15 Jul 2022


The Collaborative Research Team

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Case Study

Words: 659

Pages: 2

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Part 1: Factors to Include in the Research Design 

Dr. Empiricist would focus most on how well the researchers can meticulously observe and accurately record everything about the children they are studying. Empiricism focuses most on cognitive observation (Squires, 2016). Dr. Rationalist would prefer a research design such as ethnography that would prioritize the expertise of the observer in the observation process. Dr. Sociohistorical, on the other hand, would want a wider research design that includes studying the environment of the child, the siblings, the parents, and perhaps even the family tree. Finally, Dr. Dynamic would want the research design to include a complex algorithm based software that enables the suggestions presented by the other researchers into the simplest, cheapest, and most effective research design. 

Part II: Difference in Dr. Empiricist’s and Dr. Rationalist’s Design 

Empiricism is mainly about observation and getting as much information from the direct observation as possible. Bulk amounts of data are included in empirical studies with a multimedia approach to data collection being preferred. Rationalism is about the quality of the data, based on the expertise of the person collecting the data and also how well the collected data would be analyzed. Dr. Empiricist’s design would most probably involve placing the children in a controlled environment, as close to a laboratory as possible and keenly observing and collecting their every move. Every detail would be factored and considered (Squires, 2016). On the other hand, Dr. Rationalist would spend more time conducting a comprehensive literature review on the subject than studying the child. Dr. Rationalist would create a smart design, based on how well he can understand what he sees, rather than how much he sees. 

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Part III: Concerns of Dr. Sociohistorical and Dr. Dynamical 

Dr. Sociohistorical would argue that studying the child alone would only present the tip of the iceberg as far as the research is concerned. There are many social and historical bearing factors that concern the research which has almost nothing to do with the child. For example, Dr. Sociohistorical might want to know what impact genetics and the environment would have on the observed conduct of the baby. Dr. Dynamical’s concerns would relate to the lack of balance in the two studies as each leans towards one research preference. His argument would be that a good research should be able to please both parties. 

Part IV: Points of Agreement and of Disagreement 

All the members would agree that a comprehensive literature review is necessary though they would not agree on the nature and extent of the literature review. Dr. Dynamical would focus on designs, Dr. Sociohistorical on the community, Dr. Rationalist on the subject and Dr. Empiricist on the research sample population. The team would never agree on the duration of the research with Dr. Dynamical pushing for the shortest duration while Dr. Rationalist pushes for the longest. The location and nature of the research would be a point of major descent with every Doctor pulling in a different direction. Finally, Dr. Sociohistorical, Dr. Rationalist and Dr. Empiricist would never agree on the results while Dr. Dynamical would consider any results as good results. 

Part V: Joint Design 

Based on the analysis presented in section V above, it is impracticable for the four doctors to agree and be satisfied by one research design. The greatest point of divergence would be between Dr. Rationalist and Dr. Empiricist. 

Reflection on How to Use the Information Above 

One of the greatest challenges for the modern family physician is to determine whether or not a child should undergo further testing to determine the existence of Autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The physician needs to both observe and understand the child so as to make the necessary determination and as the assistant, it would be my obligation to render assistance and when possible, insight on the way forward. According to Piaget's Cognitive Developmental Theory, age determines the relationship between the child and the environment with the resultant relationship affecting the cognitive development of the child (Siegler, 2016). There are many active and passive factors that affect this relationship between the child and the environment that need to be considered in making the determination. As a physician’s assistant, I would help the physician to use the approaches of each of the four doctors defined above so as to arrive at the right decision about whether or not to refer the child to a psychiatrist. 


Siegler, R. S. (2016). Continuity and change in the field of cognitive development and in the perspectives of one cognitive developmentalist .  Child Development Perspectives 10 (2), 128-133. doi: 10.1111/cdep.12173 

Squires, G. (2016). Modernism, empiricism, and rationalism.  Irish University Review 46 (1), 38-47. doi: 10.3366/iur.2016.0199 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The Collaborative Research Team.


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