2 Aug 2022


The linguistic forms of languages

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Academic level: College

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Words: 259

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Languages, both English and non-English are made up of the linguistic forms which are organized into sub-fields. They include the phonetic and phonology, morphology and syntax, and the semantic. Phonetic refers to the study of the speech sounds including learning of new languages. It deals with the pronunciation of different dialect in a language. In this case, it focusses on the vowels and consonants that together form words. The difference in the pronunciation of the various words both in English and other languages is determined by the position of the tongue, lips, as well as the length of the speaker’s tongue. This is for the vowels. Regarding the consonants, the vibration of the vocals thus the voiced and unvoiced words. 

Phonology deals with the study of sound systems that determines how various words are pronounced differently across various languages. It focuses on the rules followed to make people sound differently from ones speaking a different language. Homophones are the words that have the same pronunciation but different meaning and spelling. This component of the linguistic form helps people to make word choices and distinguish between the closely related but different words to convey the right message. A slight mistake of using the wrong word leads to a different meaning. The syntax is the set of processes, rules, and principles that govern the structure of sentences in a given language. It determines the form in which words and phrases should follow one another in the sentence for effective communication. It is the area of linguistics that is concerned about the grammatical correctness of a language. Lastly, semantics deal with the meaning word; the relationship between words and how the speaker conveys the meaning thus showing one’s understanding of the words used. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The linguistic forms of languages.


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