6 Oct 2022


School Dropout Rates

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 960

Pages: 3

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School dropout is a major problem that affects most of the people in the world today. Various factors contribute to school dropout that include indulgence in drugs, influence from peers and high poverty rates. Thus, this paper will focus on the school dropout statistics. Importantly, since the year 2005, the rates of quitting school have decreased substantially. Between the years 2014 and 2015, for example, the rates of school dropouts were quite low in the Asian and the Hispanic group of people (Sofin, Danker-Hopfe, & Neu, 2016). However, in the year 2015, dropout rates for both the black and the white people increased by 1.1 percent while it decreased by 0.3 among the Hispanic community (Sofin, Danker-Hopfe, & Neu, 2016).

School dropout rates tend to vary with the gender since more males are likely to quit school as compared to the females. Notably, among the Asian females, the dropout rate is high while it is highest on the black American students. The rate of dropouts tends to vary depending with the areas in which the students live. For instance, in states such as Boston, the school dropout rates are quite intense. Some of the risk factors that cause high rates of school dropouts include the test scores. Most students that have an exemplary performance tend to stay in school are likely to graduate as opposed to those that achieve low grades. Luckily, this problem has been solved by the introduction of test scores, which allows special attention to be accorded to individuals with a low performance hence causing encouragement.

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The parental demographic also plays a major role in the increased dropout rates whereby in a case where a child has parents that did not graduate from school, they are likely not graduate as well. Thus, intervention is required that encourage the students to work towards the achievement of higher goals as compared to that of their parents. The involvement in the extra-curriculum activities tend to affect the dropout rates whereby students involved in the activities are likely not to drop off school. According to Al-Hroub, (2015), at least an hour of participation in the extra-curriculum activities could affect the graduation rates of the students towards a positive dimension. The frequency of dropouts depends on the number of risk factors affecting a student. Most people with more than one risk factor could have a high dropout rate as opposed to those with one risk factor.

School dropout rates in high schools could be affected by psychosocial factors that include both motivation and personality. The way in which a student interacts with their teachers could predict the chances of graduation in a student. Positive relationships with peers and teachers could lower the rates of quitting significantly. Most students dropping out of school claim that school is not thrilling. Besides that, most of the students tend to believe that teachers are not interested in the schoolwork but their main interest is to complete their scheduled duties on time. Such tutors do not expect good performances for the students. As a result, this lack of engagement in the learning process by the adults tends to increase the rates of school dropout.

Most of the students claim that they drop out of school because classes are not motivating. Teachers and parents have low expectations on the performance of a student. As a result, this tends to increase the number of students dropping out of school. If high expectations are placed on the children, they are likely to have performed in a better way (Wolter, Diem, & Messer, 2014). On the contrary, parents who place less concern in the children education often have troubles of dealing with their dropouts. The involvement of a parent in a child’s education is motivating leading the students to graduate in their respective levels. Some parents are involved in the education process too late such that they fail to make a difference successfully.

Various interventions could be implemented to lower the rates of school dropouts to nil. The first step of lowering the dropout rates would be to identify the students at high risk of quitting. Through the identification of the risk factors mentioned above, it would be quite easy to know the children that are likely to drop out of school. Additionally, relevant interventions could be applied in schools that have the highest dropping out rates (Wolter, Diem, & Messer, 2014). Besides that, some of the intervention programs could be implemented to reduce the rates of students that drop out of school. For instance, schools could hold meetings that are aimed at teaching the students on the importance of pursuing education in life. Moreover, parents should be taught on the reasons as to why they should engage constantly in the education process of their children.

In conclusion, this paper focuses on the rates of school dropouts that a major economic and social problem in the USA and other countries in the world today. Most of the students tend to drop off their respective education levels without graduating. The rates of school dropouts are often costly to both an individual and the community as well. Some of the risk factors that cause high rates of school dropouts include the test scores. Most students that have an exemplary performance tend to stay in school are likely to graduate as opposed to those that achieve low grades. Luckily, this problem has been solved by the introduction of test scores, which allows special attention to be accorded to individuals with a low performance hence causing encouragement. The parental demographic also plays a major role in the increased dropout rates whereby in a case where a child has parents that did not graduate from school, they are likely not graduate as well. Thus, intervention is required that encourage the students to work towards the achievement of higher goals as compared to that of their parents. The involvement in the extra-curriculum activities tend to affect the dropout rates whereby students involved in the activities are likely not to drop off school. However, the problem could be solved through the implementation of programs that encourage students on the need to acquire education.


Al-Hroub, A. (2015). Tracking Drop-out Students in Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon. Educational Research Quarterly , 38 (3), 52-79.

Sofin, Y., Danker-Hopfe, H., & Neu, P. (2016). The Effect of Significant International Sports Events on Qualified Detoxification Treatment Outcome - Do Drop-Out Rates Change during UEFA European Championship?. Plos ONE , 11 (12), 1-7. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0167446

Wolter, S. C., Diem, A., & Messer, D. (2014). Drop-outs from Swiss Universities: an empirical analysis of data on all students between 1975 and 2008. European Journal Of Education , 49 (4), 471-483.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). School Dropout Rates.


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