23 Dec 2022


Unsolved Mysteries of History: 10 Mysterious Events That Remain Unsolved

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Academic level: High School

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Words: 398

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It is important for people to believe in a legend like King Arthur despite there being very little evidence to back up his accomplishments and existence. King Arthur is believed to have lived many years ago as depicted in numerous medieval romances and there is a possibility that the available information may be true or false. Nonetheless, would you love to see people believing in a legend that you perceive is true? Honestly, I would love to. In my view, the limited information on the legend of King Arthur should not limit one from emulating him to achieve the best one could in his or her life.

From various sources of literature, we can identify all that King Arthur achieved. “He routs the Saxons, confining them to a small section of Britain. Later he conquers the Picts, the Scots, the Irish, and among many others, the Icelanders” (Aron, 2000). Historians say that during King Arthur life he conquered a lot of cities and this is said to true. Anything that King Arthur think and wished for, he could do anything to achieve it no matter the situation. Just because King Arthur victory and legacy lasted for short duration during the medieval romances period, it’s satisfactory since he created history and accomplished significant milestones far from what an ordinary human being could have achieved. Then comes a point in his life where he greatly messed up people and made huge mistakes, and at this period the Anglo-Saxons were far better and stable than King Arthur and eventually conquered King Arthurs and ending up his legacy.

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Just because people received distorted information regarding King Arthur legacy, it doesn’t mean he wasn’t a legend. According to a statement made by Nennius, “King Arthur defeated the Saxons in twelve battles, at one point slaying 960 of the enemy in a single charge” (Aron, 2000). It’s hard to believe how King Arthur killed 960 people in one battle. Did King Arthur have enough men to fight? However, I think his army was that large, but they became victors. Sometime something may get mixed up and end up distorting the truth and hence it would be wrong to jump into conclusion without carrying out research to determine the truth. Never give up on something that you think or feel is worth believing in and I think people should believe that King Arthur was a true legend. However, some people will question King Arthur legacy and won’t believe it, and I respect it since we all have different opinions and that is okay since we are entitled to personal opinions and beliefs.


Aron, P. (2000). Unsolved mysteries of history: an eye-opening investigation into the most baffling events of all time. Barnes & Noble Books.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Unsolved Mysteries of History: 10 Mysterious Events That Remain Unsolved.


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