6 Aug 2022


The Psychology of Motivation and Emotion

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

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Main Post 

A growth mindset is one that allows information to flow through and people that usually have this mindset are typically positive. They also have an understanding that intelligence can be added and developed if required, and they also embrace challenges and view them as growth opportunities. Furthermore, people with growth mindsets understand that effort leads to learning, and they will often learn from criticisms from their peers. However, those with fixed mindsets are the contrary as they have a hard time learning from their experiences, and they often have a presumption that people are either unintelligent or intelligent, with no actual capacity to change. In this manner, they often try to show that they are intelligent due to fear or insecurity, and they also avoid challenges or surrender easily when faced with resistance. Similarly, they do not take criticisms as useful feedback as they consider it as a negative (Villa, 2019). This is the case with the students as they are showing signs of a fixed mindset since they do not want to challenge themselves and often take the less challenging courses. In the same manner, they are fixated on getting an ‘A’ as they all want to prove that they are intelligent, and they also think that getting a lesser grade means that they are unintelligent. They are thus accustomed to the comfort zone as they avoid challenges. 

Based on the case study, I would recommend the administration, teachers, and parents within the district to aid in changing the mindset of the children from a fixed to a growth mindset. For instance, they should teach the students that their grades do not determine their intelligence, nor does it define their success or failure in life. Similarly, to ensure that the children are ready to seek challenges to improve themselves, they should be taught the importance of challenging themselves and getting out of their comfort zone for self-improvement purposes. They should also be sensitized on the importance of failure in succeeding as one learns from failure to become a better version of themself. The administration and teachers should also introduce means of challenging the students and making them interested in pursuing challenges, and this can be attained via the gamification of education and using teaching strategies that promote the students to challenge themselves. 

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Response to Students 

Response to Kimberly 

Hello Kimberly, 

I do agree with you on the fact that the students have a fixed mindset as a result of the traits they portray, such as a lack of motivation to challenge themselves, equating intelligence and success with their grades, etc. I like how you quoted the video in the explanation process and also stated how people with a growth mindset behave and differ from the behaviors portrayed by the students. Regarding your recommendations, I commend how you stated things like gamification, giving encouragement, and teaching challenge values as they can go a long way in changing the mindset of the students. However, I think you should expound more on your recommendations by giving a simple explanation of how they can be achieved. 

Response to Alexandra 

Hello, Alexandra, 

I concur with you on the aspect of the type of mindset the students have as they have a fixed mindset because of the traits they display. I also like how you simplified why they do not challenge themselves, and it is primarily because they want to be in their comfort zone by taking subjects they know they are good at. I also like how you contrasted the growth mindset from a fixed mindset by stating that a person with a growth mindset understands that their abilities can be developed and that grades do not dictate one’s success or failure in life. In regards to your recommendation, I commend how you went straight to the point by stating that parents ought to change the mindset of their children such that they promote a growth mindset. I also do concur with you, especially where you stated how important it is to teach the students to get out of their comfort zone as it is an essential step in cultivating a growth mindset. 


Villa, D. (2019). Council Post: The Power of Having A Growth Mindset Versus A Fixed Mindset. Retrieved 8 April 2021, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2019/03/12/the-power-of-having-a-growth-mindset-versus-a-fixed-mindset/?sh=5f865246562d 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The Psychology of Motivation and Emotion.


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