13 Sep 2022


The Personal Integrative Personality Theory: A Comprehensive Framework for Understanding Personality

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Academic level: College

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Words: 2365

Pages: 5

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Personality refers to the patterns of behavior and cognitions, it refers to difference in behaviors by different individuals brought up in the same environment. There are so many questions that come up when the concept of personality is brought up, for instance, why do people react differently given the same situation? Why do some people find it hard to speak in public while others enjoy it? How comes some children follow the personality traits of their parents while other children are completely different from their parents? Is personality inherited from biological traits or is it learned? The questions are endless, it is one of the most controversial topics. Moreover, it is difficult to fit each and every person into one specific model or concept. That is why a critical evaluation of every personality theory and concept is helpful before any decision can be made. This is especially useful because every personality is dynamic and can change depending on a number of factors. Due to the continued personality questions, I have combined several personality models to come up with my own view of how individuals acquire their personalities. This paper will not only describe how these theories determine personality but also how I think they are relevant through personal experience . 

The psycho dynamic model 

The Psycho dynamic Model Concept is one of the most relevant concept that can be used to describe the behavior of an individual. The theory mainly emphasizes on the role played by early childhood experiences in explaining behavior, emotions and feelings of a particular individual. The experiences that one experiences as a child are very crucial in explaining how an individual responds to certain stimulate. For instance, children who have the tendency of sucking their tongues tend to remain the same as they grow into adults, the adults who suck their tongue learned it as an infant. 

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The concept of the Psycho dynamic model is developed from the Tripartite theory of personality that describes the three parts of personality or psyche. The three systems of id, ego and super ego are based on the pleasure principle. This principle encourages people to carry out any activities that please them no matter the outcome of the decision. The id is responsible for the instinctive part of personality that includes libido. The ego balances between the id and the super ego by releasing the reality principle. The super ego acts based on conscience or moral authority. This concept is relevant to me because of the personal challenges I experience during the process of developing is ion making.. I can identify the presence of an id, ego and super ego within myself (Tatalović, 2017, p. 79-80). 

This model is related to conscious and unconscious model, there some actions that we do that we are not conscious of, while there are others we are. The unconscious actions are tendencies that we learned from a tender age. While others are psychological emotions that we are unaware of. Sucking the tongue is an example of a conscious action that most people learn at a young age and they continue doing it without realizing it. The concept of psycho dynamic approach has been used previously by Sigmund Freud in the psychoanalytic theory of personality. Freud was particularly impressed by how the concept emphasized on the mind flow of libido energy in the human body. In general, psycho dynamics theory studies the emotions, behaviors, the psyche at the unconscious level, at the deepest needs level. How do people react when they are in their deepest needs? The psycho dynamics theory studies the interrelations of the id, ego, and the superego at childhood in determining the ultimate adult personality. 

The neurobiological model 

In addition to the above model, the neurobiological model approach can also be used to explain human behavior. Neurobiology is a branch of psychology that relates human behaviors and emotions to the nervous processes and the progressions of the brain. It is a psychological learning of the brain that intends to link the electric impulses of the brain and nervous system to an individual’s behavior. It is a study of the influence of the mind processes on human behavior. 

In neurobiological approach, we tend to analyze how the neurons and the neurotransmitters impact and influence the behavior of an individual. For instance, when an individual goes mad, we look at how the biology of the brain plays part in the behaviors of the individual. Anti-social behavior is also a good example of tendencies that might come along as a result of limited neurobiological processes. These processes tends to affect the morals and ethics of an individual. 

The neurobiological model approach is based on Hans Eysenck's personality theory. It proposes that personality is based on an inherited type of nervous system that impairs a persons ability to learn and adapt to different behaviors. Using a technique known as factor analysis, he developed two dimensions of personality. The first was Introversion/Extroversion (E) while the second is Neuroticism/ Stability(N) Each of this aspects of personality cannot be linked to a a different biological cause. In other words, it proposes that personality is based on the balance present in the autonomic nervous system. The balance between excitation and inhibition determines how personality is displayed. While I may not be able to demonstrate how the autonomic nervous system work, I can identify personality dimensions in people all around me. I can tell when a person is an introvert or extrovert after spending just a small amount of time with them. I can also predict or guess stability in a person (Tatalović, 2017, p. 60-61). 

The behavioral model concept 

The behavioral model concept is a theory that highlights that behavior is particularly learned from the environment. We get our behaviors from our interactions with our surroundings, behaviors can be learned and unlearned. There are various behavioral theories such as classical conditioning that relate behavior to stimulate. For instance, when feeding the dogs, when you associate the food with a bell ring, every time you present food to the dogs. For instance, when feeding the dogs, when you associate the food with a bell ring, every time you present food to the dogs our first of all ring a bell, then one day you will ring the bell and the dogs will salivate even if you don’t present the food. That is they have learned by stimulation. (ENGLER, 2014, p.  97 ) 

Classic conditioning is a concept that was coined by the theorist known as Pavlov. It can also be supported by the theory of operant conditioning which was proposed by B. F Skinner. It is a nurture based argument that proposes that behavior is learned from positive or negative reinforcement. Schedulesbof reinforcement are used to shape behaviour and set a strength of response. This theories make sense especially in a childhood setting where a punishment and reward system is used to shape behavior. 

The Social Cognitive Perspective model 

The cognitive model concept is a theory that explains how people’s perceptions and interpretations of situations and stimulate influences their reactions and responses. When people are stressed, they tend to have a distorted, unreal and dysfunctional perspective towards situations. When people are under pressure, they tend to respond and react differently to when they have no pressure. So the perception can impact on how an individual is behaving in a particular situation. (Hlaing, 2011, p.  57 ) 

People interpret situations according to their beliefs, different people have their own cultures which have different realities and hence they influence their perceptions and hence behavior, the personality of an individual can high be attributed to their perception of the world, the reality that hits their interpretation. The personality theory states that learning and observing are a main contributor to the development of personality. Bandura's social,cognitive theory argues that before an agreeable or acceptable decision is made, conditioning must also be accompanied by intellectual reasoning. Walter Mischel's Theory of Personality also proposes that we behave in some certain way due to the expected results. His determinants to personality are expectancies, competences, subjective values, cognitive structures and self regulatory systems. Mischel's believes that personality does not really exist in the conventional definition. Our behaviors or traits are merely actions we take in order to meet the desired end. 

The humanist theory 

This personality theory argues that development and fulfillment of needs shapes a person's personality. This is based on the hierarchy of needs that were documented and established by Abraham Maslow. The needs included safety, security, love, affection, self-esteem and self actualization needs. Carl Rogers expanded on Maslow's hierarchy of needs by focusing on self actualization. He argues that each human being has an actualizing tendency that drives an individual to be purposeful. In the pursuit of fulfillment of individual potential, behavior is formed. Rogers explained that a functioning healthy individual was creative, trusting of their own judgment, and generally open minded and wiling to enjoy different experiences ( Reigeluth et al., 2017, p. 43-44). 

Allports Trait personality theory 

Allports Trait theory is another theory that describes personality. It describes how each person is uniquely set up to present their own personality. It centers on factors like intelligence, habits , behaviors, skill sets and attitudes that collectively augment the personality. According to Allports, personality is initially determined at birth by one's biology and then shaped in later life by experiences. This is another theory that supports nature vs nature theory. The typical Allports personality has extreme respect for any persons in authority over him or her. These people exhibit the highest level of obedience to their leaders. As they depend on their leader as an object of respect or parental figure, they treat everyone below their level with disdain. 

Excluded Theories 

One of the excluded theories is the biological model. The biological model concept in psychology is a theory that has been used to explain human behavior. This theory emphasizes that we are a result of the interplay of the genetics and the physiology. (Ashcroft, 2015, p.  68 ) This means that some of the personality traits are inherited. While in other cases, our physical appearance renders us to behave in a certain way. 

All our thoughts, behaviors and feelings have a biological or physiological cause. For instance, when you make a comment about height to a tall person, that individual will react positively, but if you make the same comment to a short person, the individual will definitely react negatively. The same applies to fat people, they are more sensitive to body size comments than other people. They tend to feel victimized when the subject of body weight is brought up. 

According to (Reigeluth et al. (2017, p. 53-54) the Catell's 16PF Trait personality theory is excluded on the basis that it opposes Eysenck's personality theory. It argues that the personality of a human being cannot be contained in only two domains. It proposes that their are very many factors that determine the personality of a person. Using factor analysis to analyses data collected from clinical research, Ca tell was able to identify 16 personality traits that are common to all people. This were further classified as surface traits and source traits. Surface traits are those that are easily visible to all people while source are deeper and more meaningful personality traits. Its main theorist was Ca tell who worked alongside other psychologists and mental health care specialists. 

The Authoritarian personality is also excluded due to its ambiguity. The theorist was of the opinion that people who fell under this concept were suffering as a result of prejudicial treatment from their parents. They experienced strict and sometimes overly critical treatment from their parents or primary care giver. This caused them to develop a sense of anger towards these figures of authority in their lives. Because they were not in a position to fight that parent or guardian, they project their anger towards other people in society. This theory is excluded from my concepts because it borrows alto from the nature vs nurture aspects of theories from Eysenck's personality theory and Pavlov s classical conditioning. One of its limitation is that it is limited to only one type of upbringing. Also observed is that children brought up under hostile conditions do not always exhibit an authoritarian personality. Further information on the effect of different parenting styles would give it greater credibility. Its limitations are the reason it does not work for me. Adorno and company are the theorists responsible for this concept (Shiraev, & George Mason University, 2017, p. 120-121). 

Differences between healthy and unhealthy personality 

In addition to the above, there are various differences between the healthy and unhealthy personality. The healthy personality has a very positive outlook while the unhealthy personality on the other hand tends to mainly take credit for things they didn’t do. People with healthy personalities tend to be very generous which is not the case is for people with unhealthy personality, they are not honest and they tend not to put other peoples feeling into consideration. People with healthy personality incline to be honest unlike people with unhealthy personalities. 

A person with an unhealthy psyche will have a poorly developed ego. This will lead to the lack of a mediator who's work is to strike a balance between the id and the super ego. Thus self gratification will be a constant cause of action and instant self gratification will be a part of every day life. In a healthy psyche, the ego is fully developed and every decision made is after going through the reasoning process. A healthy personality combines some aspects from each of the different types of dimensions. Neurotic or unhealthy psyche will exhibit personality traits that are biased towards one dimension. This results in an exaggeration of the said traits without exhibition of healthy personality traits such as patience and liveliness. Instead characteristics like aggression and excess anxiety are displayed more often than not (Reigeluth et al., 2017, p. 101-102). 

The Roles of Heredity, the Environment, and Epigenetics 

Just as heredity is responsible for features such as eye color, length of hair and skin color, heredity also determines how a person's personality will be like. The extent of determining the exact traits that can be attributed to genes is not known. However, it is established that heredity can predict intelligence or school performance, adjustments to life conditions, and others. The big 5 personality traits are determined by genetics.The environment then changes this original personality as the individual adjusts himself in the name of self preservation. Epigenetics which is the translation of the gene into the phenotype or displayed characteristics , affects personality. This is done in the molecular level of the determining gene. Epigenetics mechanisms are mediators that determine how gene interactions with the environment to present given phenotype (Tatalović, 2017, p. 57). 

The theories mentioned above are tested through comprehensive tests. The personality tests and interviews offered regularly determine the relevance of each test and its resulting meaning and interpretation. From the self reflections on my personality was an important tool in determining w the validity of the personality theories. Alfred Adlers presents a theory that focuses on individual psychology. It is the most logical explanation in my case because it also supports the psycho dynamic model and the behavioral concept. Both this concepts support the influence of both environmental and genetic processes. Furthermore, it is also greatly supported by the humanist theory. This theories come together to give the answers on how personality is formed and if you are stuck with what you have. 

In summary of the above, it is clear that personality is the patterns of behaviors that can be acquired through learning, through heredity factors and through physiological factors. 


Ashcraft, D. M. (2015). Personality theories workbook

Cognitive Media Theory. (2014). doi:10.4324/9780203098226 

ENGLER, B. A. (2014). Personality theories . Belmont: Wadsworth. 

Engler. (2013). Personality Theories . Cengage Learning. 

Hlaing, F. K. (2011). Kinship Theory and Cognitive Theory in Anthropology. A Companion to Cognitive Anthropology , 254-269. doi:10.1002/9781444394931.ch14 

Reigeluth, C. M., Beatty, B. J., & Myers, R. D. (2017).  Instructional-design theories and models: Volume IV

Jones, S. (2017). 15. Personality theories. Law Trove . doi:10.1093/he/9780198768968.003.0015 

Shiraev, E., & George Mason University. (2017).  Personality theories: A global view

Tatalović, V. S. (2017).  Measuring the psychological and electrophysiological attributes of human personality: Emerging research and opportunities

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