28 Jan 2023


Subjective Opinions: What You Need to Know

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 258

Pages: 1

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Sample essay two’s content differs from sample essay one. In essay two, the author uses a third-person narrative to demonstrate the findings and suggestions’ objectivity. Essay two’s content targets advanced readers who are familiar with the topic. On the contrary, essay one uses the first-person narrative to highlight the author’s subjective opinions. The author demonstrates credibility by explaining they understand a particular topic. While essay one talks about the ethics of creating mammoths, the second essay discusses the audience’s connection to supervillains in modern films. 

Essay two uses a different approach from essay one. In sample essay two, the author uses formal diction, logos, and ethos to persuade the audience. Throughout the essay, the author explains their ideas using formal and objective language. Besides, sample essay two features logic by incorporating theories applicable to the subject. The essay includes insights from primary and secondary sources. On the contrary, sample essay one relies on pathos mostly—the author attempts to establish an emotional connection with the audience. Although sample essay one has findings from credible sources, the author supports them with their opinions and real-life examples. 

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Lessons Learned 

After reading sample essay two, I learned that research papers should have concise language, formal diction, reliable sources, and smooth transition. Essay two uses plain and simple language to describe the author’s viewpoints. I also learned how to integrate sources in the body paragraphs and provide in-depth analysis to ascertain specific ideas. Sample essay two taught me how to develop theories and use primary sources to support them. I learned how to challenge conventional ideas and convince the audience to share my perspective without using the first-person narrative. Besides, sample essay two guided me on how to develop paragraphs. I realize that a research paper should begin by highlighting the concepts that readers understand and later provide complex analysis. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Subjective Opinions: What You Need to Know.


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