13 May 2022


Social Media Brand Marketing

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 304

Pages: 1

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Use of information technology especially the internet in the workplace enables organizations to distribute information about the company’s dealings fast and to a broad audience around the world ( Papasolomou & Melanthiou, 2012). These days, it is cheap to implement marketing ideas over the net: the delivery is instant, provides real-time reaction and reaches thousands of people. With the rise in the use of social media, traditional advertising avenues are being phased out slowly.

Marketing the brand through the social media involves using online tools and other interactive techniques that permit users to share their views, information, and welfare with one another (“ Journal of Promotion Management”, 2017 ). Through the social media, individuals can critique, publish, control and interact with online users. This makes the use of social media to be popular given that communicating through social sites is fast and convenient.

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Social media and brand marketing enables companies to interact with their customers and to seek a relationship. According to various research, today, most about 56% of companies own a twitter account, a Facebook page, and other social sites ( Papasolomou & Melanthiou, 2012). For the past years, various tools known as consumer generated media have formed a new basis for online communication. The tools are utilized majorly by online users who in most cases share relevant information about products or services with the intention of educating other users.

Online communication and exchanges about various brands and products create a form of a buzz about the trademark ( Papasolomou & Melanthiou, 2012). In most cases, online users share information through blogs, videos, and social media sites. Moreover, sites such as twitter and facebook enable companies to interact with users on a personal level. Marketers also have the opportunity to engage with potential customers on a wider scale (“ Journal of Promotion Management”, 2017 ). Therefore, the advent of social media use has been phenomenon both to online users and companies and has assisted greatly to the development of relations. Moreover, the flow of communication has greatly been altered based on the adoption various of online mediums.


Journal of Promotion Management. (n.d.). Retrieved August 08, 2017, from http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/wjpm20

Papasolomou, I., & Melanthiou, Y. (2012). Social media: Marketing public relations’ new best friend.  Journal of Promotion Management 18 (3), 319-328.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Social Media Brand Marketing.


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