28 Nov 2022


The Process of Science: How Scientists Investigate the Natural World

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 410

Pages: 1

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Friedrich asserts that facts do not exist but rather interpretations which translate to mean that what people consider to be facts are merely their versions of the matters: their interpretations. As untrue as the statement seems, it cannot be said to be wrong. How one knows what they know is the truth is a science of human psychology that explores how people interpret matter, events and basic life scenarios (Bearden, 2013). In this regard, the paper explores the science in what people know and how they know it to be the truth.

The science of knowledge and belief exists in a branch of philosophy known as epistemology. This theory seeks to explain whether what is known as a subject of fact or value hence giving knowledge and interpretations reliability. People beliefs and interpretations are different, but each person believes that their knowledge is the truth and that those with a different opinion are erroneous. Cognitive science, psychology, and philosophy teach us that the processes behind our logic are clinically impure. Cognitive prejudice and its role in thinking is a major determinant of our reasoning though often overlooked. The standard of logic evaluation by one person is the basis on which what they know is justified (Ellerton, 2017). Therefore, psychology and cognitive science relate knowledge and belief to cognitive preconception.

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Everyone experiences situations in different capacities. In every case the human conscious finds resources within the human mind that are relevant to address the issue, scholarly known as metacognition. Recollection responsiveness decides what is known to an individual and hence modifies the quality of knowledge. Unconscious resources are only repetitively registered conscious resources. Psychotherapy goes further to deduce that focus on the particular detail one has knowledge on causes the conscious to generate resources on the matter. That way, one is only aware of the knowledge they hold regarding the issue at hand. At one particular time, it is not possible to deduce everything one knows or believe they know. Only under exposure to matters that require that knowledge will one understand what they know and use it to interpret the scene (Klemm, 2014).

In conclusion, knowledge is derived from previous experiences, learned ideologies and personal convictions. What is known is a combination of cognitive and psychological science processes in the human conscience. Without provocation of conscious resources by situations, one may not be aware of what they know about the situation. How do you know what you know?


Bearden, N. (2013). How do you know what you think you know? Harvard Business Review . Retrieved on 18 August 2017 from https://hbr.org/2013/10/how-do-you-know-what-you-think-you-know.

Ellerton, P. (2017). How do you know that what you know is true? That’s epistemology. The Conversation Africa, Inc. Retrieved on 18 August 2017 from http://theconversation.com/how-do-you-know-that-what-you-know-is-true-thats-epistemology-63884. 

Klemm, R. W. (2014). Knowing what you know. How it matters. Psychology Today . Retrieved on 18 August 2017 from https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/memory-medic/201402/knowing-what-you-know-how-it-matters.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). The Process of Science: How Scientists Investigate the Natural World.


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