22 Sep 2022


The Rise of Radical Populist Rights

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The radical populist right is a term that does not have a consensual definition between scholars, but it has various tenets that make it family-led party populism. Rydgren (2007) asserts that the radical populism rights are embedded and propagated through families, where members feel the need to keep away from internationalism ideologies because they have flawed how immigrants exert influence on the country economics and politics. Politics in Europe have indeed adopted a pattern that has radical populist ideologies, with most of the elected leaders signifying that the people have been cultured to believe in the superiority of nativity in one’s country. 

Followers or the people inclined to radical populist in the European countries have recently shown a worrying trend, sharing xenophobic and ethno-nationalist ideologies that are unpopular with the more liberal counterparts. Whereas it is not an aspect that can solely be identified as the reason behind the election of politicians who seem to propagate racism, the radical populist rights have presented strongly over the years in a country like the US (Rodrik, 2019). The most apparent similarity in all these countries is the rise of parties that defend the country’s culture and aboriginality, with emphasis on the need to stop immigrants from ascending to influential positions in the political front. 

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The evolving of radical populist parties in Europe is currently gaining momentum with countries that have the anti-nativist forms of government such as Scandinavia and Hungary creating ties with the neighboring countries. The ties that include infrastructure and political ideologies have won about 10% of the voters (Tartar, 2017). However, not all countries in Europe seem to be affected by the proliferation of the radical right parties, countries such as the UK has witnessed lesser influence, although a different report shows it could be the rise of a newer form of populist parties with newer strategies than the old radical parties (Rodrik, 2019). 


Rydgren, J. (2007). The sociology of the radical right.  Annu. Rev. Sociol. 33 , 241-262. 

Rodrik, D. (2019, July 09). What's Driving Populism? Retrieved from https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/economic-and-cultural-explanations-of-right-wing-populism-by-dani-rodrik-2019-07 

Tartar, A. (2017, December 11). How the Populist Right Is Redrawing the Map of Europe. Retrieved from https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2017-europe-populist-right/ 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). The Rise of Radical Populist Rights.


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