5 May 2022


The Resistance Factors in Society

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Academic level: College

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Words: 285

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As the world prepares to transit from fossil fuel to renewable energy, the structural changes are not without resistance from the same beneficiaries of the power. In Europe and elsewhere, it cannot be said that there is a lack of capacity. Resistance factors are present within communities, regions, and nation against renewable energy. Many countries have their renewable energy programs stalled with lawsuits. Communities that act as resource points or transmission routes of the green energy have different reasons for their resistance. Among the factors include nature conservation, fear of adjustment (Alcorn, 2003), noise pollution, and agricultural land expansion. Change is not easily received.

Localized resistance comes in what many termed not-in-my-back-yard (NIMBY). People are not willing to allow their homes and neighborhood to be transformed into something that is unfamiliar. They tend to maintain the status quo, changing their community slowly and adjusting in agreement with each other. Another commonly cited reason is the level of noise pollution associated with some renewable energy sources such as the wind turbines.

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Interest groups have stood as nature conservationists and fossil fuel supporters. The groups represent different interests, one for nature preservation and the other for economic profit. Most of the renewable energy infrastructure affects forests, wildlife, ecosystems, and tourism. So, the groups resist any encroachment of these nature reserves. The economic benefits of fossil fuel cause the lobbyists to push for legislations that will continue the use of fossil fuel.

Land use for agricultural and other local purposes is critical to green energy resistance. The production of electricity needs transmission lines to load centers, transmitters, and it will fundamentally affect land use expansion in the process (MacKay, 2009). Thus, people will react and resist the effect of electricity production and transmission on their land. The government needs to engage the communities in the process.


Alcorn, P.A. (2003). Social issues in technology: A format for investigation (4th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Publishing.

MacKay, D., 2009. Sustainable energy without the hot air. Usman Institute of Technology.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). The Resistance Factors in Society.


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