12 Feb 2023


The Role of Governors in State Governments

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 309

Pages: 1

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Question 1 

Governors are states' chief executive officers. Three of governors' chief responsibilities include using executive budget proposals, legislative vetoes, and policy agendas to influence legislative processes. Secondly, governors are responsible for giving an annual "state of the state" address before the state legislature (George, 2018) . And lastly, governors are responsible for working and coordinating with lawmakers to approve state budgets, enact slate legislation, confirm judicial and executive appointments, and oversee executive branch functions ( NGA, 2018 ) . Since governors are obligated to work alongside legislatures in most of their duties and responsibilities, they need to create and develop a good work relationship with lawmakers. Governors have a significant influence on legislative agendas because they have been empowered to call for special lawmaking sessions as long as they prepare the sessions' agendas and purposes in advance. 

Question 2 

Governors are empowered with formal powers that are particularly outlined in the constitution. Veto powers, budgetary powers, and reorganization powers are some of the governors' formal powers ( Ballotpedia, n.d. ) . Veto powers refer to the authority to unilaterally bring an official action to a halt, especially actions related to enacting legislation ( Rachel , 2009). On the other hand, budgetary powers refer to the Governor's authority to approve or disapprove the expenditure of the public's designated amount of funds for a definite purpose. Reorganization power, which is always subjected to limited lawmakers' supervision, refers to the authority to consolidate, abolish, divide, or create the United States federal government agencies. 

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Question 3 

Some of the key members of state government important to the Governor include the lieutenant governor, the attorney general, auditors, the secretary of the state, the treasurer, and the commissioners of insurance, agriculture, and education. The key members play a significant role in running the state. For instance, the lieutenant governor helps the state governor by presiding as Governor during the state governor's absentia (Kiger, 2010) . On the other hand, the attorney general serves as the Governor's advisor, mostly on legal matters, while auditors help the Governor by identifying budget policy issues and develop and review action plans aligned to the Governor's goals and policies. 


Ballotpedia. (n.d.).  Governor (state executive office) .   https://ballotpedia.org/Governor_(state_executive_office) 

George, P. E. (2018).  How state governors work . HowStuffWorks.  https://people.howstuffworks.com/government/local-politics/state-governor1.htm 

Kiger, P. J. (2010).  What does a lieutenant governor do?   HowStuffWorks.  https://people.howstuffworks.com/government/local-politics/lieutenant-governor.htm 

NGA. (2018).  Governors' powers & authority . National Governors Association.  https://www.nga.org/governors/powers-and-authority/ 

Rachel. (2009).  Difference between governor and Senator | Difference between . Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects.  https://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-governor-and-senator/ 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). The Role of Governors in State Governments.


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