9 Aug 2022


The Benefits of College Education

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 326

Pages: 1

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It is the dream of every person to have a successful life. But, success does not come in a silver platter. It requires commitment, hardworking and resilience. College education entails commitment, hardworking, and being resilient. In other words, to be successful one needs to have a college education. 

College education plays an important role in preparing me both socially and intellectually for my career as well as adult life. Therefore, earning a college education opens more career avenues as compared to a high school diploma. In particular, due to flooding of individuals seeking a job in already overcrowded job markets, employers are shifting to employing individuals whose education and training level outdoes all other job seekers. Thus, with a college education, I am in a better position to get a job as compared with someone with a high school diploma. 

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Also, college education increases the capability to earn more money. It enables me to acquire skills that are required in higher paying jobs. Generally, persons with a college education earn relatively higher income as compared with those who have a high school diploma. In essence, being a college graduate shows an employer that I have the strength of mind, occupation ethics, as well as the aptitude to execute the tasks professionally. As such, this not only lands me the job but also, more pay than peers who lack a college education. 

Besides, landing a better paying job comes with benefits such as travel allowances, retirement investments, and health care insurance package which may lack in jobs for high school diploma graduate. These benefits are crucial since they help improve the stability of my family, more so in packages such as health care insurance. Moreover, college education impacts several generations, that is, the offsprings of a college graduate tend to be financially as well as socially better off. Furthermore, having college education plays as a role model to the next generation to attend college. As such, a college education is a form of investment for future generations. 

Overall, earning a college education is beneficial to me since it places me in a better position to land my dream job which earns more as compared to high-school-level jobs. Additionally, with this job and payment, my family’s life will be enhanced. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). The Benefits of College Education .


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