19 May 2022


Self-Help Problem among Children

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Personal Statement

Words: 278

Pages: 1

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Children require the help of parents and caregivers during their tender age, and it is evident that many of them experience problems with self-care. Therefore, parents and caregivers require to give children foundational skills to help them grow holistically ( Baker et al., 2004) . I have observed various problems experienced by children while developing social skills, self-help skills, and situation-appropriate problem-solving skills. The paper intends to discuss some of the self-help skills that I have observed among young children that I interact with daily. Additionally, I will discuss some of the strategies that can be used to help children cope with self-help or situation-appropriate problems.

I have observed that children have the problem of appropriately brushing their teeth and deciding which the appropriate time to brush is. Children tend to think that brushing teeth is only done on the front teeth. Additionally, children have a problem of deciding what amount of toothpaste they should use and for how long they should brush their teeth ( Flynn & Healy, 2012)

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For children to learn about oral hygiene, it is appropriate to give children enough time to learn and take them through the process. Allow illustrating to the children when and where they should do their teeth brushing. Help them understand that teeth should be cleaned from the top, bottom, inside, and outside for two minutes. Then, illustrate to them how to get some water into their mouth and switch it around. Politely inform them that it is not a good idea to swallow toothpaste. Subsequently, guide them then to do dental floss to help clean spaces between their teeth. It is important to insist on the children that they should clean their teeth at least twice a day. 


Baker, B. L., Brightman, A. J., Blacher, J. B., Heifetz, L. J., Hinshaw, S. R., & Murphy, D. M. (2004).  Steps to independence: Teaching everyday skills to children with special needs . Brookes Publishing Company. PO Box 10624, Baltimore, MD 21285.

Flynn, L., & Healy, O. (2012). A review of treatments for deficits in social skills and self-help skills in autism spectrum disorder.  Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 6 (1), 431-441.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Self-Help Problem among Children.


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