school communities. The responsibility for raising a well-educated and civic-minded generation lies in the hands of the society members. In this case, teachers and parents are considered to be the foremost leaders in the implementation of development programs. A community that is involved in the school system does much to ensure that their children benefit from the curriculum as well as the changes that occur as a result of the revolution. Without the community, learning institutions are seen as buildings that hold students but do not add value to their lives.


Bauch, P. A. (2015). School-community partnerships in rural schools: Leadership, renewal, and a sense of place. Peabody Journal of Education , 76 (2), 204-221.

Epstein, J. L., & Sanders, M. G. (2016). Prospects for change: Preparing educators for school, family, and community partnerships. Peabody journal of Education , 81 (2), 81-120.

Luria, J. W., Smith, G. A., & Chapman, J. I. (2014). An evaluation of a safety education program for kindergarten and elementary school children. Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine , 154 (3), 227-231.

Stake, R. E. (2015). Evaluating the arts in education: A responsive approach . Merrill Publishing Company.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). School Community Profile.


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