13 Oct 2022


Traditional and Distance Learning Impact on Student Achievement

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Article

Words: 7076

Pages: 28

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For generations, the traditional on-campus classroom environments have been the dominant educational technique. Education is often associated with campuses, and physical learning space and environment, which are complete with an instructor, students, and classroom furniture such as desks, lockers, blackboards, and teaching paraphernalia such as chalk and a duster. Before the internet, the classroom was physical, and students had to attend class to learn. This technique also applied to students from abroad, who had to travel, to attend the classes physically. However, the advent of technology, such as the internet, smartphones, and personal computers, has enabled the development of a different form of learning, which is distant learning. 

Distance learning is the learning that takes place online without requiring the student to attend physical classes in a physical classroom. The lectures are broadcast on media, and students access the media from their different locations, in the form of attending the classes. Distance learning can occur through live streaming of the lesson, or through recorded experiences that are later sent to students or uploaded on student portals. Distance learning has reduced the need for students to leave their home countries to attend lectures abroad, which is often a costly affair, especially when the students are self-sponsored and without scholarships. Distance learning is best conducted through e-learning approaches because of the advent of technology. However, it is also important to note that distance learning can also occur through post al mail and emails. Therefore, online platforms are not the only solutions to distance learning. 

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The two educational approaches have their merits and demerits. A fundamental advantage of the two pedagogical approaches is that both methods allow students to gain knowledge and skills in a classroom. However, the stark differences between the two learning approaches cannot be ignored because of their implications on student achievement. Student achievement is the extent to which a learner attains their academic goals with the appropriate educational support from instructors and a learning institution. As such, it is imperative to explore the impact the two learning approaches have on student achievement by conducting a mixed methods research study. 


While technology has brought about immense advantages and simplified learning in the educational discourse, inherent problems exist in both traditional and distance learning techniques. Traditional learning harms student learning and achievement because traditional education exposes students to inequality in the classroom because of the teaching methods and student learning methods. Students have different learning methods, which mean s mean that some students learn slower than others do. The inequality in the traditional learning technique lowers student achievement in education, according to Dumont & Ready (2020). Halasa et al. (2019) also contend that the blended learning technique that incorporates e-learning, which is an aspect of distance learning, in the traditional education has a positive impact on student achievement because of significant levels of knowledge gained compared to the levels in conventional approaches. 

Traditional learning approaches limit student achievement because of a variety of factors such as inequality among the students in their learning speed and techniques, limited participation of students in the classroom, and limited practical knowledge because of standardized tests that force students to cram concepts instead of understanding them, among other reasons. These factors impede student achievement because they limit the student’s ability to learn, concentrate in class, and understand concepts. 

Generally, the traditional learning approach has a more negative impact on student achievement because of additional factors such as sitting arrangement in the classroom, which influences the learning motivation for the student, learning attitude of students in the traditional class , among other factors (Park & Choi, 2014). Therefore, it appears that, overall, conventional educational techniques are more problematic for student learning, which affects their achievement. 


The purpose of this action research study is to examine the concepts of traditional and distance education and their impacts on student achievement. This analysis will be done by conducting interviews using a mixed - method approach. A significant part of the research will be done through qualitative interviewing. This research process will take a week, where the researcher will talk about 100 students on different campuses. The percentage of students who record a positive impact of either of the two learning methods will provide the quantitative results of the research project. Content analysis will be the primary qualitative data analysis method for qualitative interviews. The complete data analysis will provide results that will be used to advise students on the best learning technique. 


How do traditional and distance learning compare, advantages, and disadvantages of both forms of education, and what are their impacts on student achievement for students in grade 10 ? 


Student achievement- Student achievement is the extent to which a learner attains their academic goals with the appropriate educational support from instructors and a learning institution. 

Traditional learning- learning that takes place within a traditional classroom setting. 

Distance learning- learning that takes place online without requiring the student to attend physical classes in a physical classroom. 


The following literature review will explore the concepts of traditional learning and distance learning. It will also delve into how these two educational techniques affect student achievement. As mentioned before, the goal of this research is to examine the difference between traditional and distance learning and the impact that these two educational approaches have on student achievement. Therefore, the literature review conducted below includes an annotation of the different articles considered for this study, as well as perspectives and findings incorporated from similar research studies that address the topic. 

Appana, S. (2008). A Review of Benefits and Limitations of Online Learning in the Context of the Student, the Instructor, and the Tenured Faculty. International Jl. On E-Learning , 7 (1), 5-22. 

Apanna (2008) did a study to review the various benefits and limitations of online learning which is the basis of distance learning from the student’s, instructor’s, and tenured facility’s perspective. The researcher acknowledges that distance learning is best delivered through online learning. Apanna (2008) also contends that traditional learning techniques encourage passive learning, ignore the individual student differences, and have limited platforms upon which the teachers can engage the students in problem-solving and critical thinking. To complete this study, the researcher did a literature review of relevant studies that illuminate the concept of online and distance learning, as well as its advantages and disadvantages. 

From the research conducted, Apanna (2008) established that from a faculty perspective, online instruction helps the institution enrol more students without the limitations of physical space, in the traditional instructional models. Through online and distance learning programs, the school taps into new markets, and students from abroad can enrol for courses without the need to struggle to obtain student visas. Additionally, the online and distance learning programs are beneficial to students because they learn more course concepts compared to when in traditional programs. Online learning requires the application of technology, which forces the students to learn how to apply these technologies in their studies, hence gaining more useful skills in their education. In addition to this, the students under the online and distance learning programs are anonymous, and this is crucial in improving student enhancement. In traditional learning programs, students must interact with each other, thereby eliminating the concept of anonymity. Sometimes students develop anxiety in class settings, hence reducing their participation levels. In such cases, such students would perform better in distance and online learning than when in traditional setups. Enhanced student engagement is crucial in improving student achievement because the learner develops independence and enhanced communication. Additionally, as mentioned before in the research, the students in these programs engage more in class because of the anonymity associated with online learning. 

Overall, Apanna (2008) determined that the online and distance learning programs are more active on improved student achievement because of the benefits that outweigh the disadvantages. The comparisons made between distance learning and traditional learning techniques also expose the reader to the topic, which increases their ability to understand the study and the results obtained. This study is, therefore, relevant to this research project because it highlights the benefits of distance and online learning over the traditional approaches. 

Bencheva, N. (2010). Learning Styles and E-Learning Face-to-Face to Traditional Learning. НАУЧНИ ТРУДОВЕ НА РУСЕНСКИЯ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ , 49 (3.2). 

Bencheva (2010) explores the concept of learning in different forms that include online learning, distance learning, and blended learning. According to the author, online learning is strictly the learning that takes place on the web, which includes texts, graphics, animation, videos, and discussion boards, among other learning techniques. Distance learning, as the author explains, refers to the knowledge that takes place where the learner and the teacher are in different locations. This kind of education takes place where the learner and teacher are in the same position , but at different times. For instance, the lessons are scheduled in the morning but are delivered at a different time in the same location. The author contends that most times, scholars use distance learning and online learning interchangeably. However, it is imperative to note the difference between the two because distance learning could occur through mail correspondence. The advent of technology and the internet, as well as the introduction of a variety of media, has transformed distance learning by introducing aspects of online learning. Bencheva (2010) contends that this is possible because distance learning can occur online where the instructor and the student are in different locations but attending the same lesson at the same time, online. 

In addition to these learning approaches, Bencheva (2010) discusses the concept of blended learning, which is the learning that combines traditional and online learning approaches. Blended learning combines a variety of delivery methods such as web-based learning, face-to-face learning, and live e-learning approaches. 

According to Bencheva (2010), numerous arguments exist that contend that traditional learning is a better approach to maintaining the learning process. However, the researcher argues that other forms of education are equally as good because of the technological support they offer to replace the disadvantages of traditional learning. A significant advantage of e-learning, which also encompasses learning approaches used in distance learning, is that it enhances communication among the learners and with the teachers, creates platforms upon which the learners can conduct open discussions, and allows them time to ruminate over the information and concepts learned in the classroom (Bencheva, 2010). This argument augurs with Slover & Mandernach’s (2018) evidence , which is that, with online learning, students achieve higher performance scores compared to those using traditional learning approaches. While age and gender are significant factors that influence this outcome, their study validates Bencheva’s argument that online and distance learning is more effective than traditional learning approaches (2010). 

This article is relevant to this study because it provides information about the different types of learning for the reader to gain insights. The report allows the reader to compare and contrast the distance, online, and traditional learning, which will enable them to form a perspective on their advantages and disadvantages. This analysis creates a basis upon which researchers can determine how these learning techniques affect student achievement. The goal of this project is to establish how distance and traditional learning compare and how they affect student performance. Therefore, the researchers in this study contribute to this research by showing how the two learning techniques compare. This information is crucial for the investigation because it ensures that the researcher understands the concepts before delving into further research on how they affect student academic achievement. 

Georgouli, K., Skalkidis, I., & Guerreiro, P. (2008). A Framework for Adopting LMS to Introduce e-Learning in a Traditional Course. Educational Technology & Society , 11 (2), 227-240. 

Georgouli, Skalkidis, & Guerreiro (2008) conducted a case study to explore how the introduction of e-learning in traditional courses leads to a blended learning approach that is ideal for distance education and communication. The authors acknowledge the importance of learning management systems and contend that with time, most educational institutions will require using blended learning approaches for their students to enhance their learning process. From their case study, the authors contended that students who undertook lessons in a mixed learning environment were more content with the learning outcomes and the quality of the experiences offered with this technique. Halasa et al. (2019) also contend that the blended learning technique that incorporates e-learning, which is an aspect of distance learning, in the traditional education has a positive impact on student achievement because of significant levels of knowledge gained compared to the levels in conventional approaches. This observation by the researchers reinforce the point made by Georgouli, Skalkidis, & Guerreiro (2008) in their study, which is blended learning is a better teaching and learning approach because it incorporates the advantages of distance learning and traditional learning. Students experience the benefits of both learning approaches. For instance, those who prefer the distance learning approach via online platforms enjoy the advantage of working and studying at the same time. The students who do not have jobs can attend the lectures in person and still utilize the online learning approaches to their advantage. Therefore, Georgouli, Skalkidis, & Guerreiro (2008) argue that a blended learning approach is more impactful on student performance, compared to the distance and traditional learning techniques. As such, they propose that educational institutions should consider increasing the technology available to enhance the learning outcomes for the students. 

This study is relevant to this research project because it allows the researcher to gain new perspectives on blended learning as a concept. While the research focuses on comparing the traditional and distance learning approaches, the literature reviewed in this study yields further information about the blended learning technique that most learning institutions have increasingly adopted over the years to enhance student performance. Most of the literature review supports the mixed learning technique as the most effective in improving student performance. The research methodology will , however, reveal reveals results from the interviews that will be conducted in the data collection section , for additional insights. 

Halasa, S., Abusalim, N., Rayyan, M., Constantino, R., Nassar, O., & Amre, H. et al. (2020). Comparing student achievement in traditional learning with a combination of blended and flipped learning. Nursing Open , 7 (4), 1129-1138. https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.492 

Halasa et al., (2020) did a study to investigate the efficacy of blended learning with a flipped classroom design, on the student achievement levels in a nursing course. The goal was to establish if blended learning improves student achievement. To complete their research project, the researchers engaged students in an experiment where one group has a flipped classroom design, and the control group had the traditional and teacher-centered teaching approach. The flipped classroom model refers to the instructional strategy that is student-focused and creates room for student engagement during the lessons and allows the instructor an opportunity to interact with students while addressing their learning difficulties as well as their preferences. Conversely, the traditional learning approach is mainly teacher-centered and has limited student interaction because of the nature of the instructional strategy. 

The researchers used the quasi-experimental method for the control and experimental groups where the students were tested three times through traditional learning and the blending learning, respectively. The researchers also exposed the students to the same examination for uniformity in the results obtained. The results of this study revealed that students achieved higher grades in the blended learning environment, compared to those in the traditional instruction classes. These findings are consistent with the findings by Georgouli, Skalkidis, & Guerreiro (2008) and Slover (2018) who discovered that blended learning contributes to better student performance. Additionally, the research established that through blended learning, the students develop self-efficacy and communication skills among the students. Watching pre-recorded lesson videos and allowing students to prepare for the lesson from home helps students improve their academic performance. This research study, therefore, concludes that the blended learning approach in a flipped classroom yield better student performance and engagement, compared to the traditional models. 

Distance learning is based on online learning and sometimes, blended learning. This study indicates the importance of using the blended learning approaches in teaching students because it enhances student achievement. Therefore, if the distance learning approaches include the blended learning methods, then, this study confirms that it is more effective in achieving higher student performance and engagement in their studies, compared to the traditional instructional approach. 

This study is relevant to this research project because it introduced the concept of a flipped classroom, which is an example of blended learning. A flipped classroom is a form of blended learning that is student-focused and creates room for student engagement during the lessons and allows the instructor an opportunity to interact with students while addressing their learning difficulties as well as their preferences. The concept of the flipped classroom is essential in this study because it examines how a teacher and student-centred teaching approaches differ in distance education and traditional educational strategies. 

Hickey, C., McAleer, S., & Khalili, D. (2015). E-Learning: Is it any better than Traditional Approaches in Psychotherapy Education?. Archives Of Psychiatry And Psychotherapy , 17 (4), 48-52. https://doi.org/10.12740/app/60644 

Hickey et al. (2015) conducted a study to determine if online learning modules are effective in enhancing knowledge acquisition and learner satisfaction for students undertaking psychotherapy education. To conduct the study, the researchers did a need analysis in the University of Newfoundland by conducting a survey that sought to collect information on the e-learning modules introduced for the tests. The tests were the assessment of the effect of the blended teaching modules in traditional educational techniques on junior residents in the 2013 curriculum in the university. The researchers administered questionnaires that collected information on demographic data, the modules and how the students performed in the modules, and information on the improvements that the institutions could make on the modules. 

The results of the survey indicated that there was a statistically significant knowledge acquisition for the students who attended the online learning modules. However, the learners experienced minor difficulties with the technology introduced in the online learning modules. Overall, the satisfaction rate and the knowledge acquisition for the students was high when online learning was introduced. This research study confirms that online learning modules, which are highly applicable in the distance learning modules yield better academic results for students, because of independence and enhanced communication, as well as creating exciting classroom sessions. 

The results obtained from this study augur with observations by Nichols & Meuleman (2017) and Georgouli, Skalkidis, & Guerreiro (2008) who contend that a blended learning environment is better compared to the traditional and distance learning approaches because the students enjoy the lessons more, interact with technology to help them understand the course concepts taught in the classroom, and are convenient for those who study as they work. Therefore, this article generally supports the use of technology in learning. It is imperative to note that distance learning mostly occurs through online learning platforms. Therefore, the fact that blended learning appears to be the preferred teaching and learning approach enhances the efficacy of distance learning, as an online learning option. 

Nichols, M., & Meuleman, N. (2017). Reflections of a New Educational Designer. Journal Of Open, Flexible And Distance Learning , 21 (2). 

One of the authors involved in this study, Nicky Meuleman, was the primary source of data used in collecting data about the roles of the educational designer s . The researchers, Nichols & Meuleman (2017), used narrative inquiry as to the primary source of data collection method, with a population of one, Meuleman. The researchers analyzed the data using categorical analysis, which entails identifying the codes that were frequently applied to the data collected and using these codes to gain insights into the central theme of the research. Nichols & Meuleman (2017) established that most of the instructional designers who trained students in face-to-face education were involved in the production of video and multimedia for use during instruction, creating online courses and transitioning the traditional teaching methods into online approaches, providing support for different forms of software that the faculty would want to use in their c urriculum , training course, teaching the rest of the staff members how to use the technology effectively , and to ensure that the courses met the federal guidelines for accessibility, among other functions. 

From these findings, it is clear that traditional schools appear to prefer the incorporation of technology in higher learning institutions. Therefore, some instructional designers participate in the establishment of the online and distance-learning platforms in traditional schools, based on the findings of the study conducted. Nichols & Meuleman (2017) also contend that an essential aspect of blended learning, which is the integration of technology based on the instructor’s roles, is that blended learning should create independence of the students in an online environment. Additionally, the incorporation of technology in traditional learning approaches should provide platforms for students to learn new and exciting concepts. Based on the studies conducted by Wasoh (2018) and Moane (2019), Nichols & Meuleman (2017) are right to contend that blended learning approaches are better compared to the traditional and distance learning approaches. 

This research study is relevant to this project because it illuminates the reasons why instruction designers incorporate technology in traditional classrooms. The entire article supports blended, distance, and online learning approaches and have less favor able favour for conventional learning techniques. Thus far, most of the materials reviewed endorse the mixed learning technique as the most impactful on positive student achievement, compared to the rest of the teaching and learning techniques. This study is a reliable source of information on the topic because it provides insights on how learning techniques are determined, and how the instruction designers consider a variety of factors in determining the best approach to use for teaching students in higher learning institutions. The information provided , however, may be contested because there was only one participant, who is also in the research team, and the information provided may be biased. 

Park, E., & Choi, B. (2014). Transformation of classroom spaces: traditional versus active learning classroom in colleges. Higher Education , 68 (5), 749-771. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10734-014-9742-0 

In this article, Park & Choi (2014) conducted a study to establish how educational environments and classroom environments affect student achievement and willingness to participate in the learning activities. The researchers surveyed through a questionnaire survey designed to gather information such as the participants’ perspective about the golden zone and shadow zones in the classroom arrangement and seating positions. The golden area in the classroom was reserved for the students with higher grades and better academic performance, while the shadow zone was for poor performance. The results of this study revealed that students who were placed in classrooms with no particular arrangement, and no zones were active in the learning processes and expressed interest to participate in participating in classroom activities. Active participation also created the independence of the students in the classroom setup. 

The results of this research study appear to augur with the survey conducted by Nichols & Meuleman (2017). In their study, the researchers established that incorporating technology in a traditional educational setting is crucial in ensuring the students develop independence and develop more interest in learning concepts taught in class. Technology tends to create an exciting classroom session, as opposed to the sometimes -uneventful traditional classroom sessions. From Park & Choi’s study, the researchers established that conventional classrooms should eliminate the seating arrangements, which create challenges for the students in the golden zone (2014). Additionally, the goal of the elimination of the seating arrangements in the classroom is to create independence among the students during the learning sessions. Since the goal is to achieve independence among the learners, to enhance their student performance, the findings in Park & Choi’s article (2014) support the incorporation of technology in the traditional classroom since they would achieve similar results. 

This article was relevant to this study because the research study seeks to establish the different ways in which institutions can enhance their traditional classrooms. In contrast At the same time, most of the literature reviewed in this section explores how to integrate technology in a conventional classroom and compares how the distance learning and traditional learning impact student performance, the findings in this research study indicate a need to revamp the conventional classroom by eliminating class arrangements that intimidate students and adversely affect their performance. Therefore, the research study is relevant because of the impact of the changes made to the classroom, which are enhanced student achievement, which is the goal of blended and distance learning. 

Tull, S., Dabner, N., & Ayebi-Arthur, K. (2017). Social Media and E-learning in Response to Seismic Events: Resilient Practices. Journal Of Open, Flexible And Distance Learning , 21 (1). 

Tull, Dabner, & Ayebi-Arthur (2019) did a study to explore the resilient practices that learning organizations could adopt to enhance their e-learning practices. The researchers utilized a case study approach of 5 universities to identify the common strategies that demonstrated an institution’s resilience in its learning approach. The strength resistance , in this case, refers to the advantage strength that an institution has towards unforeseen or foreseen eventualities such as earthquakes. The researchers contend that natural disasters such as earthquakes tend to disrupt learning and affect students both physically and emotionally whenever they occur. In most cases, note the authors, these disasters are prone to changing the students attending classes physically, within a traditional learning framework. 

Their study , therefore, sought to explore the measures that five learning institutions undertake to ensure that they develop institutional resilience. Based on the case study conducted by the researchers, institutions adopted e-learning techniques that enabled distance teaching through social media applications. Tull, Dabner, & Ayebi-Arthur (2019) found that some of the universities developed social media portals that they used to communicate with their students on issues about natural disasters. Additionally, for the enhanced safety of the students, the institutions incorporate e-learning as a form of distance learning for the students , where, for each course taught using the traditional face-to-face approach, there were online resources and platforms for the students to use in case there are natural disasters. 

These findings augur with the findings from Georgouli, Skalkidis, & Guerreiro (2008) that encourage blended learning to enhance student performance. The results from the case study suggest that blended learning, with a leaning towards distance education , is more impactful on student achievement because it allows students to study off-campus, and enhance their safety. The safety of students is critical in their success because of reduced fears and anxiety concerning natural disasters occurring while at school and causing significant damage such as physical injury or death. 

This article is highly relevant to this study because it highlights the importance of introducing a blended learning and teaching approach for the students. This information provides the education with sufficient evidence on the research question, which seeks to establish how the distance and traditional learning approaches impact student achievement. If a student fails to experience safety in school, their performance is likely to be subpar. Therefore, a blended learning approach that allows them to learn from home or other remote locations helps them utilize online and distance-learning services that help them achieve better results in their academics. Therefore, the blended learning environment is a better educational technique based on this article, which suggests that it leads to better student achievement compared to online, traditional, and distance learning. 

Wasoh, F. (2018). Exploring the Roles of Blended Learning as an Approach to Improve Teaching and Learning English. 

Wasoh (2018) conducted a research study that sought to determine why English teachers apply blended learning in their lessons and what are the tools used in their mixed learning lessons. The study also explored the extent to which the students in the University in Thailand were able to achieve their intended academic outcomes and the various processes that were involved in achieving those targets. Wasoh (2018) conducted in-depth interviews with students from the University university to collect qualitative data. 

The researcher established that teachers in the University used the blended teaching approaches, which combined distance learning in the form of online learning with the traditional methods because of ease of communication between the teachers and the students, helps in creating exciting lessons for the students, creates a student-centered learning environment, and helps students develop independent learning skills. Additionally, Wasoh (2018) discovered that blended learning helps reduce the class time for the students because the students can easily find the information and course concepts online, especially when working in groups. Lastly, the study revealed that blended learning is a better teaching approach because it supports a face-to-face learning approach where the teacher blends technology into the traditional lesson, allowing the students to understand the concepts taught better in the classroom. 

In her article, Moane (2019) agrees with the findings by Wasoh (2018) when she contends that a blended teaching approach is more effective compared to the rest of the learning approaches through several arguments. They include the fact that blended teaching allows students to develop independence in their school work, encourages active and collaborative learning, and personalizes the curriculum and eliminates any limits in the learning process, among other advantages. However, while the blended learning approach is more effective and has a positive impact on student achievement, Moane (2019) warns that over-relying on the blended approach could potentially limit learning because some course concepts are best taught in a traditional learning setup where the teacher can use touch and page-turning. These temporal aspects in education enable the students to navigate the texts and concepts in tuitively that the blended and distance learning approaches may not allow. Therefore, while the blended learning has a positive impact on student achievement, it is clear that the instructors should ensure that they avoid over-relying on it, for better student outcomes. 

Yates, A., Brindley-Richards, W., & Thistoll, T. (2014). Student Engagement in Distance-based Vocational Education. Journal Of Open, Flexible, And Distance Learning , 18 (2). 

In this research study, Yates et al. (2014) sought to investigate the levels of student engagement for those taking distance learning lessons in a New Zealand learning facility. The researchers embarked on this study because of the reported low levels of student engagement for those in distance learning. The researchers also observed that the students enrolled in the distance education courses had lower course completion rates than those in traditional face-to-face learning arrangements. Course completion is among the most significant indicators of student engagement and achievement, according to Simpson (2013). The researchers, therefore, needed to investigate why the distance learners in the learning institution had low engagement and course completion rate. 

Yates et al. (2014) used the collective case study approach to examine the student engagement rates of the learners in a learning institution. An interpretivist paradigm was used to evaluate the responses provided by the respondents because it is useful in deriving the meanings of concepts from shared meanings. Shared meanings may sometimes confuse the researcher when they fail to understand the intended meaning of the word or concept. The researchers, therefore, conducted semi-structured interviews with ten staff members of the University of Wellington volunteers. The interview questions mainly focused o the respondent’s views on student engagement. 

The findings from this research indicate that the significant barriers to student engagement for the distance education learners include negative attitudes of staff members towards the students, poor quality course material, difficulties managing changes, time conflicts for the students, lacking the necessary skills for independent learning, and limited face-to-face contact. Limited face-to-face contact is a significant barrier in the distance and online learning, as Stark (2019) established in his study. 

To eliminate these barriers, Yates et al. (2014) recommend that creating an online presence for the courses could enhance student engagement in the course and encourage course completion. One of the participants suggested that using e-books and posting course content online for distant learners could substantially increasing their engagement because of the reduced pressure to attend class and achieve a school-work balance. This study, therefore, suggests that distance learning could be better than traditional learning when online learning is incorporated in the lesson delivery methods. The recommendations on this research study profoundly lean towards a blended learning approach in education where distance learners use online learning methods, and the traditional learners incorporate technology in the classroom. From the recommendations, it appears that distance learning could become better than traditional learning with the incorporation of technology. 

Zeglen, E., & Rosendale, J. (2018). Increasing Online Information Retention: Analysing Analyzing the Effects of Visual Hints and Feedback in Educational Games. Journal Of Open, Flexible, And Distance Learning , 22 (1). 

The authors seek to determine the impact of introducing visual hints and feedback in online learning on student achievement. Zeglen & Rosendale (2018) first acknowledge that online and distance learning is more effective and impactful on student performance, compared to traditional teaching and learning approaches. In their study, which was a mixed-methods approach, the researchers established that distance learning and online learning are effective in student performance; however, additional teaching techniques are required for optimal results. Based on their study, the researchers determined that introducing other technological features such as visual hints and elaborate feedback platforms was crucial in supplementing online learning. The visual indications , according to Zeglen & Rosendale (2018), were important because they helped the learners enhance their ability to process information and retain it in long-term memory. Otherwise, without additional technological features on the distance learning that occurs through online learning, traditional education is a better approach with more advantages. Therefore, distance learning, with visual hints and feedback platforms through online learning, is better than face-to-face learning, which is the concept upon which traditional education is developed. 

Stark (2019) surveyed with 778 participants who took online and traditional classes to determine the effectiveness of the learning techniques and explore the motivational strategies that the online learners utilized for their studies. The results of this survey indicated that students taking online and distance classes were less motivated to attend lessons. They had limited interest in mastering the content taught in class, and less motivated to compete with each other in attaining higher marks in examinations. Distance learning can occur in an online format. The results obtained from this study suggest that students who took online courses were less motivated to study because of the online format that limited their interaction with their teachers (Stark, 2019). This study suggests that direct contact or visual contact with the teacher could help enhance the motivation levels of the student. Therefore, the study by Zeglen & Rosendale (2018) validates Stark’s (2019) review by suggesting that adding visual hints in online and distance learning makes this learning approaches better than the traditional learning techniques. Additionally, the distance and online learning techniques, coupled with a visual aid, enhance student motivation to learn, as well as their ability to retain concepts learned in class in their long-term memory. 

Research Methodology 

This section of the research project will explore the various methods that the researchers used to obtain data from participants. The study is about comparing traditional and distance learning techniques and how they impact student achievement. For this research, the best research approach would be a mixed-methods approach where the research will be conducted using qualitative and quantitative approaches. 

Data Collection 

The data collection process occurred as fieldwork, where the researchers visited a learning institution to collect the data from the sample population. The researchers obtained permission from the school administration to interview students and conduct the survey as an ethical measure. The main reason for using fieldwork and approaching the sample population was to create a rapport with the students, and ensure that the data collection process allowed the researchers to gain further insights from the participants through their body language and other non-verbal communication cues. The surveys were also done on another group within the school, to ensure that the responses were gathered from different populations attending the same school, to assess the differing opinions if any. To prepare for the data collection process, the researchers printed out questionnaires, which they administered through the semi-structured interviews with the respondents. The researchers studied in the same school as the respondents, so transport was not a limiting factor for this study. 


The sampling strategy used for this research study was volunteering, where the researchers requested students in both the traditional and distance learning modules to volunteer in the research. The total number of students sampled for this research study was 250, where 125 were males, and 125 were females. Out of the 250 students, 125 were in the traditional learning module, and the rest were in the distance and online learning modules. This sampling strategy was necessary because the population was small, and the students were acquainted with the researchers. Therefore, the volunteering sampling technique was ideal. Additionally, it was necessary to consider gender and the module of learning as the determining factors of the sample population, to make data analysis easier for the researchers. In addition to this, the sample should be balanced and promote equality among the genders, as an ethical consideration. 


For this research study, the best research methods were qualitative and quantitative include the use of semi-structured interviews and surveys to collect data. The surveys were necessary for this research to collect quantitative data on the impacts of the two learning methods on students. For the qualitative approach, the semi-structured interviews were critical in obtaining information directly from the participants. 

Semi-structured Interviews 

Interviews allow the researcher to interact with the respondent directly, which is crucial because, for a qualitative study, such interviews tend to reveal more in-depth information from the body language and other non-verbal communication cues (Rossman & Rallis, 2017). Additionally, Kaar (2012) contends that the semi-structured interviews provide a platform upon which the researcher develops insights from the participants because of the open-ended questions. The following is a list of questions that the researchers asked the participants, allowing them to offer open-ended responses that had additional insights to the study. The questions were short and precise to allow enough time for the respondents to provide their responses. A longer list of questions may become tedious and cause the respondents to lose interest in answering the questions. Therefore, the best approach is to ensure that the questions are short and few. 

What is your learning module? 

Do you prefer the traditional or the distance-learning module? 

Why do you prefer the module you selected? 

How would you compare the two modules? 

What the benefits you believe that your chosen module offers you as a student? 

Would you change your preferred module given a chance? 


A survey is a critical data collection tool because it offers quantitative results that are necessary for data analysis. Since this study is a mixed-methods approach for better perspectives, the researchers chose to use the survey method to collect information from students about their performances under the different learning modules. The researchers used the sample from the university to ensure that the results were uniform. Using different samples for the study is unreliable because of differing opinions. The results should have generalizability, and the use of different samples limits this crucial aspect of research results. Below are the questions used in the survey: 

In which learning module were you? 

Did you improve your academic performance while in this module? 

Which was the better module? 

Data Analysis 

For the survey, the data analysis approach used was simple, which was the percentage analysis. The researchers obtained the percentages of the students in both the traditional and distance learning modules who recorded better student performances in their respective modules. The percentages would indicate the better-learning module and the module that has better student achievement rates between the two. 

For the semi-structured interviews, the data analysis approach used was content analysis. Content analysis refers to the classification of data into different categories, where they are further analyzed. The content analysis process is crucial to a research project because it enables the researchers to connect the concepts and their causes. For this research, the codes included words such as improved, better grades, distance learning module, traditional module, lower grades, advantage, negative, and positive. The researchers allocated each code with points, ranging between 1 and 5 as a measure of the strength of the code. 


Interview Results 

The interview questions sought to establish the thoughts and opinions, based on experience, that the respondents had about traditional and distance learning modules. According to the content analysis, the words better performance with distance learning scored about 4 points, because of the repetition from the respondents. Most respondents preferred distance learning because of the enhance student achievement. On the question that asked the respondents to compare the two modules of learning, more students believed that the traditional learning module was better because of the direct contact with the teacher. However, in terms of student performance and achievement, most of the students believed that the distance learning modules were better because of the independence created and the exciting technology used to deliver lessons. Lessons are more enjoyable with distance learning on online platforms, compared to the traditional lessons where the students and the instructors share a physical space in the classroom. 

Survey Results 

The survey results indicated that 60% of the students were in the traditional learning modules, while the rest were in the distance learning modules. 72% of the students in the distance learning modules cited that they had improved their academic performance when they joined the distance learning programs, moving from the traditional learning modules. This shows that the distance learning modules allowed students additional benefits and motivation, which allowed them opportunities to learn more core concepts and study independently without limitations commonly identified within the traditional learning modules. 80% of the students in the survey also cited that they felt distance learning was the better module. After all, they felt the need to study independently without the micromanagement from the faculty staff and others preferred this module because they felt that distance learning is more effective because it allows students to engage in other meaningful activities and projects that do not confine them at school. 14% of the respondents preferred the traditional learning modules because they believed that it enhanced performance because of direct contact with the teacher, which was crucial to their learning processes because of the opportunity to ask questions in class, interact with other students during group work, and cultivate positive relationships with the teachers. 6% of the students preferred neither of the learning techniques because they did not have sufficient experience yet to notice the differences in their performance upon enrollment in either program. 


The results above reveal essential information about traditional and distance learning techniques in school for grade 10 students. The survey results revealed that the students within the distance learning modules recorded enhance academic performance once they switched to this educational technique. One of the significant factors contributing to this outcome is the fact that with distance learning, student engagement is higher because there are reduced chances of social issues and anxiety generally associated with physical classroom spaces. Additionally, the students may perform better with the distance learning modules because of the technical support offered, such as visual hints and sound to aid with the learning. Students in grade 10 tend to have developed interests in technology, considering their mental faculties develop during adolescence. For this reason, distance learning through online platforms is appropriate for students within this age group. Zeglen & Rosendale (2018) contend that online learning helps the students retain the information learned because of techniques such as the visual hints and the use of graphical objects when teaching a variety of concepts to the student. Therefore, these are possible reasons why a majority of the students thought that distance learning through online platforms contributed to their improved academic performance. 

Additionally, the fact that a more significant number of the students were enrolled in the distance learning programs indicates that their preference is influenced by the advantages of the distance learning modules. Benchevan (2010) argues that online learning is crucial for student performance because it promotes independence in the student. The student is no longer tied to rigid school rules and can plan their day around their schedules and allocate time for the lessons and to do coursework. Additionally, according to a study conducted by Stark (2019), students in the online and distance learning modules do not experience negative attitudes and conflicts with teachers and students. Peaceful learning activities tend to enhance student engagement in their studies. 

The survey results above also indicate that students may prefer traditional learning approaches because of the benefits obtained from this module. Some of the benefits include direct communication with the teacher, which allows the student to ask questions in class clarification, and develop a positive rapport with the faculty members. Additionally, some students preferred the traditional learning modules because they provided an opportunity for them to interact with the students and develop social skills. Both learning techniques have advantages. However, it appears that most of the respondents preferred distance learning modules because of issues such as convenience, independence, better communication, and exciting lessons. These factors comprise the reasons why distance learning leads to better student achievement, compared to traditional learning methods. 

It is essential however, to note that distance learning leads to better student performance because of the incorporation of the online learning modules. This technique is referred to as blended learning, where the courses are offered through distance learning methods such as mail and the web. This kind of blended learning in distance learning is what yields positive results. Otherwise, blended learning without online learning techniques is cumbersome compared to traditional methods where the learning process is more direct and straightforward compared to receiving course materials through the postal mail. 


The advent of the internet-enabled the incorporation of technology into educational techniques. Distance learning and traditional learnings are primary teaching and learning techniques in most learning institutions. Distance learning, however, has incorporated web-based and online learning because of the advantages they offer. This research project sought to compare the traditional and distance learning modules, and assess their impact of student achievement. From the research conducted, distance learning has a better impact on student achievement because of factors such as convenience for the student, independence, better communication, and exciting lessons that keep the students engaged and invested in the course concepts taught. 

To enhance continued student achievement in a traditional and distance learning module, the school management should strive to introduce online-based course concepts that allow students from different locations to access course material online, take their classes online, to create a blended learning approach. The blended learning approach is crucial, especially for the traditional learning modules because of enhanced student engagement because of the technology used. Distance learning is a better approach because of higher student academic achievement. However, the schools with the traditional approach could introduce technology and create blended learning techniques, which enhance student engagement, and ultimately, their performance levels. 


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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Traditional and Distance Learning Impact on Student Achievement.


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