12 Aug 2022


Trump's Transgender Military Ban Is Blocked Permanently

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Academic level: College

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Pages: 3

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Today, the US faces various security threats. In response to these threats, the country has revamped its military. One would expect that given the gravity of the threats that could compromise its security, the US would invite all willing citizens to join the military. As recent events indicate, this is not the case. Recently, the US Supreme Court endorsed a policy that the Trump administration had introduced. The main provision of the policy is that transgender individuals would be unable to continue serving in the military. Following the court’s ruling, there was an outpouring of anger, frustration and criticism. While the military transgender ban may infringe on the liberties of transgender individuals, it is a necessary measure that guarantees the effectiveness of the military.

The Issue and its Importance 

The issue selected for discussion is the ban that the Trump government imposed on transgender individuals. Through the ban, the government prohibited the military from accepting transgender people who have received gender reassignment surgery or have desires to undergo the transition process (Gessen, 2019). This ban elicited strong reactions from the American public and made its way to the Supreme Court. In a 5-4 ruling, the court upheld the ban, effectively giving the government the authority to proceed with its implementation (“US Supreme Court”, 2019). The importance of the ban primarily lies in the implications that it presents for transgender people and the wider LGBT community. Over the last few decades, the LGBT community has made tremendous progress in securing liberties and gaining acceptance. The ban presents a serious threat to the progress.

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Reason for Interest 

For this assignment, there are a wide range of different topics that I could have selected for discussion. This fact raises the question of why the question of the transgender military ban was chosen. The main reason is that I wished to gain a deeper understanding of the interplay between politics and social justice in American society. I think that the ban reflects the reality of American society today. The American people are deeply divided on nearly all major issues. These divisions have only deepened during the Trump presidency. Another reason for choosing to address the ban is that I wish to highlight the complexity of this issue. I believe that my discussion will shed light on the different complex issues that are at play.

Topic’s Significance 

The significance of Trump’s policy that bars transgender individuals cannot be overstated. That the ban highlights the role of the judiciary in intervening and providing direction on contentious issues is among the factors that underscore the ban’s significance. Before the Supreme Court issued its ruling, the ban had been debated in lower courts. For example, a court in Washington DC had ruled earlier that the ban violated the liberties of transgender individuals (Reuters, 2019). The history of the ban shows that the judiciary is increasingly playing a vital role in settling contentious and deeply divisive questions. The fact that it highlights the intersection of public policy and civil liberties is another issue that makes the ban significant. As will be made clear in the section below, the ban has inspired a fierce debate with both sides raising intriguing and valid arguments. Among the arguments is that the ban is needed to facilitate the seamless and unhampered operations of the military.

Views and Opinions 

As already noted, the transgender military ban elicited mixed reactions and views from various sectors of American society. In defense of the ban, the Trump government asserted that it was necessary to ensure that the military functions without undue hindrance. According to the government, allowing transgender individuals to serve in the military would cause disruption (“Trump asks Court”, 2018). Furthermore, the government argued that the military incurs huge medical costs as a result of the previous policy that permitted the transgender individuals to serve. On the other side of the debate are individuals who are strongly and bitterly opposed to the ban. The fact that the ban amounts to a gross violation of liberties is the main assertion that the ban’s opponents present. They argue that the ban is discriminatory as it singles out transgender people and keeps them from serving their country. Opinion polls have confirmed that the America public is also divided on whether transgender people should serve in the military. Rasmussen Reports conducted one such poll. According to the poll, 43% of Americans feel that transgender people should be permitted to serve. On the other hand, 44%, a majority of those polled support the ban (“A Nation Divided”, 2019). These figures show that as with most other critical issues, the military ban has also split opinion.

Interesting Facts/Ideas 

For the most part, those who have shared their views on the ban have approached this issue with objectivity and sobriety. For this reason, it is difficult to identify any interesting facts or ideas about the ban. However, it can be said that the ban occurs at the intersection of executive authority and the quest for LGBT rights. Personally, I agree that there is a need to safeguard the rights of communities that have historically endured abuse and mistreatment. Transgender people are undoubtedly among those whose liberties should be secured. However, I also feel that the government has an obligation to protect its people. Ensuring that the military operates smoothly is one of the steps that the government has taken to fulfill its obligation. The ban shows that the government has attempted to balance its duty of securing the nation while protecting all Americans. I would urge all the American people to support the ban and offer solutions that can be used to encourage the LGBT community to participate fully in nation building.


Gessen, M. (2019). Trump’s transgender military ban and lessons from a lifetime of gender policing. The New Yorker. Retrieved January 26, 2019 from https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/trumps-transgender-military-ban-and-lessons-from-a-lifetime-of-gender-policing

A nation divided on transgender military ban. (2019). Rasmussen Reports. Retrieved January 26, 2019 from http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/current_events/social_issues/a_nation_divided_on_transgender_military_ban

Reuters. (2019). US court rules in favor of Trump policy on transgender military limits . The Guardian . Retrieved January 26, 2019 from https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jan/04/trump-transgender-military-ban-limits-court-ruling

Trump asks court for review of transgender military ban. (2018). BBC. Retrieved January 26, 2019 from https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-46321543

US Supreme Court allows Trump military transgender ban. (2018). BBC. Retrieved January 26, 2019 from https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-46963426

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Trump's Transgender Military Ban Is Blocked Permanently .


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