1 Sep 2022


TED Evaluation: How to Assess the Impact of a TED Talk

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 918

Pages: 3

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Question 1 

The TED speech is titled Autism what we know and we do not know yet delivered by Wendy Chung. The presentation lasts for 15 minutes and 30 seconds. Chung seems credible enough since she is presenting research that is evidence based or empirical regarding Autism Spectrum Disorder. Wendy Chung credibility also comes from her solid credentials as a pediatrician, researcher and geneticist. Her qualifications as a child specialist specifically in Autism makes her presentation credible. 

Question 2 

The speech majorly revolves on why children develop autism, what exactly causes the disorder and the interventions strategies necessary to manage the condition. The presenter gives an example of two children, Justin and Gabriel who had been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The presentation elaborates on signs and symptoms exhibited by individual with Autism. Examples of ASD symptoms include inability to speak/verbalize, getting upset easily, banging of head upon provocation, extraordinary abilities in subjects such as mathematics, changes having conversations and inability to maintain eye contact (Chung, n.d). For example, Gabriel a 13 year old could easily multiply three numbers by three numbers in his head. The speech is also about the prevalence of Autism in the global arena. Empirical research posits that every 1 child in 88 children is diagnosed with Autism. The speaker emphasizes on the importance of the necessary amenities to support people with Autism. The speech acknowledges a legislation enacted in 1980 which made it mandatory for people with ASD to be provided with resources such as access to education materials. 

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The speech also addresses the essence of sensitization on the symptoms of the disorder. According to Chung (n.d), creation of awareness on Autism enables parents, pediatricians and educators to easily recognize features of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Sensitization according to the speech has enabled more diagnosis to be made and patients allowed access to necessary materials. The speech also dwells more on the causes of Autism. Wendy Chung asserts that there has been a misconception that vaccines cause autism, a notion which she terms as fundamentally flawed. The Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Institute of Medicine and the WHO has conducted research and found no credible evidence on association of vaccines to Autism. Thimerosal an ingredient found in vaccines was previously though to cause autism. The component was removed from vaccines although it was later found to have no effect in ASD prevalence. The speech affirms that there is no single answer as to what causes Autism. The disorder according to Wendy Chung is caused by a spectrum of etiologies. One cause of autism based on findings of epidemiological data is advanced paternal age (Chung, n.d). The advanced age of a father can cause autism at the time of conception. The speech notes that pregnancy period is a vulnerable period is respect to a child’s brain development. 

Question 3 

I have acquired new knowledge that exposure to certain agents during the fetal brain development increases the risk of developing Autism. Valporic acid for example which is found in drugs that treat epilepsy predisposes a baby to autism. I have learned that genes also cause autism disorder. I have acquired the insight that one genetic factor that predetermines the likelihood of developing autism is the difference between males and females. Epidemiological studies note that four to one males develop autism relative to females. I have learned that concordance rate among identical twins, fraternal twins and regular siblings is critical in determining the genes that cause autism disorder. The concordance rate in identical twins is 77% and 31% in fraternal twins ( Sandin, Lichtenstein, Kuja-Halkola, Hultman, Larsson & Reichenberg, 2017) . The concordance rate shows that not all genes accounts for all the autism risk. I have learned that the genetic factor plays a major role in causing autism. The genetic change is most likely the reason behind my son’s development of Autism. My 4 year old son was diagnosed with the disorder at 4 years. His symptoms are similar the ones explained by Chung. He has a high functioning ability but is socially awkward. 

In some individuals, the disorder is caused by one powerful and deterministic gene while in other people the condition is caused by a spectrum/combination of genes. I have acquired a new insights that a child’s developmental process is critical in determining the risk of developing autism. Autism may occur when there is a genetic change or mutations on an egg or sperm but not paternally or maternally passed down. The speech has instilled new knowledge that there is no single gene for autism disorder but around 200 to 400 different gene combination ( Sandin, Lichtenstein et al., 2017) . I have learned that timely intervention at an early stage is vital in reversing the signs of ASD and preventing the advancement of the disorder. Isolation of the gene or combination of genes that cause the disorder is crucial in identifying the condition’s drug targets. A combination of approaches such as educational strategies and technologies such as google glasses and other devices offer tremendous opportunities in positively impacting individuals with autism spectrum disorder. 

Question 4 

The speech employs LED projector, public address and display smart screens to pass the message and increase audience understanding about autism. The speech was heavy in vivid illustration for example graphical displays about autism prevalence, pictorial diagrams on symptoms and intervention strategies. The illustration was effective in fostering the understanding of the audience and in making the presentation captivating. Use of the projector intended to make the audience relate well to the presentation and make the TED talk interesting. 

Question 5 

The speech has an introductory, body and conclusion structure. The organization of the speech is key in attracting the audience’s attention. The presentation has a catchy introduction which arouses the audience’s interests thereby making them concentrate more. The engaging introductory part of the speech and the new knowledge that genetic factors cause autism struck me most as an audience member. The employment of methods such as LED projector and display screens made the speech very effective. 


Ching W (n.d). Autism-What we know and what we don’t know yet, https://www.ted.com/talks/wendy_chung_autism_what_we_know_and_what_we_don_t_know_yet#t-2979

Sandin, S., Lichtenstein, P., Kuja-Halkola, R., Hultman, C., Larsson, H., & Reichenberg, A. (2017). The heritability of autism spectrum disorder.  Jama 318 (12), 1182-1184. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). TED Evaluation: How to Assess the Impact of a TED Talk.


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