20 Jun 2022


Supporting Coworkers with a Cancer Diagnosis

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Academic level: College

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Cancer is one of the diseases that still remain a major health concern in spite of the medical advancements. It is therefore not abnormal if one of the coworkers at your work place is diagnosed with cancer. It is a moment that brings a rollercoaster of emotions to the diagnosed. The illness changes their lives and those of their families. Moreover it also directly affects their work which generally impacts on their colleagues too. When such news reaches you, it will only be heartless to not want to support a fellow coworker in all ways possible. Unfortunately, no matter how much one wants to be of use, it is always difficult to know what to do or say. The relationship one has with the coworker determines how they are going to offer support (Herrod 2016). Below are several ideas of how one can offer support to a coworker with cancer.

The do’s of supporting a coworker with cancer 

First and foremost, educating yourself about cancer is vital, in order to be able to interact positively and avoid jumping into conclusions. Sometimes it can be surprising when a coworker is diagnosed with cancer, especially if they were close to you. The shocking news may lead to anxiety and some people may utter hurtful words unknowingly.

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Secondly, after knowing a colleague has cancer, it is obvious that one starts to think of what to say to them and how to express their heartfelt. Sometimes people are afraid because they don’t know how to put it, but being honest and saying I’m sorry, I don’t know what to say is enough to show that you care for them (Choose Hope 2016). Additionally, asking them how they are feeling, and telling them not to worry about work is also a nice way of showing concern.

Further, after giving them the heartfelt words, it is a good idea to offer support practically. This is by figuring out how you can help them at work and with their family. Most cancer patients require adjustments of their schedules especially when undergoing treatment and this may affect their work attendance. Volunteering to telecommute will help in work flexibility for them, whichdecreases stress. However, being specific on what one can do is important to avoid inconveniences (Herrod, 2016).

According to Allison (2015), acting as their work- from- home support especially during their treatment and recovery period is also helpful. This may be by offering to bring dinner or lunch to their home often in a week, or taking their kids for a drive. In addition to this, in case they need anything from workplace, you may offer to drop it to their home and also update them on matters of the office to keep them on track (Allison, 2015).

Apart from the physical support, cancer diagnosed coworkers need emotional and mental support. Listening to them especially when they are willing to talk is very crucial. Take a lead from them on what they want to talk about, don’t just pitch in. Find time to take them for walks so that they can relax, which shows you are comfortable with spending time with them and how much you care.

The don’ts when supporting coworkers with cancer 

When showing concern through words and actions, there are various things that one should be careful not to do or say to the coworker with cancer diagnosis. These don’ts include; avoid making reassurances like telling them everything will be okay since you don’t know if that will be the case. By so doing, you risk undermining the feelings and emotions that the person is going through (Labianca, 2018). Comparing their experience to a friend or family member can be hurtful even if your intentions were good. Additionally, even if you have experienced such a situation in the past, do not tell them words like you know how they feel. Don’t visit them if you are sick or getting sick, do not just go to their home or at the hospital without making a call first, don’t deliver foods without asking for specifications due to allergies (Herrod, 2016).


Cancer diagnosis can be dreadful in many ways and for some people, the idea of sharing the news with their colleagues is distressing. However it is always good to accept the situation and seek help from the people around. The support from colleagues at work reduces the worries of job security and contributes significantly to the success of the diagnosis. As a colleague to a cancer patient, it is always important to face fears of doing wrong when offering support by learning the don’ts and researching about cancer.


Choose Hope. (2016, December 31). What to Say or Do When Your Coworker Has Cancer [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://www.Choosehope.com/blog/what-to-say-or-do-when-your-coworker-has-cancer/ 

Herrod, K. (2016, September 13). The Do’s and Don’ts of Supporting a Coworker with Cancer [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://www.tinypulse.com/blog/supporting-a-coworker-with-cancer/ 

Alison, m. (2015, August 25). When a Colleague Has Cancer. The Blue Room. Retrieved from https://www.theblueroom.bupa.com.au/manage-and-recover/cancer/when-a-colleague-has-cancer/ 

Labianca, J. (2018). Caring Ways to Support a Coworker Who Has Breast Cancer. Retrieved from https://www.rd.com/advice/work-career/coworker-with-breast-cancer/ 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Supporting Coworkers with a Cancer Diagnosis.


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