19 Oct 2022


Three Changes I Would Make to the iPhone 11

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Academic level: College

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Words: 352

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Apple released the iPhone 11 on 20th September 2019, the phone was considered a budget phone with significant improvements from iPhone XR. The phone came with an impressive dual 12mp cameras which enables an ultra-wide shot both for pictures and videos, the recording of videos was improved with a 4k recording too. Apple’s powerful chip A13 was used in iPhone 11 compared to XR which used the A12 chip. Premiering at $699, the phone was considered budget-friendly and a worthy upgrade from the XR (Beavis, 2020). However, some features are missing in this phone that ought to have been considered for it to have a significant difference compared to XR. 

The phone’s screen is 6.1 inches similar to XR; both iPhone 11 and XR on display look the same and it is hard for one to tell the difference apart from the logo positioning at the back and brand name are written in XR. There is a need to increase the screen size for the iPhone 11 for one to identify the differences between the two phones (O'Boyle, 2020). Apple phones are vastly known for paying enormous attention to the screen size and display quality and for iPhone 11 they failed to innovate on the screen size, which was a lazy move by the company. The design of the phone is similar to XR and other older versions like Xs (Parker, 2019). This is an older design for a 2019 phone and this Apple has been significantly reluctant in innovating in their phone designs to follow on the trends in designing like other competitors like Samsung, LG, and others have done. This phone should have a curvy edged design for one to differentiate it from the XR. 

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The phone has enormous notch and bezels which makes the phone look a bit ugly and just common to other cheap brands. The company should innovate on the notch and bezel sizes through an aggressively creative designing approach (Holland & Steln, 2020). The revamp in designing will give this phone an attractive look, while providing a balanced space and size for both the notch and bezels. 


Beavis, G. (2020, May 4). iPhone 11 review . Retrieved September 5, 2020, from techradar: https://www.techradar.com/reviews/iphone-11-review 

Holland, P., & Steln, S. (2020, March 29). Apple iPhone 11 review: The best $700 iPhone Apple has ever made . Retrieved September 5, 2020, from Cnet: https://www.cnet.com/reviews/iphone-11-2019-battery-deep-fusion-review/ 

O'Boyle, B. (2020, April 29). Apple iPhone 11 vs iPhone XR comparison: What's the difference? Retrieved September 5, 2020, from Pocket-lint: https://www.pocket-lint.com/phones/buyers-guides/apple/149300-apple-iphone-11-vs-iphone-xr-comparison-differences 

Parker, M. (2019, December 16). iPhone 11 Review . Retrieved September 5, 2020, from Trusted Reviews: https://www.trustedreviews.com/reviews/iphone-11 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Three Changes I Would Make to the iPhone 11.


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