The chosen speakers are luo1 and luo2 elicitation paragraphs. The luo1 speaker talks with a rising vowel sound but with a final obstruent devoicing. The major consonants affected by the obstruent devoicing include b d ɡ v ð z ʒ dʒ and /w r l j/. This is visible in the pronunciation of the words, “ Six spoons ” as shown in the phonetic transcription in “sinksspunz.” At the same time, the raising of the vowel in speaker 1 is seen in words short vowel words such as “ ask ” which comes with a shortened voice and originates from the center of the mouth and ends lower farther back. The same phenomenon appears in the sound “spoon” which starts at the center of the mouth and end at the back. This is quite different from the pronunciation of the luo2 speaker. The luo2 speaker starts with a high voice in words, “ please call Stella .” While speaker one uses a slightly low voice here, speaker 2 uses a high voice that originates from the back of the mouth and ends at the middle. The pronunciation of the words six spoons differs between the two speakers. Unlike speaker one who pronounces as “sikzspunz,” speaker 2 pronounces the same word as “siksspuns.” While the pronunciation of the word “six” remains the same in all the speakers, the word “spoons” differs with the sounds /s/ and /z/. Also, the origin of the sounds differs between the two speakers. Speaker 1 has the origin of the sound from the center of the mouth and ends at the back, while speaker 2 has the origin of the same word from the back of the mouth.
The raising of the vowel sounds are evident in words such as “ask” in speaker 1, and the sound is shortened and originate from the center of the mouth. In contrast, speaker 2 has a vowel lowering while pronouncing the word “ask” and the voice comes from the back of the mouth. The differences in pronunciation between the two speakers are also seen in the word “ cal l.” Speaker 1 pronounce it as “ kol” and the sound comes from the back of the mouth and is prolonged. This is different from speaker two who pronounce the word as “kal” and comes with a shortened voice originating from the middle of the mouth. The final obstruent devoicing differs between the two speakers in the pronunciation of words such as “six spoons” which are voiced at the end and followed by a voiceless sound. Speaker one uses final obstruent devoicing in sound “six spoons,” but speaker two does not voice the word. This also differs due to the points of origin of the word between the two speakers. While speaker one uses a lowering sound, speaker 2 uses a rising sound but ends with a rising voice thus producing the final obstruent devoicing.
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Another difference is on the way the speakers pronounce the word “ small .” Speaker 1 pronounces the word as “smol,” with a lowering sound that comes the middle of the mouth. This is contrary to speaker one who pronounces the word as “smal” and with a rising voice that comes from the back of the mouth. Speaker 2 has a higher but shortened voice while speaker 1 has a lower and extended voice. There is also a difference in the pronunciation of the words “ we will go meet her ” by the two speakers. Speaker 1 pronounces the words as “wi wil go mit ha” while speaker 2 pronounces as “wilgoumit ha.” The key difference is where the words originate from the mouth.