The film, “The Bourne Identity” revolves around the main protagonist role named Bourne portrayed by ‘Matt Damon.’ This film is based on the novel of the same name written by “Robert Ludlum.” The story is centered on the identity of Bourne as he continuously strives to regain his own identity in his mind. As the film starts, it is shown that Bourne is both injured as being shot twice in the back and unaware of his own identity. He happens to have no recollection of his past and his originality what so ever.
Then as the film begins to unravel all its secrets, it is found that Bourne is a skilled agent and because he knew too many secrets of his agency and grew as a rebellion because of unfavorable issues, he was shot while he was running for escape. During the whole story, Bourne gets clues of his identity when through his mind has no evidence of which he is; he happens to have excellent skills of excessive fighting, detective skills, and other master skills. Then the second clue is given by all the secret, and public law enforcement agencies were rushing all over to track him down and catch him.
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This battle and continuous search for identity end with succession when Bourne gets to know every significant detail of his past and retrieve the recollections in his mind. In the end, he sorts out all the matters in the best way possible to close all that has not been shut and then ends up finding his true love as well. This movie tells its readers the central message of the inner quest of a human to be aware of his originality and identity. Even if some incident throws a curtain on a man’s subconscious, all parts of conscious and memory of the man’s brain constantly struggle to pull down the curtain.