2 Jun 2022


Scientific Approach to Reliable Data

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Academic level: College

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Words: 336

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Arriving at conclusions and answers is based on differing approach. However, answers and conclusions that are arrived at through scientific approaches are more reliable in comparison to the ones arrived at using common sense, intuition, and information from the media and blogs. First, answers that are not scientific are prone to bias which can be viewed as the tendency to favor one thing which does not deserve such favor ( McDermid, 2018) . Providing answers through intuition is bound to be surrounded by cognitive bias from distortions in perception, inaccuracy in judgment, and making an illogical interpretation. On the other hand, the media and blogs can provide answers that have confirmation bias such that the producers of such answers are more inclined towards interpreting and searching for information that works to confirm their beliefs as well as a hypothesis without considering contradictory information ( Cooke, 2018) .

On the other hand, scientific approaches to seeking answers are usually founded on reliability and validity ( Franceschetti, 2017) . Scientists and philosophers have set several standards which govern what qualifies as scientific proof making answers from scientific approaches become more reliable. First, a scientific approach must yield answers that are repeatable such that if another researcher undertook a similar experiment within the same conditions must be in a position to yield similar results.

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Answers arrived at using scientific approaches have a higher degree of validity in comparison to those arrived at through common sense, intuition, and blogs information. The conclusion is based on the fact that scientific information is deduced by the elimination of potential causal relationships through the use of duplicate samples as well as control groups in such a way that the collected data, as well as conclusions made, can stand rigorous questioning ( Lanati, 2018) . Additionally, elimination of causal relationships ensures that scientific information is free from bias. Therefore, it can be concluded that answers and conclusions that are arrived at through scientific approaches are more reliable in comparison to the ones arrived at using common sense, intuition, and information from the media and blogs.


Cooke, N. A. (2018).  Fake News and Alternative Facts: Information Literacy in a Post-Truth Era . Chicago, IL: American Library Association. 

Franceschetti, D. (2017).  Principles of Scientific Research . New York, NY: Salem Press. 

Lanati, A. (2018).  Quality Management in Scientific Research: Challenging Irreproducibility of Scientific Results . Basingstoke, England: Springer. 

McDermid, D. (2018).  The Rise and Fall of Scottish Common Sense Realism . New York, NY: Oxford University Press. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Scientific Approach to Reliable Data.


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