17 May 2022


Violence and crime of Kansas City school, colleges and universities

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Academic level: University

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Learning institutions are designed to ensure that students are accorded conducive environments in which they can learn and gain various knowledge and skillsets. In this case, therefore, governments, parents, teachers and other stakeholders in the education sector play a crucial role in ensuring that this is achieved. One of the vital aspects of this feat is ensuring the utmost security for learners as well as the teaching support staff across the country. This has, however, proven to be highly elusive considering the degree of violence that continues to arise from time to time across the country. This annotated bibliography covers the dynamics of violence among learning institutions in Kansas City which is regarded among the top five most violent cities in the country. 

Crews, G. A. (2019). Handbook of research on school violence in American K-12 education . Hershey PA: Information Science Reference. 

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Borrowing from insights in the fields of humanities and social science, the author delves into the theoretical and practical dynamics of school violence within the K-12 education category. Readers are exposed to some of the most challenging and horrific dynamics of juvenile violence across by focusing on the K-12 perpetrator. In other words, the distinguishing aspect of the book is that it deviates from other forms of violence allowing the readers to sift through various forms of violence within the school context. Covering topics such as the victim-offender gap and guns in school, the author helps the readers conceptualize what violence means within the K-12 category. While also providing insights into possible management and prevention strategies. While the book does not necessarily focus on Kansas City, insights and information gleaned from the book provide a solid base upon which the concept of violence and crime in learning institutions can be understood. 

Kirschman, K. J. B., Roberts, M. C., Shadlow, J. O., & Pelley, T. J. (2010, December). An evaluation of hope following a summer camp for inner-city youth. Child & Youth Care Forum, 39 (6), 385-396. doi. 10.1007/s10566-010-9119-1 

For Kirschman teams, addressing violence in schools must include mental health services designed to help the victims and witnesses of incidences of crime and violence in their learning institutions. With mental health cases having become prevalent among the youth, violence, and crime continue to be implicated in this particular spectrum. In light of this view, therefore, the researchers look at some of the ways of addressing the mental health issues that face children in contemporary society. Positive psychology through summer camp experiences designed to develop dance and psychosocial skills make it possible for youth to maintain a sense of hope that goes a long way in alleviating the negativity of violence. In light of this view, therefore, this study helps in the development of deeper insights into understanding two to deal with direct and indirect victims of violence among students in various levels of education across Kansas City.

Espelage, D. L., Low, S., Polanin, J. R., & Brown, E. C. (2013). The impact of a middle school program to reduce aggression, victimization, and sexual violence. Journal of Adolescent Health , 53 (2), 180-186.

Discussing violence and its prevalence within learning institutions is one thing while developing solutions is entirely a different thing. In this case, therefore, it is imperative to look at some of the fundamental strategies that can be used to help prevent and manage the violence in schools. It is with this focus, that Espelage et al. decided to evaluate some of the existing management approaches relative to their impact on the effectiveness in combating violence among youth. With their main focus being the Second Step: Student Success Through Prevention (SS-SSTP) Middle School Program, they conduct a study with the aim of establishing its efficacy. Based on their results, they go on to conclude that the methods hints at significant success considering the fact that significant reductions were noted in terms of self-reported incidences of physical aggression in schools where the intervention was implemented. This source adds to the body of work surrounding the management and prevention measures in schools which can be applied in Kansas City learning institutions. 

Zoschke, N. (2011). Crime in Kansas City: Facts, myths and student perceptions. University News, University of Missouri- Kansas City . Retrieved on 23 October 2019, from https://info.umkc.edu/unews/crime-in-kansas-city-facts-myths-and-student-perceptions/.

Zoschke, Kansas City stands out for its high crime and violence rate in the United States. Based on crime data and statistics, the author explores how crime can be difficult to quantify based on rates alone. The author goes on to explore how racial dynamics play out in the prevalence of crime and violence. Of greater significance, however, is the fact that the author looks at student perceptions relative to crime and violence rates in the city. Sampling views from students in K-12, colleges and universities, the author helps create a vivid experience of the nature of crime and violence in learning institutions in Kansas City. Zoschke insists that while crime is prevalent in Kansas City, it does mean that its level is way beyond the norm in comparison to other cities. His rallying call however, focuses on establishing efforts to address violence within various institutions of learning. 

Novak, K. (2019, September 1). KC is on track for a record number of homicides in 2019. It doesn't have to happen. The Kansas City Star . Retrieved on 23 October 2019, from https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/readers-opinion/guest-commentary/article234578187.html.

For Ken Novak, a criminal justice professor in Kansas City, violence remains a complex problem for any state or federal government. His point of view is centered on the notion that, while highly challenging the eradication of violence is achievable in the event that appropriate strategies and measures are put in place. From his point of view, the best approach involves starting with high-risk individuals, activities and places in the short term, before shifting towards the establishment of regulatory and institutional measures that will help curb the menace. The significance of his article emerges from the fact that he presents various approaches to managing and preventing crime from a Kansas City perspective. By discussing concrete and actual approaches that can be used to combat crime and violence within the city, Novak makes his article vital in moving beyond understanding the statistics and causes of crime toward actual prevention and management measures. 

Kansas City Star Editorial Board. (2018, October 15). 12 KC public schools students have been killed or shot this year. Where's the outrage? Retrieved on 23 October 2019, from https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/editorials/article219891660.html.

The Kansas City Star article by its editorial board goes a long way in helping contextualize the degree of school violence across the city. The article presents shocking fact that within a year, more than five former students have been murdered while an additional seven students were murdered over the same period. The primary goal of the article is to highlight the gravity of the school violence problem while linking it to the larger problem of community-wide violence and crime. Additionally, they introduce the concept of trauma that is prevalent among students who experience, witness and encounter issues of violence and crime. The article pinpoints poverty, economic inequality and hopelessness as underlying factors in the prevalence of crime and violence in learning institutions across Kansas City. The magnitude of deaths are a result of violence also serves to highlight the rates of crime with the city. 


Crews, G. A. (2019). Handbook of research on school violence in American K-12 education . Hershey PA: Information Science Reference.

Espelage, D. L., Low, S., Polanin, J. R., & Brown, E. C. (2013). The impact of a middle school program to reduce aggression, victimization, and sexual violence. Journal of Adolescent Health , 53 (2), 180-186.

Kansas City Star Editorial Board. (2018, October 15). 12 KC public schools students have been killed or shot this year. Where's the outrage? Retrieved on 23 October 2019, from https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/editorials/article219891660.html.

Kirschman, K. J. B., Roberts, M. C., Shadlow, J. O., & Pelley, T. J. (2010, December). An evaluation of hope following a summer camp for inner-city youth. Child & Youth Care Forum, 39 (6), 385-396. doi. 10.1007/s10566-010-9119-1

Novak, K. (2019, September 1). KC is on track for a record number of homicides in 2019. It doesn't have to happen. The Kansas City Star . Retrieved on 23 October 2019, from https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/readers-opinion/guest-commentary/article234578187.html. 

Zoschke, N. (2011). Crime in Kansas City: Facts, myths and student perceptions. University News, University of Missouri- Kansas City . Retrieved on 23 October 2019, from https://info.umkc.edu/unews/crime-in-kansas-city-facts-myths-and-student-perceptions/.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Violence and crime of Kansas City school, colleges and universities.


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