12 Sep 2022


The Issues of Sexual Harassment and Assault in the Workplace

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 363

Pages: 1

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The issues of sexual harassment and assault in the workplace are not a novelty and have been happening in the background for years now (Jones and Wade, 2020). 

It is a global, pervasive, social issue that is widespread across occupations and industries (Ross et al., 2019). 

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However, because of recent publicity and attention the issue has gotten, such cases have been very rampant (Freyd, 2019). 

However, part of the incremented attention has been on the means of responding to situations of sexual assault or sexual harassment. 

Thesis Statement- the best means of addressing sexual harassment in the workplace is by undertaking workplace training on sexual harassment. 


One of the means that organizations utilize to address sexual violence in workplaces is via educational programming, usually alluded to as training. 

Training generally entails associations with rule-based processes or compliance. 

Whereas there are several skills to learn, there is a significant educational need to delve deeper into the problem, nurture understanding, critical thinking, as well as to acquire knowledge. 

Therefore, the training process has the primary purpose of guiding decision-making as well as institutional processes. 

A multi-level engagement in training is usually recommended in efforts to combat sexual harassment, inclusive of the utilization of experiential and interactive methodologies (Desplaces and Ogilvie, 2020). 

Research also shows that simulation-based learning is more superior to other strategies in regards to instilling knowledge about sexual harassment as well as creating empathy towards victims. 

Zero tolerance policies can also aid in reducing sexual harassment, but in itself, it is not effective (Roehling, 2020). 

Simply having a policy is not sufficient enough as proactive measures ought to be undertaken in a bid to curtail sexual harassment within the workplace. 

Therefore, this means that organizations have a clear role to play in the reduction of sexual harassment within the workplace. 


Restatement of thesis- the best means of addressing sexual harassment in the workplace is by undertaking workplace training on sexual harassment. 

Training and education of employees in conjunction with zero-tolerance policies can aid in the reduction of sexual harassment within the workplace, but including a multi-level engagement such as simulation-based training within the training, process aids in better attaining the goals of the training process. 


Desplaces, D., & Ogilvie, J. (2020). Scenario-Based Training for Sexual Harassment Prevention.  Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management 20 (2), 69-84. 

Freyd, J. J., & Smidt, A. M. (2019). So you want to address sexual harassment and assault in your organization? Training is not enough; Education is necessary. 

Jones, T., & Wade, E. E. (2020). Me too: Race, gender, and ending workplace sexual harassment.  Duke J. Gender L. & Pol'y 27 , 203. 

Roehling, M. V. (2020). The Effective Use of Zero Tolerance Sexual Harassment Policies: An Interdisciplinary Assessment.  Labor Law Journal 71 (2), 89-96. 

Ross, S., Naumann, P., Hinds-Jackson, D. V., & Stokes, L. (2019). Sexual harassment in nursing: ethical considerations and recommendations.  OIJN Online J. Issues Nurs 24

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). The Issues of Sexual Harassment and Assault in the Workplace .


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