20 Aug 2022


Trump Delivers on Promises Made to American People

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 1386

Pages: 5

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After the winning of Donald Trump presidency, various questions surround him. About one week after the election of Donald J. Trump, the leader won the industrial heart of the people of Indianapolis from the promise of keeping manufacturing jobs to the giant carrier involved in the creation of air conditioners. The elected president warned the Chief Executive Officer that he required saving some jobs before transferring them to Mexico, as it was the initial plan (Schwartz, 2016). The leader threatened the company’s CEO that failure to do that, he would face the wrath of his administration once he takes over power. After saving about 2000 jobs in the state of Indiana, Trump claimed as he toured the factory that he intended to impose new tariffs on the businesses that moved their production in the oversea countries and shipped their final commodities back to the United States of America. He claimed that his actions were aimed at taking immense care of its workers.

The leader indicated that he did not want people and companies to get out of the country without experiencing any consequences since the country has been losing when companies do that. The main economic issue of Donald trump during his early days of his campaign was the maintenance of the manufacturing employments in USA (Schwartz, 2016). Another economic issue was the decision that Carrier, a big company in USA dealing with air conditioners, of moving 2000 employment positions to Mexico. The president-elect made plans to appear in the Indianapolis factory belonging to Carrier with the intentions of urging the company to retain 1000 jobs in the USA (Schwartz, 2016). Such a move played a major role of heartening his followers before taking office thus showing that the leader is likely to deliver his promises of setting up employment and different job positions in America.

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The actions conducted on the Carrier firm in Indianan was in response to the promise made by the elected United States of America’s president was the fact that he would cut off taxes and increase job rates by increasing on the government expenditure on the infrastructure and the rebuilding of the military as well (Schwartz, 2016). In addition to that, Trump also made promises of reducing the poverty in the inner cities by protection of the Medicare and social security that tend to consume a significant part of the USA’s budget. The promises mentioned above are quite difficult to achieve especially since they are likely to result in s deficit in the federal government.

The president elect of the USA used the dependency theory since he worked towards ensuring that other parties were dependent on him (Bacharach & Lawler, 1986). In his promises, he provided more benefits as compared to the democrat’s party hence gaining a substantial number of supports. However, some of his promises were unrealistic and he had to change some of them after his election as the president. For instance, in his resistance for the trade stances, the leader is likely to run into a resistance with his party regarding that issue. Despite the fact that some of the Republican party members have showed their support for the anti-trade campaigns, many claims that trade is essential for survival. Moreover, for Trump to undo the bilateral trade agreements, he would have receive backing from organizations such as NAFTA but oppositions are liable to be faced. For power to be achieved, any party should maximize the benefits that it provides as compared to the other party. Thus, a winning team in any election as seen in the USA’s election during the year 2016 should provide significant benefits that are quite high as opposed to that of its competitors.

Some of the negotiation tactics used by the leader include the ability to think big and the protection of the downside with the belief that the upside will maneuver through. For instance, the leader believes that if one could leave with the worse the good is likely to sail through. In addition to that, the leader has ways of maximizing the available option rather than sticking to one option (Bacharach & Lawler, 1986). One of the negotiation tactics that was commonly used by the leader was the ability to fight back since the leader believes in treating those that are good in a fair manner but he fights back his opponents. In addition to that, the elected president believes in the fact that perception could yield reality in that the president elect perceived himself as the president and made promises that were both threatening to his wining but still believed in what he would do for America (Korobkin, 2006). For instance, in the creation of the manufacturing jobs in America, he started with saving over 1000 jobs in Indiana that were initially planned to be relocated to Mexico. Thus, this shows that the leader is likely to deliver his promise of retaining the jobs and that most of his perceptions throughout his campaign will become a reality eventually. Moreover, power is risky but one requires having a strong bargaining power (Korobkin, 2006).

The new president elect of the USA campaigned for a proposal that would help in the cutting down of taxes for the individuals with high incomes. However, most of his supports stemmed up from people that have stagnating or low incomes and low education levels as well. Thus, this shows that the victory of Trump emanates from various senses of the economic powerless and a fear to lose power amongst his followers. To the supports of the leader, his slogan of making USA a great nation often sounded as a slogan meant to make them great again. Importantly, the individuals that were affected by the rising inequalities in the economy do not prefer having policies that look like the handouts hence; they do not want an oppressing tax burden.

Donald Trump uses several tactics to manipulate his supports. Just as every leader does, Trump could be playing games as well. Trump was posturing, made excessively high promises, and employed tricky rhetoric to win over his opponent, Hillary Clinton (Korobkin, 2006). However, most of his supporters view the leader as being genuine since he was fiercely passionate concerning the issues that he raised during the campaigns. The leader knows that some of his promises may not be unattainable and creates hope that is not realistic for the American people that have assisted him in winning the presidential elections. Most American Individuals may view Trump as an honest leader since he appeared to do some of the ludicrous things as compared to the other presidential candidates in the USA elections. The behavior of the leader is ridiculous to the extent that most individuals cannot make out if it is just an act or a role that he plays. The appeals made by the president elect in his manifesto could be frightening and uncertain since most of his promises may not be unattainable. One can conclude that the leader is no co-operative since he claims that he would build a wall surrounding the USA and would often make comments that could approach the international relations in a violent manner. Such a leader could easily instigate the Third World War since he is not an equitable leader as seen from his promises. However, most individuals believe that the aggressive nature of the leader would be effective in saving America and making it a great nation as per the president’s elect campaign slogan.

In conclusion, this paper focuses on the way in which Trump would deliver his promises. Among the promises made by the elected United States of America’s president was the fact that he would cut off taxes and increase job rates by increasing on the government expenditure on the infrastructure and the rebuilding of the military as well. About one week after the election of Donald J. Trump, the leader won the industrial heart of the people of Indianapolis from the promise of keeping manufacturing jobs to the giant carrier involved in the creation of air conditioners. The elected president warned the Chief Executive Officer that he required saving some jobs before transferring them to Mexico, as it was the initial plan. The leader threatened the company’s CEO that failure to do that, he would face the wrath of his administration once he takes over power. Thus, one can conclude that Donald Trump uses several tactics to manipulate his supports. Just as every leader does, Trump could be playing games as well. Trump was posturing, made excessively high promises, and employed tricky rhetoric to win over his opponent, Hillary Clinton. However, most of his supporters view the leader as being genuine since he was fiercely passionate concerning the issues that he raised during the campaigns. The leader knows that some of his promises may not be unattainable and creates hope that is not realistic for the American people that have assisted him in winning the presidential elections.


Bacharach, S. & Lawler, E. (1986). Power Dependence and Power Paradoxes in Bargaining. Negotiation Journal , pages 167-174.

Korobkin, R. (2006). On Bargaining Power. Negotiation Journal , pages 59-64.

Schwartz, N. (2016). Trump to Announce Carrier Plant Will Keep Jobs in U.S. . Nytimes.com . Retrieved 9 January 2017, from http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/29/business/trump-to-announce-carrier-plant-will-keep-jobs-in-us.html?_r=0 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Trump Delivers on Promises Made to American People.


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