27 Aug 2022


The Impact of Recruitment and Selection Criteria on Organizational Performance

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 547

Pages: 2

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Question One 

A selection process is important in today’s workforce for a raft of reasons. To begin with, an organization's selection process has a significant impact on the costs incurred by the organization in the short, medium, and long terms. According to Ekwoaba et al. (2015), a fundamentally flawed selection process portends a massive negative cost for the organization in question. It is worth noting that a flawed selection process often translates to high employee turnover which is ordinarily costly to the organization in the short, medium, and long terms. The high costs linked to high employee turnover result from multiple factors, key among them being staff losses, reduced morale, in addition to poor performance. An organization’s selection process also bears significance since the organization’s ability to attain preset goals and objectives is contingent upon the skills, talents, motivation, and determination of employees. Ekwoaba et al. (2015) assert that the main aim of a selection process is to hire quality employees who are well equipped to enable the organization to attain its strategic objectives using available resources. In essence, an organization’s selection process allows the organization to select employees whose individual goals and objectives are reflective of those of the organization. Moreover, the selection process is important because organizational success is predicated on the flexibility and adaptability of employees. Flexible and adaptable employees give organizations a decisive competitive advantage over business rivals since they can adapt to novel strategies and technologies introduced by the organization’s management at a moment’s notice. Lastly, a selection process is important because new employees have a massive sway on the motivation and job satisfaction levels of other employees at the workplace. New employees who possess a poor work ethic, for instance, could create additional work for coworkers, consequently resulting in lower levels of motivation among the coworkers. 

Question Two 

In the modern setting, new technology has improved training and development in various ways. Given the dynamic nature of training and development programs at the organizational level, modern technologies are practically indispensable. One key way through which technology has improved training and development is through the enhancement of efficiency. Suhasini and Suganthalakshmi (2015) asserts that computer backed training enhances the efficiency of training and development programs implemented at the organizational level primarily because computers are used hand in hand with conventional training approaches. More fundamentally, computers are equipped with advanced software that may be utilized for different functionalities such as data analysis, thus boosting the speed and efficiency of training and development programs. New technologies have also improved training and development, in that, they facilitate the simulation of sophisticated concepts in real-time (Suhasini & Suganthalakshmi, 2015). In essence, simulation is beneficial to organizations since it allows organizations to save training costs. Moreover, computer backed simulation is beneficial to learners since it allows them to experience real-world conditions with minimal risk to their lives. Third, new technologies help improve learning and development at the organizational level, in that, they allow for the illustration of complex concepts using integrated graphics, animation, charts, as well as video clips. This allows for a more experiential learning experience that is not only captivating but also informative to individuals partaking in a training and development program. It is worth noting that there several limitations of using notebooks for training. The first key limitation associated with notebooks is that they are bound to run out of space throughout training. Second, notebooks present a challenge to trainees, particularly when it comes to locating a specific piece of text. This is unlike smartphones where a simple word search directs the trainee to a particular piece of text. 

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Ekwoaba, J. O., Ikeije, U. U., & Ufoma, N. (2015). The Impact of Recruitment and Selection Criteria on Organizational Performance. Global Journal of Human Resource Management, 3 (2), 22-33. 

Suhasini, R., & Suganthalakshmi, T. (2015). Emerging trends in training and development.  International Journal Of Scientific and Research Publications 5 (3). 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). The Impact of Recruitment and Selection Criteria on Organizational Performance.


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