Stress is a common term, and even though many do not know the book definition, they are well aware of what it is and its effects. Stress is a state of psychological and physical pressure on a person. It has negative and positive effects on a person depending on how the concerned person handles the situation. Well, if not managed well, stress can lead to adverse effects on a person. The following article discusses stress moderators and mentions examples of the same.
Stress Moderators
According to Çivitcia (2015) , stress moderators are those things that assist one in reducing stress as well as its harmful effects. As earlier mentioned, stress can be detrimental to a person if left unmitigated. However, ( Uebelacker et al, 2013 ), insists that stress moderators are the real and perceived both internal and external resources together with circumstances that modify the manner of stress experienced and its effects. Examples of moderators include self-efficacy expectations, psychological hardiness, and social support.
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Self-efficacy expectations refer to the beliefs in the sense that an individual can handle a task or manage stress. Research concludes that high self-efficacy expectations lead to lower levels of adrenaline in the bloodstream and hence substantial in flight responses (Çivitcia, 2015 ).
Psychological Hardiness is a set of characteristics characterized by control, challenge, and commitment and prove reliable in buffering stress. According to research by Kobasa ( Uebelacker et al, 2013) , people who are psychologically hardy are committed to their set goals, view challenges as normal and a path towards growth and have control over their lives regardless of the situations they go through ( Uebelacker et al, 2013) . Moreover, these people believe themselves to have an internal control locus that makes them feel not at the mercy of randomness but has an influence on their lives.
Social support includes the emotional concern from others, instrument aid like services to help one after a tragedy, information, socializing, and appraisal ( Çivitcia, 2015) . Emotional care entails listening to other people problems and being empathetic. Information involves giving advice and guidance to individuals in need, and socializing refers to a simple conversation with others.
Stress moderators help curb the extent of effects of stress on an individual and hence prevent adversities. Many types of moderators exist. However, psychologists recommend social support, psychological hardiness, and self-efficacy expectations.
Çivitcia, A. (2015). The Relationship between Perceived Social Support and The Moderating Role of Positive and Negative Affect on Stress in College Students. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice .
Uebelacker, L. A., Eaton, C. B., Weisberg, R., Sands, M., Williams, C., Calhoun, D., ... & Taylor, T. (2013). Social support and physical activity as moderators of life stress in predicting baseline depression and change in depression over time in the Women’s Health Initiative: Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology , 48 (12), 1971-1982.